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The 'What If Canada Gets Attacked' Superthread

    I think if the US invaded that they would defeat the majority of are forces quickly,
but I think there would be pockets of CF resistance kinda like guerrillas and they would knock out the Americans supply's and disrupt communications.
    I think that the guerrilla warfare would go on for years maybe and eventually cost the Americans to much in money in lives.  :cdn:
Enough with serious discussion!!! This is Radio Chatter!!! (as he kicks something down the well)

pitdroid said:
    I think if the US invaded that they would defeat the majority of are forces quickly,
but I think there would be pockets of CF resistance kinda like guerrillas and they would knock out the Americans supply's and disrupt communications.
    I think that the guerrilla warfare would go on for years maybe and eventually cost the Americans to much in money in lives.  :cdn:

At the risk of coming full circle and turning this into Groundhog Day ( the movie), I again offer:

Radio Free Canada Announcers:

It's 11:59 on Radio Free Canada; this is Bob & Doug McKenzie, with music, and the truth until dawn. Right now we've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone: "the chair is against the wall, eh. the chair is against the wall, eh", "john has a long mustache, hoser. john has a long mustache, hoser". It's twelve o'clock, Hoser time, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on, or behind the line, this is your song.

pitdroid said:
    I think if the US invaded that they would defeat the majority of are forces quickly,
but I think there would be pockets of CF resistance kinda like guerrillas and they would knock out the Americans supply's and disrupt communications.
    I think that the guerrilla warfare would go on for years maybe and eventually cost the Americans to much in money in lives.  :cdn:

Hasta la victoria siempre. ¡Patria o Muerte!

Te abraza con todo fervor revolucionario !!


I'd counter-attack Washington D.C. with a battalion of angry squirrels hidden in a cement mixer.  :nod:
Good2Golf said:
I'd counter-attack Washington D.C. with a battalion of angry squirrels hidden in a cement mixer.  :nod:

.........and have them especially pissed off by running the drum for the last five miles before the objective :D
recceguy said:
.........and have them especially pissed off by running the drum for the last five miles before the objective :D

Well that's actually an SOP, so it went without saying, but good point to add for those unfamiliar with Sciuridae-based Operations (SBOs).


Good2Golf said:
Well that's actually an SOP, so it went without saying, but good point to add for those unfamiliar with Sciuridae-based Operations (SBOs).


Oh no!  Did I breech SBO OPSEC?  :o

I'm on their shit list now for sure. Matter of fact, as we speak, I can see a couple of covert ones pacing off my yard and digging in at various spots on the property. I'm hesitant about going outside now. :-\
Good2Golf said:
Well that's actually an SOP, so it went without saying, but good point to add for those unfamiliar with Sciuridae-based Operations (SBOs).


OK, I want a couple of these to look after my wife while I'm at BMQ this summer...

But what would our SOF (Sea Lions, Orcas and Ferrets) do.

I think if we were to send a battalion of Moose down through New England to overrun Boston, we could then RV with our Orcas to launch a seaborne invasion of Washington DC, while we could also send beavers through the Adirondacks ie, upper New York state, to plug up the aqueducts which supply New York with water.

With Boston Neutraized, we would have a port for resupply and reinforcements. With New York out of water, the US forces would need to mount a rescue operation which would tie up a good portion of their forces.

By invading Washington we could really bring the war home to the US politicians and get peace negotiations started
SherH2A said:
But what would our SOF (Sea Lions, Orcas and Ferrets) do.

They could be the 50,000 member Marine Force that certain individuals think we need.
recceguy said:
They could be the 50,000 member Marine Force that certain individuals think we need.


You mean 500,000 troops




the 48th regulator said:

You mean 500,000 troops




Either, or. They are both complete fantasy (and not the good, first person shooter, game type  ;) )
recceguy said:
Either, or. They are both complete fantasy (and not the good, first person shooter, game type  ;) )

Yes yes,

but 50,000 is but a mere blip, in the grandiose plans of some great thinkers on the internet.  You do a disservice by misquoting them.

That would be akin to saying that Ignatief ran a phenomenal campaign, and deserves the Majority win he and the Liberals achieved in the last election.  :-*

Hasta Siempre

SherH2A said:
I think if we were to send a battalion of Moose down through New England to overrun Boston,

Apparently moose have a fair body count in Newfoundland.  It might work.

Do they arm those damned squirrels nowadays?  They caused a lot of low scores some years back at the ranges at Shilo.  And now they could shoot back! 