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traditions in your cadet corps

I'm not sure if everyone does this or not but at my air cadet sqd. if you drop your wedge on the brass you have to kiss it.
And if you bang your rifle butt on the pavement while doing drill you have to kiss the butt of the rifle.

I'm not sure if thats sanitary but its tradition. We're pretty lenient if someone is grossed out by it then they don't have to but most people do. It feels good to be holding up a tradition that has been done since the sqd. was made. :)
We have the similar tradition for newer cadets where if the cookie cutter on their beret falls off, they have to kiss it. 'Tis a good one; I lost mine to the ground more than once.  :P
Earlam said:
At my squadron, when a cadet turns 18 or 19, we beat them up.
(at the dissmiss, the whole squadron chases them down, tackles them, and throws them in a cold shower...... pictures are taken, minor injuries are occassionally sustained, and everyone has fun).
Wow ... I definatly wish my cadets could beat me up when I retire (in full ceremonial dress of course) ... they could even use my own pacestick to do it ... wow that would really make my cadet experiance complete ... and since its at annual the detachment could join in .... how about that?{!}{!}

My cadets couldn't take me on anyways .... oh, and I do hope the original post was a joke, because mine sure was.
I have a very appalling feeling that it was not. I hope to God the "beating up" in the original post is play fighting, but even then... yeouch.
william said:
I'm not sure if everyone does this or not but at my air cadet sqd. if you drop your wedge on the brass you have to kiss it.
And if you bang your rifle butt on the pavement while doing drill you have to kiss the butt of the rifle.

I'm not sure if thats sanitary but its tradition. We're pretty lenient if someone is grossed out by it then they don't have to but most people do. It feels good to be holding up a tradition that has been done since the sqd. was made. :)

the kissing of the cap badge it done every were, and if it isn't it should be. you are kissing the crown. showing respect to the queen. that is why if you drop anything with the queens or kings crown on it than you have to kiss it, including ceremonial belt buckles.
Well that's definitely not the reasoning behind it within my Corps... but it's nice to now the real story behind it!
It seems that most Cadet Units have a Christmas Dinner and we do it too . At my Unit we have a few great traditions. We have not missed and volunteer work with in the community for the past 27 years such as the poppy campaign for our legion and run for reach that we have been doing for the past 10 years or so. Mug outs are good to for the Cadets that have aged out. :cdn:
one of the traditions my unit has is when a cadet ages out, we have a COs parade, but instead of the CO, the cadet aging out gets to stand on the dias for the march past.

they are also presented with a formal picture of them in uniform, and a mug with the regimental crest on it
For our cadets aging out all across the Island of Cape Breton, really, in the RCAC, they usually share some sort of group dance together when the last song is played at our SDA trip dance. 'Tis nice :)
oh ya i forgot tabout this one

when a cadet in my corp reaches the rank of Sgt and ages out they get to keep there tunic, beret and cap badge
A lot of these poor traditions are hardcore against regulations   :P Guess that's what makes them so fun!
Being an officer with a newly formed squadron has advantages. We don't have any traditions yet except for those we brought from our old unit.

We are trying out some ideas and our Sgts & WOs mess is helping out with that as well (now that they have a constitution)

Back when all the good people were still in my corps, we used to tie all the napkins together under the table at mess dinners. To be honest I dont remember some of the other stuff we did, but it was fun...was..

Dogbert said:
...when all the good people were still in my corps...
i beg to differ...everybody has their own idea of what a "good corps" is, or what a "good cadet" is

also, it is no longer "your corps", so please dont talk down about what we do