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traditions in your cadet corps

Jonny Boy

Sr. Member
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i was just wondering if any of your cadet corps have any certain traditions that they follow and what they are.

just curiouse
in my corp at every Christmas dinner the CO trades tunics with the youngest cadet. (the Co can never get it on though) i know that we got that one from our affiliated unit. that is one of our traditions.

i think traditions are great. it is a good way to pass down what so many people before you have done.
We have a few, all involving the seniors and the leaving of the cadet sqn commander though...
Here are the list of traditions found at 223 RCSCC Longueuil:

1) The ship's bell - Every Sea Cadet unit must have a bell representing their unit, just like every HMC Ship.
2) The Brass Gunner's Chain - This is worn by the Coxs'n of our unit. This is passed down from chief to chief and their names are engraved on the gunner call.
3) The young CO's day - Once a year, we have the youngest cadet act as CO for a day. This is a wonderful experience in the life of a cadet.
4) Parent and Cadet day - Once a year also, we invite the parents of our cadets to come and follow their child, and do the same thing that they do during a whole training night. This is always a great activity.

We have more, however I cannot really think of them right now. Good day!
oh and another tradition is before a newly appointed rsm gets chief the rsm from the year before gives the new rsm a shinny MWO badge. it is pretty much the same but instead of the regular badge this one is much sharper looking. this started i think it was 6 or 7 rsms ago. so it has been around.
Our corps has a strange tradition, one that I find kind of pointless, but upon dismissal on parade, we do a right turn, yell "JUMPERS!" really loudly, and march off parade.
in my corp at every Christmas dinner the CO trades tunics with the youngest cadet. (the Co can never get it on though) i know that we got that one from our affiliated unit. that is one of our traditions.

My Squadron does the same thing.  it's an old RCAF mess tunic.

Upon retirement from the program (pending you graduation from the LHQ training).  Out going WO2's and WO1's are given a retirement parade, a march past and are allowed to inspect the unit with the CO and dignitaries.  They receive the traditional gift from the Squadron, which in an engraved pewter mug with service dates and rank on them.  They are then piped off the parade square by the Sqn. PM.


I guess I'll add a bit more information about my corps.  When we're dismissed the cadets shout "Fidelis et Paratus" the motto of the Ontario Regiment (which means "Faithful and Prepared").  Also for retiring cadets ... any cadet that reaches the rank of Warrant Officer is marched off parade by the CO, same for MWOs but they also receive a regimental beer mug, and the CWO has a formal change of RSM Ceremony (where they hand the RSMs pacestick down to the next RSM and are marched off by the CO with their mug).
We have the one where the CO switches his mess dress tunic with the youngest cadet in the corp. The youngest cadet then calls on the CO to go get him something like a coke. Also the officers serve us dinner when we have our Christmas Mess Dinner.
when a cadet gets promoted to chief, the CO and the DCO swaps the epillettes for him/her. when we march off, we yell left right left gunners. thats all i can think of.
Us at the end of the parade night we yell "ulluhm" which is our corps motto. it means ready
we have a thing in oru corps that when ever we are in combats, we do push-ups at the end of the trainging night

rangers said:
we have a thing in oru corps that when ever we are in combats, we do push-ups at the end of the trainging night


That's not really a traditio.

When we are in combats I give pushups (that are optional) at the end of my NCOs parade (NCOs are inspected by RSM prior to inspecting their cadets) to encourage the cadets to develop their physical fitness.
-Hutch- said:
in my corp at every Christmas dinner the CO trades tunics with the youngest cadet. (the Co can never get it on though) i know that we got that one from our affiliated unit. that is one of our traditions.

i think traditions are great. it is a good way to pass down what so many people before you have done.

AAHHH yes, but do you guys smear butter packets in the pockets before returning it?  ;D
umm i dont think a 12 year old would have the guts to do that to there CO after the Co tells the cadet not to get any food on it at all
-Hutch- said:
umm i dont think a 12 year old would have the guts to do that to there CO after the Co tells the cadet not to get any food on it at all

pfft, pussies  ;D ::)

I joke, Our CO is well aware of whats likely to happen to it, so its not a surprise to him.