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Naval Officer Assessment Board

guysletsdoit said:
A question came to my mind. Of course dumb, but I guess we as NOAB candidates still use "Sir" to refer to officers and NCM at NOAB or are we still considered civilians and its Ok to refer to them by first name.

I doubt that any officer will object to being called "sir" or "ma'am", but if one of them prefers something else he or she will surely tell you.

NCMs, on the other hand, are never addressed that way in the navy (and only the most senior ones ever are outside of the navy).  NCMs are normally addressed by rank.
If in doubt, a good que is to just call them by whatever they introduced themselves as.  As civilians I don't think anyone on the ship will give you any trouble for getting it wrong.  Might as well get to know the proper addresses though because as a NCdt, even prior to going to basic, you'll be corrected right away lol.
gcclarke said:
Good to see that the fine tradition of candidates getting way too drunk on the Thursday of the NOAB still continues.

The tradition continued... There were many red eyes Friday morning. Congratulations to everyone this NOAB - it was a blast.
I guess I am again the first to write, Sunday morning in Edmonton is crappy, foggy and rainy but Victoria was awesome.

I have PASSED my NOAB. I will be signing my contract and swearing in pretty soon. Then I will be officially Naval Officer Cadet.

Guys, I will be writing my experiences at NOAB at length this afternoon and post it here to help other people looking forward for future NOABs.

Until then, Navy is the best

My experiences with NOAB 1003 Esquimalt Oct 18-22nd 2010

After a long wait on application, I got message to attend the NOAB in Esquimalt. It seems as if dream come true. Now it was up to me impressing upon the Board to select me and the Board making their evaluation. The tickets were booked by CFRC and necessary information given to me about 3 weeks in advance. There is no need to prepare for the Board. But I did some initial research on the trade and Navy in general. I also started updating on current affairs and military affairs.

Day 0

I fly out of Edmonton at 0805 hrs. It was an exciting flight especially over the Rockies. Important thing to carry along is a copy of resume. The resume building guidelines will be provided by the RC. Not so tiring flight I reached Victoria at 0821 hrs (Local Time). The best and cheapest way of reaching the CFB Esquimalt is by Airport transit bus. It’s operated by private operator and charge is about $25 on Sunday morning. You will be dropped at Kingsmill building which is accommodation for many officers on course in Esquimalt. Since us Albertans, 2 from Edmonton and 1 from Calgary were the first to reach us had to wait for some time before the Officer on Duty allotted us to our cabins. The cabins are really decent with a comfortable single bed, desk, cabinet, wash basin and walk in closet. You share the common are and washroom with other cabin. There will be iron and iron board. They will issue a meals card so that you can eat at the mess. You are left to yourself until 1800 hrs when you assemble at the Gunroom for drinks and meet and greet session. Here the Board members are introduced along with conducting staff. You hand in your resume and then given your group called as watch. There is an I/C officer and NCM for each watch. Usually there are 2 watches for MARS and 2 watches for engineers. We all got introduced and had nice drinks and met all people who will be with us during the week. The Board members after this initial talk will keep themselves aloof until the interviews are done and results prepared. After a long day we called it a night early as the next day is all presentation

Day 1

The official opening of the Board is done by the chairman of the Board. Then there are a lot of presentations about Navy, different trades, qualifications, Military Resources, CFLRS, Submarines, MARS, NTO. You have enough breaks in between for coffee and stretches. Indeed, they call death by Power Point, I found it very informative. It depends on individuals. I am so used to presentations and training in civilian world so for me it was another day. Gather all information you need for the Navy life through presentations. The presenters are very pleasant and they answer your questions to very great details. Especially the presentation of Military family resource center is very funny. After supper, many went drinking to Victoria DT which is about 40 mins walk across the bridge or $12 in taxi. Many retired as next day is sailing and many like me went to internet café to access internet. There is a café by name Serious Café on Lyall Street about 10mins walk from the base. Called it a day around 2130 hrs

Day 2

Ship sailing on board HMCS Winnipeg. We were transported to the jetty at 0800 hrs. We went on board and started sailing at 0930 hrs. After initial introduction, we had the ship steered at full speed of 50 mph and then a 360’ turn and steering the ship left and right. It was an awesome bright day and the steering drenched us all. It is so exciting to know what a ship can do as in steering. Being on engineering group, we went down to see the engine room and the ops room. We also explored kitchen and bunks and saw many combat systems. Then we saw the helicopter saving feat. The helicopter went over our heads so fast that many of us just sat down. Also we were demonstrated man on board situation and had a chance to play with some machine guns. Lunch was served on the deck and then we went on the bridge. I interacted with the Captain and in fact was one of the lucky ones to steer the ship. The steering is like a joystick and took my buddies on surprise to go from STBD 30 to Port 30 2 times and they were all swinging from right to left. I enjoyed bringing the ship alongside. Later we had presentation on submarines and drill demonstration. Later in say we gathered at the Gunroom for drinks.

Day 3

I got a feel of Colors this morning where the flag is raised at 0800 hrs. The officers in uniform will salute whereas we stand in attention. Today, both the MARS group had interviews while we engineers went touring the dive school and other engineering related facilities on CFB Esquimalt. I enjoyed wearing a bomb disposal dress. Mind you this uniform itself is very heavy and along with all gears on it is like 170lbs. MARS candidates were happy with their interviews and later in evening played pool and cards in The Gunroom with drinks.

Day 4

It was MOST tests for MARS while we engineers did our interviews. Later we went to Fleet Maintenance Facility and Queen’s Harbor Master. In evening we went to the Wardroom by bus for a formal dinner. It was a formal dinner in civilian way. Capt Teft, the president of Board made a presentation. We had drinks, met with other friends, exchanged emails and phone numbers and clicked pictures with officers, boards and friends. Later we partied out till late and most of the evaluation was done and stress was relieved. I called in late tonight about 2AM after partying out.

Day 5

Today is the last day at NOAB. The Board has decided the candidates. First the Chief gave instructions about leaving the base and cleaning the room. Then senior member on the Board will talk about positions available and training dates. He will give feedback about the group and then you are handed out forms to give your feedback. Its voluntary and you do not write your name on it. After that the whole group is gathered in the Gunroom and results are declared in order of interview groups. We had very few positions on MARS for fiscal year 2010-11. Many MARS candidates got rejected and the atmosphere was building up tension for me. I was the last person on the last group and hence wait was killing too. I went to the room and the atmosphere was relaxed with the Board members joking and laughing out. I had to tell them I am stressed and need to know the result and since I was last they had all the time to make me stressful. Eventually they asked me what I think the result should be and I told I am selected to be Combat Engineer and the board said that I am very confident and the answer is yes. I came out of room and first I did was to high five the Chief and then came running down to be greeted by my group I/C officer and NCM. We had a nice BBQ and then bade farewell to all to leave for airport. I flew back in Edmonton at 2200 hrs Local Time back in foggy crappy weather.

My observations
1. The evaluation is constant so don’t think that interview will be the only evaluation
2. Be yourself. If you try to imitate you will be caught
3. It is not a picnic, its assessment and hence treat it like assessment
4. Eat and drink well to stay away from stress
5. Don’t drink too much, keep it for Thursday. You will have plenty of time to party
6. Treat all staff with respect and they will like you
7. Treat your friends as friends
8. Keep a check on tongue when in social and joking environment
9. Be prepared for long days of walking and standing
10. Be ready for uncertainty, you bus can be really late or will never come by
11. Like they say in military “Hurry up and then wait”

I take this opportunity to thank the Board for hosting me and making this NOAB the most memorable week in my life. I also thank the conducting staff and my file manager. I will never forget friends I made on NOAB and I am sure many will be with me for the BMOQ and further. I am looking forward to my BMOQ starting January 17th 2011.

A quick note for guys who are waiting for NOAB, from what I heard from conducting staff, this was the last NOAB for 2010-11 fiscal year. They have filled in all the positions for MARS and NTO for 2010-11. They also mentioned many positions will open in April 2011. So as I mentioned earloer "Hurry up and Wait" But I am sure this wait will allow many of you to explore the physicals required for BMOQ.


guysletsdoit said:
I was the last person on the last group and hence wait was killing too.

Actually, I was the last person on the last group. You were second to last.

As a point of observation: I observed a lot of people stressing the interview and MOST (mostly based on stuff they've read on here). Rumors were abound. I understand most people want as much information as possible before going in, but I felt there was a lot of misinformation.

When they say you can't prepare for the MOST, they mean it. There's no studying you can do.

Relax, be yourself, ask questions, enjoy the experience - this is a great time to see what the Navy is like, and for the Navy to see what you are like.
HAHA Nice one J

Yes J or The SeaDog was the last. but second to last is as good as last anyways - J

I really enjoyed our week together. If you a moment J why dont you write a personal message

Especially the presentation of Military family resource center is very funny.
I remember that one from July! He was hilarious!

Glad to see you folks had fun at the latest NOAB.
Hey Guysletsdoit.... I think the Winnipeg must have had a strong tail wind to go 50 MPH.... maybe you meant 50 KMH or a little over 30 knots?
Fascinating read. The OP, Reven, seems to have disappeared. I wonder how he's doing? His last post was May 2009 and he was at Venture, so he made it through whatever BOTC is called now, in St. Jean.  He's either too busy on phase training to follow this forum anymore, or failed and has moved on with his life. Quite the experience though, reliving the very earliest days of one's military career!
I don't think anyone knows. Sometime after April 1st at the earliest.
Thanks for the info, Kip. Did they say east or west coast?
The NOAB is sat  West Coast, as that is where the school staff are.
Ah, ok. I thought they alternated between Halifax and Esquimalt.
Hello, Anybody get call for coming NOAB (starting April 11-15)
I have merit list since Dec 2010 but didn't get any call so far. I had called CF Toronto but nobody aware of this NOAB.
Can someone confirm?
Thank you
sallu said:
Hello, Anybody get call for coming NOAB (starting April 11-15)
I have merit list since Dec 2010 but didn't get any call so far. I had called CF Toronto but nobody aware of this NOAB.
Can someone confirm?
Thank you


If the CFRC doesn't know, then ............ ?
The next Assessment Board will be run 11-15 Jul -2011, and will be for Naval Combat System Engineers only.