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The Canadian Airborne Regiment, 1968-1995 (merged)

Does the Government of Canada owe an Apology to the Airborne Regiment ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 96 58.9%
  • No

    Votes: 67 41.1%

  • Total voters
As a 3 company understrength light infantry unit, simply restoring the regiment by amalgamating existing jump units might not be a bad idea.

Investing heavily in airborne assets?  Something happened since the last jump in anger in 1945.  They invented the helicopter.  Enough said.
An apolgy would be good enough. Re-instating the CAR? Why? As someone else said, we have CSOR now and they fill alot of unique functions. It would be better to let it be.

The worst thing about that old liberal party (Ad scam, failing to abolish GST, no 'elicopters promise which was kept and the disbandment of the airborne) is that the head mafiasso, The Don Jean Chretein got away with everything he and his gang did.

How about a Chretein inquiry?
daftandbarmy said:
Now that the conservatives are a majority governemnt I don't think an apology is required: simply righting a great wrong by reinstating the 1st Bn CAR would do nicely.
What would that do to staffing in the battalions now containing some maroon berets?  Don't know if that's a good plan.

An apology?  I voted no because it would be too little, too late to a certain extent.  Another option, though, might be a statement or something similar emphasizing the bit in yellow:
Journeyman said:
As a member of the Airborne Regiment through the disbandment, I recall the leadership being quite adamant that the disbandment was not "in disgrace."

Perhaps they were clutching at administrative/legalistic straws, but it was a significant point for the overwhelming majority of us who had never tortured anyone to death and felt we were all being punished for the acts of a few....most of whom were already being punished.
milnews.ca said:
What would that do to staffing in the battalions now containing some maroon berets?  Don't know if that's a good plan.

CSOR, JTF2, and a revived CAR would make a small brigade each with different functions that could build on each others strengths.  I like it.
Dennis Ruhl said:
CSOR, JTF2, and a revived CAR would make a small brigade each with different functions that could build on each others strengths.  I like it.

Just minor issues like finding the pers to man a new regiment, equipment to outfit it, and location to house it.
Dennis Ruhl said:
CSOR, JTF2, and a revived CAR would make a small brigade each with different functions that could build on each others strengths.  I like it.
Not to mention leg battalions even smaller than they are now.
But imagine,

Canada can be the Spec Ops Unit of the world...The true Team America Canada.

It would also get those slack PPCLI WO sitting in Wainwright, something to finally do to justify their pay.  Just saying.... ;)


Dennis Ruhl,

Seriously, JTF2 and CSOR do belong to an organization, CANSOFCOM. What capability would CAR bring to CANSOFCOM thats not already there?

As far as putting special forces units into a brigade, that kind of defeats there purpose. A Brigade can be a deployable formation and once you start talking large number of troops in an operation, I beleive you are outside the realm of what spec ops do.

Its not just the man power to consider. Its also budget, stores, vehicles, weapons, facilities, etc, etc.

Sorry, disagree. The CAR was a fine regiment (most of my Battle School instructors were ex-CAR) but its been laid down, unjustly, but its gone, let it be.
the 48th regulator said:
But imagine,

Canada can be the Spec Ops Unit of the world...The true Team America Canada.
A "nation of excellence"?
Good2Golf said:
Out of region, Loachman.

(Photo copyright TorontoSun.com)

That Cpl there is showing a fine example of how to wear the beret.  Dunn is the last name and hope he is doing well.

It has been interesting reading all the old posts from 2005, kudos for the resurrection. 

I would love an apology, I do not expect one nor require one.  History may or may not exonerate the CAR and those who served fully.  But reading some of the not deleted posts from back in 2005 on the 10 year anniversary there were many who did not understand and yet were fully polarized by their opinion.  Since that time we have moved on as a nation and a army and now live in a time of relative public pride in who we are and what we do.  As a service member ex CAR or not I will take that any day. 

I would love to see the colors fly again but know that they wont.  CSOR is carrying on some of the tradition if not with all the trappings that the CAR use to call our own.  As the army stands now we cannot afford another specialist group and man it with the quality it deserves as that quality is being employed else where. 

Anyhow my thoughts for what it is worth
ArmyRick said:
Seriously, JTF2 and CSOR do belong to an organization, CANSOFCOM. What capability would CAR bring to CANSOFCOM thats not already there?
A light-infantry unit with integral light artillery trained and equipped to drop, whether by helicopter or parachute, into hostile territory. In the context of CANSOFCOM, a security, screening, or follow-on support element. Might be "cheaper" than using other, current CANSOFCOM units, but allow better coordination of training than might occur if a line infantry unit was used for the same task. Also, potentially, a farm team for CSOR, JTF2, and so on.

Is something like this needed/useful/worth the money/bodies/political haggling? Damned if I know; probably not.
quadrapiper said:
Also, potentially, a farm team for CSOR, JTF2, and so on.
They don't need a "farm team."  The whole CF is the "farm team" and they can pick the best from across that gene pool.

quadrapiper said:
Is something like this needed/useful/worth the money/bodies/political haggling? Damned if I know; probably not.
According to discussions, where the idea has been beaten to death, we don't need an Airborne Regiment in the current force structure:

[Edit for link]
Not only that, but we, way back when, were doing stuff that CSOR does, as line infantry.

Everyone's an expert.
As others have mentioned, the use of helicopters has replaced the airplane for many roles formerly in the domain of the CAR. I don't know if they need to resurrect the CAR, but assuming it was, my first thought was using it in the Long Range Patrol capacity with an Airborne capability ...similar to a US Ranger Regiment. I am unsure if CSOR has this capacity sufficiently covered off or not, but my impression is that it may be somewhat lacking in the CF.

editted for spelling
Jim Seggie said:
Not only that, but we, way back when, were doing stuff that CSOR does, as line infantry.

Everyone's an expert.

Amen to that. Special is as special has budgets for!
Video for all the bros' out there.
Airborne apology overdue ( 30 May )
Hmm, first time watching Sun News.  I think I may have to look at it a bit more.  Big difference in tone from CBC and CTV.  ( no surprise there )  I still dont think it will happen.  Hats off to Kenword and others though for keeping the torch alive.  I wonder how long it is going to be borne by folks.  I agree with many on here about there is no room right now for the CAR.  It would take from a finite resource that is available now in the Inf Bn (and Cbt Arms/Spt trades Gnr's Spr's and such)....
To be honest, I think it would be a 1000 times more meaningful if Mr Chretein and Collenette got up in public, admitted they were wrong about how they handled the Airborne and formerly apologize. It will never happen though.

Having current PM issue an apology is similar to an Insurance adjuster saying sorry your house got robbed but we are here for you now. It doesn't undo the political BS and underhanded crap done by the 90s liberals.