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Tac Vest does not make the grade.

How have you found it?

By putting one hand just above my as*.

BA-DUMP-BUMP. (sorry-couldn't resist....)

Actually, it really isn't in the middle of my back, it rides lower down, but I guess alot depends on body dimensions. But, as I said, we realy need to hear from mud soldiers who have tried this. Cheers.
Hey there, was just taking a look on the other thread pertaining to the C9A2, and Da-man posted this link: http://www.combatcamera.dnd.ca/photoarchive/HiRes/!2004/111204/IS2004-1230a.JPG

If you take a look at his Tac Vest, you may notice that the Bayonet is so that the blade is down and handgrip is up.  What generation of Tac Vest this?  IE: Newer or older?  The ones we've been issued here in Meaford have it so that its reversed, and understandably so.  Its easy to pop out and affix to your C7, or to assist in the setup of concertina wire and low wire defenses.

The Tac vest seems to be modular as well, which would be great since a C9 gunner would have a utility pouch specifically designed for carrying his extra box.  Whereas a C7 gunner might have a different setup.

If anyone has some good info on Tac Vests, I'd love to hear from you.  Thanks. 
Ha!  :o  Simple enough answer, lol.  Thats good to hear though that it can all be adjusted for preference.  At least once you are in battalion.

I prefer to have the blade up, this way you dont slit your throat when taking it out in a hurry  :-\
Or you can just do what most of us do with our bayonets and tape it to the sizing straps along the side of the tac vest.  Much better than in the front IMHO(and the rest of my Coy it seems too).
heh not too good when there are standards around

blade up where i am... if you got it the other way people tend to look at you funny and next thing you know nobody wants to be your battle buddy

personal preferance is a poor excuse for breaking a standard
Who is breaking the standard? Or better yet who's standard are they breaking?  Units can and do decide where gear will go on a soldier.  As for where the bayonet goes....unless your on course does it really matter?  I'd rather have a soldier that takes the initiative to place his kit in a manner that is accessable to him, than some drone that quotes an Ops 150 kit list.

On that note things like medical supplies, should be standardized across the board in a unit for obvious reasons.
zerhash said:
heh not too good when there are standards around

blade up where i am... if you got it the other way people tend to look at you funny and next thing you know nobody wants to be your battle buddy

personal preferance is a poor excuse for breaking a standard

Standardization of kit in the feild for uniformity is stupid and unsless. Why make some one do something that is more difficult than they have to so it looks the same???? I cant find it right now, but I was told that there is somethign to that effect on the Gagetown Battle School website.
zerhash said:
personal preferance is a poor excuse for breaking a standard

Standard this  ;D

What I where at work...


Don't believe me ask MJP...

Standards are fine for a BASIC or LEADERSHIP course to teach troops attention to detail - but blind obediance to "THE STANDARD" is outlandishly retarded, everyone if slightly different and need to postion and use items slightly differently - the Army needs to accept that - failing that we will all be robot lambs led to a slaughter.


I don't know Kev.....that stuff looks pretty clean ;) Even my CIMIC stuff got dirtier than that ;D JK
I dont do dirt  ;D

heck CIMIC has seem way more miles than the 031's...

Gimme a break I only have had it three weeks - I'll trash it soon just to please you guys.
I don't know Kev.....that stuff looks pretty clean Wink Even my CIMIC stuff got dirtier than that Grin JK

For the amount of money that must have cost, I'd probably treat it like my firstborn child too. Same reason my ICE bib pants have been wrapped in plastic in the closet for 2 years. Can't take it outside now, what if it gets dirty? :)
Britney Spears said:
Same reason my ICE bib pants have been wrapped in plastic in the closet for 2 years. Can't take it outside now, what if it gets dirty? :)
I got CADPAT and OD ICE gear now...

So I can safety trash the OD  ;D

KevinB said:
Gimme a break I only have had it three weeks - I'll trash it soon just to please you guys.

Yum...RAV porn.

Hey Kevin, if you're going to throw it out, I've got a dumpster for you to put it in (it's called my barracks box).  ;D
Yup Paraclete RAV (Releaseable Assault Vest)
