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Election 2015

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recceguy said:
Time to shut it down and move to the new thread?

What say ye all?

Perhaps, start by "unpinning" it from the top tier ... it will, soon, die a natural death.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Trudeau ran on lofty ideals, and unlike Obama, has no one to blame but himself if he cannot achieve them as he has a majority government. A failure of the Liberal party (broken promises, corruption, etc) during this government could spell another opportunity for the NDP to move up as the Liberals would then be "just like the conservatives". I suspect that that will eb the NDP narrative for the next 4 years.

Sorry, but Obama had a supermajority in the Senate and an absolute majority in the House during his first term, and singularly failed to do anything beyond Obamacare (although looking at the debacle that has become, perhaps Americans should be thankful). There is a Cossack saying: "Don't blame your horses for defeat..."
Thucydides said:
Sorry, but Obama had a supermajority in the Senate and an absolute majority in the House during his first term, and singularly failed to do anything beyond Obamacare (although looking at the debacle that has become, perhaps Americans should be thankful). There is a Cossack saying: "Don't blame your horses for defeat..."

The Myth of the Filibuster-Proof Democratic Senate

September 11, 2012 by Andy Cohen

A little more info on this comment.


It's not hard to unwind a myth when you start by creating a straw man.  Undoubtedly, in a world occupied by birthers and truthers and various other stripes of gullible or forgetful people, some are misinformed about the duration of the Democratic supermajority.  Nevertheless, for a time, one existed.  And there really was a Democratic House majority throughout [the first two years of] Obama's first term.  (The way Thucydides phrased it, we can be forgiven for reading it to mean the Senate supermajority existed for two years.)  And the Democrats really did miss the opportunity to pass one of their perennial wish items - the easiest would have been to raise tax rates.

Back to Canada - it's a majority government, and it campaigned on something bearing more than a little resemblance to Hopenchange ("Real change" being the campaign slogan which replaced the earlier "Hope and hard work").  The Senate can - if it wishes - throw in a wrench.  But the only thing standing between the Liberals and whatever they want to pass in the House is themselves.  The NDP do need to keep their powder dry; if the Liberals stumble, voters may not yet be ready to re-install Conservatives and may not even be ready to re-install Libs or Cons as a minority, which would give the NDP another shot.
OK. Let's see if we can move the discussion.

Post here: http://army.ca/forums/threads/120817.0.html

Results still coming in: the Liberals have lost a seat to the NDP in recounts.

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