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The Khadr Thread

rnkelly said:
Do you think he thinks of himself as a Canadian Sir?

Does it matter?  What matters is the game that is being played out to seek the least amount of incarceration and to play on the sympathies of Canadians.  It is a matter of "convenience" for many in his family.  They are "using" Canada.
I swear I will lose my mind if the Canadian government pays him one red cent if and when he gets "repatriated" and I use that term loosely. My son was repatriated and to use that term to describe bringing back to Canadad that traitorous little SOB....Further to this, if and when this terrorist comes back and is given a huge award, I will demand that the government stop it and sink the money into the Soldier On fund and Military Families Fund.
HavokFour said:
Canadian of convenience.
I think we can all agree on that!

Jim Seggie said:
I swear I will lose my mind if the Canadian government pays him one red cent if and when he gets "repatriated" and I use that term loosely. My son was repatriated and to use that term to describe bringing back to Canadad that traitorous little SOB....Further to this, if and when this terrorist comes back and is given a huge award, I will demand that the government stop it and sink the money into the Soldier On fund and Military Families Fund.
Don't worry Mr. Seggie, Khadr won't be getting the same type of Ceremony and Etiquette as your son. 
No he won't. But Khadr is alive. He will be free. And him and his traitorous family may get a huge payout. How's that for justice?
He'll be free in 8 years but let's not jump the gone on a payout by the government, don't see that happening.
rnkelly said:
He'll be free in 8 years but let's not jump the gone on a payout by the government, don't see that happening.

Oh really??? And just tell us how you don't see that happening?
rnkelly said:
He'll be free in 8 years but let's not jump the gone on a payout by the government, don't see that happening.

He will be free in much less than 8 years thanks to the Canadian justice system. After that, he will take the government to court for not bringing him back to Canada while he was in GB.
CDN Aviator said:
He will be free in much less than 8 years thanks to the Canadian justice system. After that, he will take the government to court for not bringing him back to Canada while he was in GB.

And that is why he will recieve a huge payout.
Well, he'd have to prove that the GoC knew he was getting tortured.  The definition of torture at the time was quite foggy.
It is interesting how you can come on here and say all these nice things about how things problems should be solved in nice peaceful ways, sadly this is not the case as we clearly see all over the world. Khadr does not seem to feel any remorse for what he has done, his family were given the opportunity to come here and enjoy life and yet they rejected that and left.  Radical Islam is a very real threat, and realistic threats in this day in age should not be taken lightly. Khadr has not deserved any right to come back to this country, there are thousands if not millions of people who desire to have what he and his family chose to give up here. You seem to have a rather negative view of the military. Let me ask you a question, who is it that keeps you safe from outside threats, if you were in a hostage situation with your life on the line in a foreign country.... Soldiers do. These people have given everything, including their lives at times, to protect our country and people. Obviously there are going to be rotten apples on the tree, but the majority of these apples are quite healthy and edible. It is easy for someone to criticize while sitting comfortably where ever they are, and who have never been or will ever be in a situation like a war zone. If someone really wants to better the world then that person should put it into deeds and not just continue to use it as words. Khadr was a part of a society which kills anyone who disagree with them, I don't feel compassion for someone like that. The world is not a pretty place, that is why there are soldiers and they do what they have go to do. Hopefully someday so will I as one.

rnkelly said:
I think we can all agree on that!
Don't worry Mr. Seggie, Khadr won't be getting the same type of Ceremony and Etiquette as your son.
rnkelly said:
Sorry didn't realize that you were also CDN Lawyer.

I'd argue that Khadr is a victim of the way International Law has been applied.  I'm not condoning what he did for the record.

Note:  While I think this topic is great to discuss/debate, it has disappointed me where this thread has gone.  Seeing CF members make reference to enjoy killing, using hellfire missiles  is in bad taste.  While understandable points of view I don't see this forum as the venue for such venting for supposed proffessional soldiers.

Whats unprofessional about talking about killing? We do it. I'm at peace with it. no venting at all. Whats wrong with dropping a hellfire and humanely killing a terrorist? personally I got a wife and two kid's, I don't desire to leave home and risk my life for my country...but it's my duty to the country I serve.I put the country before them. The profession of arms involves killing. Whats hard to understand about that? Personally this Khadr has proven he's a broken toy. Send him back to Afgan and watch him. Let him lead us back to other terrorist and kill them.

As for enjoying killing, what do YOU wish me to do? I already feel horriable about watching comrades die...should I feel bad about killing the enemy to please you?
rnkelly said:
They didn't plead guilty.

I dont think thats going to matter much. He will say that he was tortured in Gitmo....that the GoC knew it and that the GoC did nothing to protect him.

He will win.
I've spent my entire career til about a year ago practicing and discussing ways we can have the Grim Reaper pay house calls on our nation's foes. There is absolutley nothing wrong with that.
We are soldiers. Soldiers may have to kill people. If anyone has an issue with that being discussed on this board, maybe you should choose not  to participate.
rnkelly said:
They didn't plead guilty.

If everyone who didn't plead guilty sued, where would we be today.  I would be taxed at ten times what I earn and I'd be broke.  So would you and everyone else on this board. 
dogger1936 said:
Whats unprofessional about talking about killing? We do it. I'm at peace with it. no venting at all. Whats wrong with dropping a hellfire and humanely killing a terrorist? personally I got a wife and two kid's, I don't desire to leave home and risk my life for my country...but it's my duty to the country I serve.I put the country before them. The profession of arms involves killing. Whats hard to understand about that? Personally this Khadr has proven he's a broken toy. Send him back to Afgan and watch him. Let him lead us back to other terrorist and kill them.

As for enjoying killing, what do YOU wish me to do? I already feel horriable about watching comrades die...should I feel bad about killing the enemy to please you?
I wasn't arguing about how you should feel.  Just the forum in which you express your feelings.
sean m said:
It is interesting how you can come on here and say all these nice things about how things problems should be solved in nice peaceful ways, sadly this is not the case as we clearly see all over the world. You seem to have a rather negative view of the military. Let me ask you a question, who is it that keeps you safe from outside threats, if you were in a hostage situation with your life on the line in a foreign country.... Soldiers do. These people have given everything, including their lives at times, to protect our country and people. It is easy for someone to criticize while sitting comfortably where ever they are, and who have never been or will ever be in a situation like a war zone. If someone really wants to better the world then that person should put it into deeds and not just continue to use it as words. The world is not a pretty place, that is why there are soldiers and they do what they have go to do. Hopefully someday so will I as one.

I'm a soldier.  I thought that was assumed by now.
