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The 'What If Canada Gets Attacked' Superthread

pitdroid said:
Yes, but i know a lot of people who can't get in the military because there not recruiting many people.

I hear ya, I've met quite a few who either can't get into the military or who aren't able to transfer from the reserves into the regular forces.

I feel lucky to have this job considering the status of recruiting today.

I know we in the infantry are in fact overstaffed by quota standards.  But really in the infantry, what in the hell is overstaffed?
If there were ever a trade you wanted to be huge it would be the infantry.

Maybe to justify us needing a larger military (85 000 regulars instead of 70 000 for example) we could say that we need it to sustain more missions overseas.  I mean it's all well and good that we are able to sustain the tempo in Afghanistan.  But what if we needed to do something similar like that elsewhere.  Or even just go for humanitarian relief or peace enforcement missions.  I think Canada should realize that our military can be a very good asset in a lot of places around the world at once.  For that we may need more troops.
Wolf117 said:
  But really in the infantry, what in the hell is overstaffed?

Unfortunately, its the same as any other trade : More people than the government has said we could have.

If there were ever a trade you wanted to be huge it would be the infantry.

I'm not sure what the current CF tooth-to-tail ratio is but if you increase the size of the infantry, you have to increase the means to support them by a larger number. No point having a huge infantry corps if we don't have the corresponding people to supply and support them. Furthermore, you then need to increase the number of engineers, artillery, etc...

I dont think i would say that "If there were ever a trade you wanted to be huge it would be the infantry"..........

Or even just go for humanitarian relief or peace enforcement missions.

We have indeed done humanitarian missions while Afghanistan was going on. We have also decided to fight another shooting war while Afghanistan is still going on. We even took our turn at policing the skies in Iceland while Afghanistan AND Libya was going on.

I think Canada should realize that our military can be a very good asset in a lot of places around the world at once. 

I think Canadians realize that. I don't think Canadians are willing to pay for it.
Wolf117 said:
I hear ya, I've met quite a few who either can't get into the military or who aren't able to transfer from the reserves into the regular forces.

I feel lucky to have this job considering the status of recruiting today.

I know we in the infantry are in fact overstaffed by quota standards.  But really in the infantry, what in the hell is overstaffed?
If there were ever a trade you wanted to be huge it would be the infantry.

Maybe to justify us needing a larger military (85 000 regulars instead of 70 000 for example) we could say that we need it to sustain more missions overseas.  I mean it's all well and good that we are able to sustain the tempo in Afghanistan.  But what if we needed to do something similar like that elsewhere.  Or even just go for humanitarian relief or peace enforcement missions.  I think Canada should realize that our military can be a very good asset in a lot of places around the world at once.  For that we may need more troops.

Yes, I think even an extra 15,000 to 20,000 soldiers would be good and more peacekeeping missions would prove why we need them.
pitdroid said:
Yes, I think even an extra 15,000 to 20,000 soldiers would be good and more peacekeeping missions would prove why we need them.

How did you come up with these numbers?
dangerboy said:
How did you come up with these numbers?

Because in Wolf117's post he said that 85,000 instead of 70,000, that works out to 15,000.
Alright pitroid,

Before you go any further, start fleshing out your opinions. Where is the money coming from? How many do we need? How do we finance the equipment? How long before the unit is up to full line strength? Where do we base this force?

Quit throwing out figures that have no bearing and start making an argument for your idea.

We don't make a habit of locking threads in Radio Chatter, but there's always an exception.

Milnet.ca Staff
Freeing Willy has a whole different meaning when you've been at sea for 3 months.....
this thread was only supposed to be talking about the petition that i found, everyone just started getting of the subject i guess. And i just want Infantry to open up again because me and a lot of people i know want to join.
Hi everyone, today I will be voicing my opinion on the military in Ottawa.

Disclaimer: I am only a highschool student whom has no military experience. This is my thoughts and opinions. IE. Please don't get angry if you disagree.

When I started researching military in our nations capital; Ottawa, I found it quite weird that there is not more units than there is.
If you visit this webpage, you will find all the army units in Ottawa.

I would think there is at least one large regular forces combat arms unit in Ottawa.

The reason I suspect why there is not is:

Back when Canada was founded, Ottawa, was chosen as the location of the capital (this is only one of the reasons) for seceruity reasons. At the time the main enemy was the Americans (Fenian raids) and Ottawa is close to the US border, but there is lots of room to stop them.

Ottawa being the capital has a large target on it's back if we were ever involved in a large scale war (IE WW3). If a conflict like this did arise, the distance away from sea would not matter as they could gain access into the city Via other methods IE. parachuting. Or in a NBC warfare situation Ottawa would need tremendous help (as would any other city) yet Ottawa I suspect is one of the main targets in a situation like this.

So now why isn't there a greater military presence in Ottawa?
I would love to hear your opinions.

If I remember my history we were invaded 3 time's.. The first we chased em across
the border all the way back to the Capital and burned something down,,,the other
2 time's we just kicked butt and sent then home....Vancouver in 6....
Scoty B
pitdroid said:
this thread was only supposed to be talking about the petition that i found, everyone just started getting of the subject i guess. And i just want Infantry to open up again because me and a lot of people i know want to join.

Wouldn't the Marines fall under the Naval command?



What's with all the the invasion of Canada threads?  The humidity must be affecting many....



the 48th regulator said:

What's with all the the invasion of Canada threads?  The humidity must be affecting many....



Yes, there has been a lot lately
Bacon said:
Hi everyone, today I will be voicing my opinion on the military in Ottawa.

Disclaimer: I am only a highschool student whom has no military experience. This is my thoughts and opinions. IE. Please don't get angry if you disagree.

When I started researching military in our nations capital; Ottawa, I found it quite weird that there is not more units than there is.
If you visit this webpage, you will find all the army units in Ottawa.

I would think there is at least one large regular forces combat arms unit in Ottawa.

The reason I suspect why there is not is:

Back when Canada was founded, Ottawa, was chosen as the location of the capital (this is only one of the reasons) for seceruity reasons. At the time the main enemy was the Americans (Fenian raids) and Ottawa is close to the US border, but there is lots of room to stop them.

Ottawa being the capital has a large target on it's back if we were ever involved in a large scale war (IE WW3). If a conflict like this did arise, the distance away from sea would not matter as they could gain access into the city Via other methods IE. parachuting. Or in a NBC warfare situation Ottawa would need tremendous help (as would any other city) yet Ottawa I suspect is one of the main targets in a situation like this.

So now why isn't there a greater military presence in Ottawa?
I would love to hear your opinions.


Dude a huge portion of the CF works in and around the NCR.

I think you should post less and read more...just saying is all you know as an opinion and all.
Lots of Army stuff down the road in Petawawa.

In the meantime, you may want to look up:

76 Comm Group

I'm sure I forgot lots.

Are you expecting an airborne assault on the NCR anytime soon?  I'm overseeding my lawn this weekend and I hate it when it gets trampled on by the Spetsnaz.
Not if they were Space Marines, then they would fall under the Air Force.
Occam said:
Are you expecting an airborne assault on the NCR anytime soon?  I'm overseeding my lawn this weekend and I hate it when it gets trampled on by the Spetsnaz.

It was hypothetical, but who likes a trampled lawn?
I hear you Pitdroid, I would love to have a larger military capable of carrying on more than just one major operation at a time.  (To our airforce friends I am not trying to diminish the gravity of Operation Mobile, rather I simply mean that it would be nice to carry out multiple complex ground operations at once.  Libya is important, but it is not Afghanistan style in that it does not require large numbers of ground forces massed and supported over a long period of time.  Still you fly boys are doing a bang up job giving it to Ghaddafi, so is the navy btw.)

Seeing as you aren't military pitdroid and it can be hard making a argument based on experiences, especially first hand ones, let me lend my support the to premise you are stating.  That having a slightly larger military could be a good thing for Canada and the world.

Firsly let me say this, there seems to be no shortage of young Canadians willing to sign up and serve.  Especially when it comes to the infantry and combat arms.  At present we are over our quota for personnel.  So to think it would be hard to recruit enough people to increase our size would be wrong.  Where the problem lies is in the economy and the budget.  The elected government of Canada states how much we can spend to do this.  Not only that but they state how many people can be allocated to a given mission.  Take Afghanistan for example, the Task Force has a certain number of positions in it.  Regardless of how many infantry soldiers want to go there, the reality is there are only so many spots for us.  I know of quite a few troops who were lucky enough to get in and get trained, but were unable to find a spot on the mission.
I'll state my reasons for increasing the size of the military in another post.  This forum program starts jumping around after you reach a certain number of lines.
Bacon said:
Yes, there has been a lot lately

You think?

Man, I logged into militaryphotos.net, so they are not down.  Just wondering why all the "Invasion" threads are sprouting here...

