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The brown Temperate Combat Boot (AKA: Mk IV Cbt Boot) - No longer CADPAT

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MCG said:
Not true.  The GP boot (the black thing we've had for the last few years) was a dirt cheap interim solution to provide something until CTS was ready to deliver the Temperate Weather Boot.  The GP was the Wet Weather Boot without the wet weather linings.


Cheap clearly, however, I've seen a few of the Mk4s with the same vibram sole pictures on the Temperate combat boot.  Also the wet weather boot from Boulet is very similar to this new temp. boot.  The top of the ankle is padded for some reason and the sole is again the same flat fronted vibram sole.

Vibram is a great company and the soles of my SV2s are from them as well.  But this style of sole sucks when used for running fast or far.  Something I HAVE to do for work.

Talked to Boulet reps at a defence show one year past.  Tried to explain how their designs we limited and that as an infanteer I needed something lighter and with a sole that allows me to maximize efficiency while running or sprinting.  His response was that as long as my bosses kept asking for boots that looked good on the parade square they'd keep making this design.
In ref to the GP boots being cheap, they cost the Gov about 200$ I don't know about you guys but for 200$ i can get a way more comfortable/usable pair of boots.

In ref to the AF and Navy having their own boots, this is both true and false, the Navy boots are shipboard boots...meaning sailors not on ship don't need to wear boots with THOSE specifications.  Same goes for AF boots, as well as purple trades just wear what they need to case dependent.

and I fully agree and support the boot allowance!! Now if only we could get the higher ups to see this.
Biggoals2bdone said:
  Same goes for AF boots, as well as purple trades just wear what they need to case dependent.

The air force has gone to one single boot regardless of trade.
Biggoals2bdone said:
Same goes for AF boots, as well as purple trades just wear what they need to case dependent.
No.  Boots are bought with environmentally coloured NP monies.  Army, Air and Navy boots are issued to individuals of designated occupations, or to other individuals posted to units within the respective environmental commands as needed.
Wait WHAT?!  Biggoals2bdone is that true!?  I'm not questioning your honesty, but really I am SHOCKED to hear that.  When MCG stated they were cheap I was figuring between 70 and 90 bucks a pair.  But 200 dollars for a piece of garbage that is as useful to a infantry soldier as deployable reflector tapes in a rainsuit!?

Honestly guys that is just astounding.  The Rocky SV2, which I consider a pricey boot, costs 200 to 220 a piece.  Now for the same price the government spent my tax money on something that is vastly inferior in every possible criteria?!  Wow (if that is the correct figure).

MCG what I was refering to in comparing the various incarnations of Boulet's boots was this.  Although there have been varriations between the WWB, GP, Desert Boot version 1 and 2 and the current Temperate Boot, the overall design features have been very very similar.  In that the style of sole used is unecessarily heavy for one.  I mean you can't look at all of these mentioned boots and not come to the conclusion that not much else is changing other than the colour and small features like vent holes etc.

The plan to have the temperate boot be not sued leather leads me to think that someone over there planning this is still concerned more with how they'll look on a parade square rather than if a fit man can march or run 20 to 40 k a day in them and not suffer unecessary injury or blistering.
I've actually heard similar numbers, including something like 400-700$ for custom fitted boots for weird sizes; usually just from mumblings of Supply Techs.
My custom boots are costing the CF 2400.00 a pair. 400-700.00 would be very cheap customs.
I am totally pumped for these new boots. I am one of those people that don't complain and just deal with the kit im given but I will be really happy to hand in my Mark 3's. Even with Dr. Scholl's soles, the white sock, gray wool suck system the boots suck over long distances. In cold weather they don't keep warmth in (I know there are WWBs) and in hot weather they are like having your feet inside pizza ovens. I was told my feet are too big for GPs (but not for WWBs? Makes no sense but whatever).

It'll be interesting to see troops in CADPAT with brown boots, I am curious if people will be forced to brown polish these babies as well as how much of an effect it will have on the Black Polish market :D.
SevenSixTwo said:
It'll be interesting to see troops in CADPAT with brown boots, I am curious if people will be forced to brown polish these babies as well as how much of an effect it will have on the Black Polish market :D.

I think Kiwi and Tana will be fine, given that we still have black parade shoes/boots.  They are probably giddy that we may need to buy 2 colours off them instead of just one!  ;)
Well I was hoping for dolphin skin then i would never need WWBs. But they must have bought me a cow for each foot as my sz 15s take a lot of leather.
Tango18A said:
Well I was hoping for dolphin skin

I can just see the animal-lover uproar.........

"Harper government slaughters dolphins to equip soldiers"
Sure would hate to have to paint the boots, hopefully SM's will be somewhat lenient on the pers wearing trade PPE.
Matt_Fisher said:
Most mink oil/dubbin type boot dressings will significantly darken tan suede/rough out type leather.  Whether they will make the tan boot look like the pinkish brown 'DND Maxi Brown' boot is another question though.

Of the desert boot versions of the 'DND Maxi Brown' boots that have been worn for some time, they end up covered in dust and have dirt ingrained into them they do end up looking like any other desert boot though.  The leather is a no-polish/no-dressing type nubuck leather which is an RSM's worst nightmare in terms of presenting a neat, military type appearance.  The CFs will also find that they will be spending a fortune in boot replacement costs as this type leather will dry rot and crack rendering the boots unserviceable at a rate far greater than the current wear-out of black full grain leather boots.
We had a bottle of CLP get caught in the ramp of LAV and explode on the desert boots of few guys.  They looked pretty damn close to this brown. ;)
Sharpie said:
I‘ve seen a picture of them. Fashionable I might add. Getting used to yes I can understand that. Ugly, yes that to. But, I can see them being effective. Depending on the terrain, I can see a big ‘ol pair of black Cadillac‘s sticking out more than a pair of CADPAT boots. Yet to try on and test out a set of CADPATS (Reservist ‘ya know  ;)  ), but the pattern I am sure is tested and proven.

I had the pleasure of trialing these boots and I can tell you they are the most comfortable boots I have had on my feet.  (Issued on a Wed and I did my BFT on a Fri) no hot spots or blisters.  As far as the look is concerned yes they are different but so was the CADPAT uniform when it first cam out.  Nobody liked it because it looked like a jar of relish.  I wonder of those who were sceptical of the CADPAT uniform would like to go back to the OG107 (Olive Drab cbts)?
The final decision is now out and the CoC (Army SM) within the Army has not authorized the CADPAT boot in TW, and from what I am hearing they DSSPM have made the same boot (specs and manufacturer) only in a brown leather,  End result is a very comfortable, durable, and effective boot.  I wonder if the SWAT/DANNER/ MATERHORN or other boot lovers will give it a fair shot?

Old Log Dog said:
I wonder if the SWAT/DANNER/ MATERHORN or other boot lovers will give it a fair shot?

Only if my Meindls ever wear out, or I am forced to... I am sure the latter is much more likely. ;D
Old Log Dog said:
  I wonder if the SWAT/DANNER/ MATERHORN or other boot lovers will give it a fair shot?

Only until SWAT/DANNER/MATERHORN/ETC... market a brown boot. Its not an issue of coulour. Issued boots have always sucked when it comes to quality and design.
Old Log Dog said:
I wonder if the SWAT/DANNER/ MATERHORN or other boot lovers will give it a fair shot?

Have you worn a pair of SWATs for a march for comparison to the new boots? From your 2 posts here I see you have an axe to grind with people wearing non-issue boots, but maybe you should give them a fair shake before you compare them to the new issued boot. If the new trial boot is comfortable, that's great; however it'll be years before anyone gets them.
We're back to the "only issue boots shall be worn" crowd versus the "all issue boots suck" crowd.

The truth about boots is somewhere in the middle.  There are some people, for a variety of reasons, that can't wear the issue boots. I can, but only because the GP boot can take my orthodics, whereas the MKIII could not.

I wear the issue GP boot right now because they are free. If I was to deploy anywhere that required me to walk for long distances daily, I might consider buying boots.