In my bleeding liberal {small-l liberal I might add) heart, "Great, we didn't join because we shouldn't encourage nonsense".
In my head though, its "Might as well have joined, we lose nothing by doing so and might get some better trade deals in the process, Whoohoo!"
A little conflicted I am.
Ballistic Missile Defense, does not work. Lets not make no beefs about it, it does not work. Yet at least.
The recent test to the contrary, actually accomplished what people thought the Patriot missile could do ten years ago, namely shoot down a Scud missile. Probably a good thing for regional defense, but still useless for what we really worry about, i.e. Interncontinental Ballistic Missiles.
I agree with you on this one. And I've also at times been conflicted as to whether to sign on or not. Sometimes I thought, "It doesn't work so why sign on?" and "It doesn't work anyway so why not sign on?"
I think in the end the only reason the Americans wanted us to have anything to do with BMD was to legitimize the project to their countrymen and to the world. If we had signed on they could point to "Big, friendly, peace loving Canada even signing on to the programme, look they don't think it will start an arms race either."
As far as conceding soverignty goes, the US doesn't recognize the Northwest passage as Canadain territory and have reportedly been sending submarines through. Back in the 80's they did the same thing and that was when we had a Prime Minister that liked nothing better than to grovel to them (Mulroney). Our territorial soveriegnty means nothing to them, however if concede politically by doing as they wish every time they ask then our sovereignty has truly been relinquished.
Then there's the fact of what signing on would do poilitcally to our country. The program is a non-starter in Quebec, if Martin had signed he might as well have conceded the entire province to the Bloc in the next election. This could very well mean the Bloc becoming the official opposition again, only in a minority government. How dangerous would that be to our country? Probably more so than some concievable rogue state wanting to shoot a nuke at us or the US and being willing to be nuked in return.