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University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

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RMC offers come first as they get to pick which UT's they want. Messages go out with the offer, acceptance (or not) come back in and then the majority of the messages go out. Some may get released early (such as the ones in programs not eligible for RMC i.e. Pharmacy, Nursing, Padre).

If anyone needs info on what RMC is like now, get in touch with someone in Otter Sqn or send me an email. It is much different (better) than it was even 2 years ago.

Oh, and they say every year that they are trying to get the messages out earlier. Said it in 2005...said it again this year lol. Expect end Mar - 1st week Apr.

Does anyone have an idea if BMOQ will be this summer for those accepting UTPNCM offers in the next few weeks?
I've read that new ROTP Civy U students wait until the summer after their first year of University (as of last year), but I haven't found any recent info for UT candidates that have to do a BMOQ (or portions of).
Good luck to everyone waiting!

tristismilitis said:
Does anyone have an idea if BMOQ will be this summer for those accepting UTPNCM offers in the next few weeks?
I've read that new ROTP Civy U students wait until the summer after their first year of University (as of last year), but I haven't found any recent info for UT candidates that have to do a BMOQ (or portions of).
Good luck to everyone waiting!


No, if required you'll do your BMOQ the summer following your acceptance into UTPNCM.
tristismilitis said:
Does anyone have an idea if BMOQ will be this summer for those accepting UTPNCM offers in the next few weeks?
I've read that new ROTP Civy U students wait until the summer after their first year of University (as of last year), but I haven't found any recent info for UT candidates that have to do a BMOQ (or portions of).
Good luck to everyone waiting!


My collegue form last year who got accepted was being loaded this summer for his BMOQ.  If you have your land PLQ completed then you can get yourself exempt from portions of it from what I understand. 
Official stance from the CDA is that if you have PLQ and you submit the paperwork you will get BMOQ MOD 1 & 2 granted.  All you need to do is email or fax a copy of your offer, MPRR and course report to their e-mail (check their intranet site out).  There is no requirement to get a COs letter again, the offer of UTP acceptance is enough.  The reasoning behind this is that since you were recommended already there is no need to create further admin work for your CoC.

If you need more information contact the CDA directly. I am sure they will be more than happy to answer your questions and help you out.

Disclaimer:  I am on the offer waiting band wagon.

Yes the waiting game is not an easy time but it is a constant theme.
I made it through the "waiting for an offer stage" (couple years ago) and now I'm at the "waiting for the outcome of a PLAR stage" in order to see what portions of BMOQ will be written off.

When I initially accepted my offer the word was that I wouldn't need to do the IAP portion, but since then the course has been combined/renamed/ changed lengths etc and some of my documents went AWOL making it look on paper as if I had not done a basic training course when I first joined.

Although it's humorous (in a ridiculous sort of way) to have it look like I made it this far in my career without basic, the temporarily missing record has prolonged the process slightly. So, while I wait for the outcome I thought I'd check here see if anyone from this year has word on what their summer training plans will be if they accept an offer.

I know the combined BMOQ course last year had people join in the 7-8th week for the portion that used to be BOTC, but it seem things change just about every year.

Ah well, I should be used to waiting by this time but I can't seem to help getting a bit antsy. Thanks to everyone for replying, I'm sure I'll be seeing you guys in St. Jean in a few months (for those that don't have all of BMOQ written off).
tristismilitis said:
Ah well, I should be used to waiting by this time but I can't seem to help getting a bit antsy. Thanks to everyone for replying, I'm sure I'll be seeing you guys in St. Jean in a few months (for those that don't have all of BMOQ written off).

You won't see them in a few months, the time frame for UTPs to receive their messages and do their cost move (if applicable) does not match when courses are running.  Most UTPs will have the first portion written off and join in week 8, which means starting BMOQ sometime in June to finish in time for school.  This would preclude a UTP candidate from doing their move in a timely manner and so if needed they will do their BMOQ the next summer. 

As for the PLAR I wouldn't worry about it to much unless you have exception circumstances that need explaining.  The last few years the SEMs have automatically sent a mass PLAR to CDA for all new UTPs.  This was to ensure that they weren't sending people on course that didn't need it.

edited for spelling
I just did a search on MCOIN and saw that there were two UTPNCM offers sent out on Friday.  These were for bachelor of science Nursing degrees for Dalhousie and Memorial, so I doubt that this affect most of the applicants; since a nursing degree isn't offered at RMC.  I'm hoping/betting that the next round of messages go out by the 1st April, since that would make ten days since the first RMC offers went out on the 22nd. 
Good luck.
Just an update my base has received my offer and I should be signing sometime within the next day or so. I will be going to RMC for Bachelor of Science. Good luck to everyone else and let me know if you need anymore info.

Make sure you get your academic PLAR done asap if you have not done so already. Admin Svcs at CDA (Tim Hochban and co.) will hook you up. You are eligible for some Science credits for POET.

You may have had a PLAR done already, but check and see if the Science Dept will want another one now that you are going full time.

In 1st year, you will be glad of even 1 spare class.

WattBot said:
So has no one seen messages yet for civi universities?

I got my offer for Pilot at University of Waterloo yesterday.
I got accepted for RMC. Anyone know when the posting msgs will be cut. I.E COS dates, HHT and all that stuff?
I received my Offer to Acadia University March 29th. This year they seem to be slower because they are coming via snail mail. The effective date is July 1st so I imagine COS date can't be more than 15 days after correct me if I'm wrong.
Good Luck everyone still waiting.
I received an offer today for civi university as MPO.  Date of message was April 6th.  Also got an email from someone trying to round up responses from people who had not accepted yet so that they can get ready to send out second round of offers.  Good luck for those still waiting!
Change of Strength can be adjusted 30 days + or - without a change of message. Just takes a memo with a bit of justification.

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