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The 'What If Canada Gets Attacked' Superthread

You are still talking about a Unit you have no personal experience with ( US Marines) and comparing them to others that you have little to no experience with.  It is Radio Chatter and more open but a good rule of thumb is to talk about what you know. 

I have worked with Marines and they are up there in their abilities.  More often then not they are used as  a yardstick to compare yourself to.

and to add; They are one of THE most perfessional branches of any military I have worked with.
NavyHopeful said:
it is just what I believe.

This belief is based on what ? How much have you worked with US military forces ?

And, for the record, the last time I checked, we were ALL on the SAME side...

Irrelevant. This is not a "Us against you" thing. This is a "NavyHopeful stuck his foot in his mouth" thing.
NavyHopeful said:
The only reason USMC is so popular is because of the fact that they have people from all of the elements of the US Armed Forces.

NavyHopeful said:
CDN Aviator:  Thank you for correcting me. I was only stating that which I THOUGHT I knew...

It's one or the other, not both.
Well, seeing as I'm up to my knee now, with no hope of recovery, I for one welcome our new US overlords, and hope that they will be able to inform us if we require the services of an added Marine Corps...

I give myself a BIG  :facepalm:

I gotta learn to stay in my lane and not post when I'm half asleep and my brain isn't working properly...

Sorry guys.

Oh, and to the three people who deducted 300 milpoints from me earlier, I thank you.  Proper punishment for a bonehead move...

Thanks for keeping me honest, guys.  I hereby retract any statement I made in this thread.  I now have no opinion regarding this topic.

***Edited for Spelling***
Stop grovelling.  :blotto:

Unless your practicing prostrating yourself in front of your new conquerors when they take over ;D
recceguy said:
Stop grovelling.  :blotto:

Unless your practicing prostrating yourself in front of your new conquerors when they take over ;D

I can't help it... My wife has my man-card...

pitdroid said:
I think if America is going to invade anyone it would be Mexico with the drug wars going on, its spreading to America and Canada. American civilians are getting caught in the middle of it too. It doesn't make sense for Canada and America to send troops half way around the world on peacekeeping missions, when theres wars going on just below us in North America.

I could be completely wrong but I would say that it's just about impossible to stop the drug trade and the drug problem is all over the world. Providing we have people around the world just trying to survive then we will have people that will grow drugs, move drugs or whatever else with drugs. A person with nothing to loose is a scary force. Add greed and a willingness to exploit the poor then you have a real problem. 

From a strategic point of view how do you try to stop it?

Plan 1: Go after the bottom guys.
Staving, needy or greedy people can be found everywhere so their will always be pawns to exploit.

Plan 2: Go after the heads of cartels.
Taking out the leaders will just make smaller groups or gangs. It might not be as organizes on a global level but they will still get the job done. In the end greed will make these people fight for control everything putting us back to square one.

Plan 3: Put something in the water to cure greed.
This could work :)

Plan 4: Cure the drug problem so there is no longer a demand.
I don't have any facts on this but I would guess that drug usage isn't going down so we can safely say its not going to work itself out.

Plan 5: Create a world war.
Perhaps if everybody is fighting for their lives then they wouldn't be worried about getting high?

Plan 6: Legalize all drugs and tax them.
The drug police could be reassigned instead of being laid off and you could build tons of drug clinics with the tax money. You could potentially make a big difference in unemployment by doing this and save lots of money in retirement funds since people may not live as long.

Anyway, goodluck with your fight on drugs. :)
Okay, I have no plan for how to stop the drug wars nor do I care about them and whats going on down there, I'm just stating to the original post that I think America would invade Mexico before they would invade Canada. There is a way better possibility of them invading Mexico than Canada, and I only picked Mexico because its Americas only other neighbor. >:(
Maybe we should invade Mexico so we can have some other warm places to visit that belong to us...of course, because it'll be considered part of Canada, Air Canada will charge you through the arse for a ticket...
medicineman said:
Maybe we should invade Mexico so we can have some other warm places to visit that belong to us...of course, because it'll be considered part of Canada, Air Canada will charge you through the arse for a ticket...

And if the ticket prices don't go through the arse, the food and water will... ;D
pitdroid said:
Does everything have to be a joke on here?

If you post an absurd topic expect to get absurd (read: intentionally absurd) responses.
Well, I thought i would see what you guys thought about the petition. The idea isn't bad, but i think maybe 10,000 people is more realistic.
pitdroid said:
Well, I thought i would see what you guys thought about the petition. The idea isn't bad, but i think maybe 10,000 people is more realistic.

I think getting a couple of ships to resupply our frigates would be more realistic...though at the speed the procurement process is going, about as likely as the government deciding to hire 10,000 extra soldiers to plunk on these multipurpose vessels.
