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traditions in your cadet corps

now that i can agree to

in my first year or two, there were the "hardcore" seniors who knew to have "fun" i guess you could call it.

things have changed a lot in the last few years, especially with the inception of the CHAP program
lol, thats pretty much what I meant, though it wasnt because of chap. Just all my favourite seniors either left or aged out after about a year of me being there. Then we got a new co..eek.  I love the DCO though, well, I think hes your acting CO now. Im not entirely sure, my mom is still part of the parents group until after the anual for some reason, so I have a vaige idea of whats going on.
actually, the officer you are refering to is the DCO right now, and i think he is a great officer. ive had many good experiences with him
As a cadet we would usually go commando on any annual or graduation parades; I personally have chosen to OPT out of this tradition due to heavy chaffing.  ;)
GunnerySgtHartman said:
As a cadet we would usually go commando on any annual or graduation parades; I personally have chosen to OPT out of this tradition due to heavy chaffing.   ;)

I can't see going "commando" being ideal in any sort of cadet situation, let alone a parade of sorts.  :P
But you havn't truly lived, until you've worn a kilt in a parade. With lots of people watching, so you hope the wind doesn't get REALLY gusty.
I can see that warranting a CLI Adventure badge all in its own!
Yes Our cadet corps has many traditions...Many of which involve some one wrestling with a more senior rank. We also have a tradition Passed down through our regiment...Our flags are kept by out mascot Chief Petawamuch. Thats all i can think of. :salute: :cdn:

I'm from 2824 RCAC in Mississauga, Ontario. We have some of the same traditions as everyone else. Including the youngest cadets sitting at the head table at the x-mas dinner and the officers serving us dinner. We also have this tradition with the passing of aging out RSM to the new RSM, a special coin with the MP symbol on it is also given to the new RSM. This coin has been passed down for the last 10 yrs, and hopefully it stays an awesome tradition.

We also have a sort of tradition for the last 4 yrs where our corp takes 20 seniors down to Quantico to train with the marines during march break. Bur we broke tradition this year in favour for a trip to Holland to celelbrate the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Holland at the end of the 2nd World War which was contributed to greatly by Canadians.