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traditions in your cadet corps

ya it should be a joke. you were a cadet once. and if you get in the Co's bad books right away than there is no hope for you while he is CO.

you are the reserves though. and usually you are all drunk out of your minds so it is a little more understandable
we're you at the last Christmas Dinner? I hd one of your Officers mad at me for throwing food at you guys  ::)

I was sitting in amoungst the 2 guys that were puking.
oh the bald guy that was drinking the pee and the other guy that passed out and fell in his puke

ya i was right across from you laughing the whole night. i was one of the mwo's sitting right by the officers at my table
;D Shhh, careful what stories you pass along on a public forum, could get some people in trouble.

Were you watching the "I bet you cant bust open my eyebrow in 10 punches" game? Man was I busted up by the end of the night...
no when wes that. i saw you guys punching some one of the guys in the head when he were " sleeping"
but i think that was to wake him for the toasts lol

it was an awsome night. i remember one of my shts got nailed in the face by one of the potato things
Yah it was a good night, although a lot of ...how do I put this, "not so desirable" occassions happened throughout the night, everyone who could actually hold their own with the bottle took good care of those who got a little carried away, ensured everyone got home safely and made for some hilarious stories.

I've grown my hair out a bit since then  ;)

We had a riot throwing potatoes....
what. were you the bald guy? 

i could see that the ones that got carried away were the newer and younger ones. the ones that looked a bit older were helping out as best the could.
Yup. Sadly, I was the only one to stay conscious in our group and eventually sobered up. That meant I involunarily took the job of looking after everyone else around me.

The reason things were so bad is because a few of us had been up in the Sgt mess before the dinner even started...

(I'll PM you a detailed story as its a bit graphic for here)
ok sound like fun.

i have seen you a couple of times at the fort. i think your locker is right near the cadet office.
Sgt.Fitzpatrick said:
In my air cadet sqn when a cadets gets his wings we cut his tie.
i have to say it, but isnt that damaging DND property?...even if it is just a little 'ol tie
ouyin2000 said:
i have to say it, but isnt that damaging DND property?...even if it is just a little 'ol tie

true, but you cant have an bum puckered up that much ALL the time...

Mod: Please dont swear.
At my corps we do the mock and abseil towers. when we do, the jumpmaster puts his dog into a special harness, and sends him down the line.
We dont really have any traditions.. But we do "Lorne Scot-inize" all of our awards and stuff.. Like our Colonel Clarry has a mini Lorne Scot Kilt glued to it..
armygurl_557 said:
We dont really have any traditions.. But we do "Lorne Scot-inize" all of our awards and stuff.. Like our Colonel Clarry has a mini Lorne Scot Kilt glued to it..

Thats just sick...Im repulsed...
Our markers call out their numbers when sizing from tallest to shortest.  Not too sure how proper or common it is, but we do it  :P
At my squadron, when a cadet turns 18 or 19, we beat them up.
(at the dissmiss, the whole squadron chases them down, tackles them, and throws them in a cold shower...... pictures are taken, minor injuries are occassionally sustained, and everyone has fun).