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The Khadr Thread

hold_fast said:
Lastly, this...
...Made me puke in my mouth and want to log off permanently from this site. While I know that opinion is out there, the idea of enjoying killing someone is disgusting and along the lines of the very enemy you stand against.

Well welcome to the real world kid. Although it isnt something people talk about many of us did enjoy killing the enemy. What do you want us to say? "We HAD to do it... Ifeel so bad about it" would that better fit you British columbia university scene? I aplogise if the truth discusts you, however war isnt a great time. After months of watching your friends get blown to bits, shot at and hit,ambushed... you take pleasure in the little things.Like taking the lifes of those trying to kill you and your friends.

While I took time to ensure I was killing enemies they didnt care who they killed.I also patched up a 5 year old who the taliban blew her goddam legs off. innocent kids.

As for kadhr....he is a lost cause. deport to Afganistan and drop the hellfire on the first compound he dwells in.
But his statement indicated he feels remorseful, sorry and probably didn't intend to do the things he pleaded guilty to, so... he's good to go back to wherever he was trained and he'll be a reformed and model citizen.

So, maybe there's no fear in sending him back and becoming an AQ team member again.!
krustyrl said:
But his statement indicated he feels remorseful, sorry and probably didn't intend to do the things he pleaded guilty to, so... he's good to go back to wherever he was trained and he'll be a reformed and model citizen.

So, maybe there's no fear in sending him back and becoming an AQ team member again.!

Wouldn't that be just Mamby Pamby..............Tissue?

Don't forget the comments made by members of his family in Toronto.  Some of them are strong advocates of AQ.
Don't get me wrong GW...I want this terrorist gone from refuge in Canada before he even gets here.!!!!!!!!!!
krustyrl said:
So, maybe there's no fear in sending him back and becoming an AQ team member again.!

At least over there we can introduce him to our freinds....Hellfire and GBU-38. Here in canada we will release him for time served and he will probably sue the GoC.
George Wallace said:
Wouldn't that be just Mamby Pamby..............Tissue?

Don't forget the comments made by members of his family in Toronto.  Some of them are strong advocates of AQ.

I wonder why that hasn't been brought up in the trial yet. If he truly is "rehabilitated" wouldn't it be a danger to send him back to a home full of AQ sympathizers, running the high risk of re-radicalizing him?
CDN Aviator said:
International law would be a good place to start.

We dont go looking for inocent people to kill......maybe you realize that ?

I'm all for it. He can get what he deserves that way.

They enjoy killing innocent people. We don't.
Sorry didn't realize that you were also CDN Lawyer.

I'd argue that Khadr is a victim of the way International Law has been applied.  I'm not condoning what he did for the record.

Note:  While I think this topic is great to discuss/debate, it has disappointed me where this thread has gone.  Seeing CF members make reference to enjoy killing, using hellfire missiles  is in bad taste.  While understandable points of view I don't see this forum as the venue for such venting for supposed proffessional soldiers.

rnkelly said:
Sorry didn't realize that you were also CDN Lawyer.

All that law of armed conflict stuff i took in University and in military training hasnt been a complete waste. What do you have on the subject ?

Seeing CF members make reference to enjoy killing, using hellfire missiles  is in bad taste.

Killing is part of the job. I'm sorry that it does not sit well with you. I look forward to the day where i get to send a Mk46 towards an enemy of ours.......

for supposed proffessional soldiers.

IMHO, you are ill placed to judge me or any other CF members.
George Wallace said:
Toronto was invaded ?  ???

You could argue that, but it is not what this topic is about.

Or we could let him and his family set up a Sleeper Cell in Toronto. 

Don't kid yourself.  The tools of war are not cheap.  To run smuggling rings to make cash to smuggle in weapons and explosives cancels out any ideas that they are "less fortunate" than us.  It just tells us that they are more fanatical and not tolerant of any beliefs other than their own form of radical Islam.  Read some more of what they are.  Watch more news on what they are doing.  Don't just stick with CBC, CTV, CBS and the other North American media outlets.  Look at what is being said in Europe and on al jazzera.  Surf the Internet and get informed.

I didn't mean Toronto but I think you knew that.  I was referring to where Khadr is from, the middle east.  Many Canadians, while born here, grow up to their immigrant parents' cultures and values.  This is what makes our country so great and diverse. 
rnkelly said:
I didn't mean Toronto but I think you knew that.  I was referring to where Khadr is from, the middle east.  Many Canadians, while born here, grow up to their immigrant parents' cultures and values.  This is what makes our country so great and diverse.

No, it makes our country weak and divided.
rnkelly said:
  This is what makes our country so great and diverse.

And every now and then, you get a family like the Khadrs......but we roll out the red carpet for them too. Great country indeed.
Really?  I really need to explain how bringing dark ages cultural practices to to a modern western democracy and forcing it accomodate your particular system of choice is devisive?  I'm all for being proud of where you're from, I'm not from here either, but leave your other crap in the place you left for a better life, not just the same one, except with Starbucks.
CDN Aviator said:
All that law of armed conflict stuff i took in University and in military training hasnt been a complete waste. What do you have on the subject ?

Killing is part of the job. I'm sorry that it does not sit well with you. I look forward to the day where i get to send a Mk46 towards an enemy or ours.......

IMHO, you are ill placed to judge me or any other CF members.
I'm not naive enough to believe that the military isn't required in todays world.  Further I support having the capability to Kill, I just wish more people were scared of getting killed so the capability wouldn't have to be used as much. 

My experience in the subject is pretty much the same as you, exceedingly inadequate.  But I still have opinions that are based on what I read and see.

I don't dare to judge you or any particular CF member (Sorry if it came off that way) but as a Canadian (Tax Paying) our interests and values should be represented.  By the way Canadians as a whole are the Judge and jury here, it's just too bad not too many of them participate in the discussion.
rnkelly said:
but as a Canadian (Tax Paying) our interests and values should be represented.

I am a tax-paying Canadian too.

it's just too bad not too many of them participate in the discussion.

They dont because they are quite happy ignoring reality and leaving the killing to other people.
rnkelly said:
I didn't mean Toronto but I think you knew that.  I was referring to where Khadr is from, the middle east. 

He is not from the Middle East.  He was born in Ontario in 1986 and then moved to South Asia, Pakistan, with his family, and then Afghanistan in 1996.

As for his family, go back to the original post in this thread and read it.

And please don't use "Dude".