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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Today is another typical grey, rainy windy day here in Halifax, more so with Hannah making her way thru the Martimes.  Soon heading to the gym for some cardio and weights, followed by some reading for the OPME I am working on now.  I am expecting the weather to be great next weekend, as it is my weekend for Duty Tech.  ^-^
A miserable Sunday here on the rock as well. My wife is making cabbage rolls and i'm gagging at the kitchen table with the smell... thank God for wireless!!
Right now, getting down and dirty into Convoy Ops and Dumping ... MLPs, TPs, syllabus, lesson plans ...

Arghhhhhhhhhhh. It's times like these, I wish I was with the PretC folks hanging around outside the window... NOT!!!  >:D
Recovering from the Achillies tendon surgery I had on Wednesday, percocet is my new best friend !  I had a procedure called FHL transfer surgery. Anyone interested in seeing what the surgery is can go to the following website. They have pictures too.  http://www.thefootandankleclinic.com/article213section12.htm


Getting ready to go for a spin ... in the air.


G2G ... you snooze, you lose buddy!!  8)
Curent DTG is 101940SSep08

About to have a nice soaking hot bath here on a cool clear spring night in the tropics.

My two Siamese cats will be watching!!!

Scarey thought ;D
Recovering from my night out, although I should be finishing off my Geological Report, but I have a feeling that is going to take a back seat today, as I just can not be bothered with the effort.
Writing up the LP's, ECs, and PCs for Convoy Ops. What fun! Beers tonight - I can feel them going downrange already!!  8)
ArmyVern said:
Writing up the LP's, ECs, and PCs for Convoy Ops. What fun! Beers tonight - I can feel them going downrange already!!  8)

Just out of curiousity, are there any Armour Corps 'Advisors' there?

I ask, as I can see a large "Bun Fight" starting up as soon as an Armour Troop gets tasked with a Convoy Escort, and some idiot tries to tell the Troop Leader that he "is Not the Convoy Commander"
George Wallace said:
Just out of curiousity, are there any Armour Corps 'Advisors' there?

I ask, as I can see a large "Bun Fight" starting up as soon as an Armour Troop gets tasked with a Convoy Escort, and some idiot tries to tell the Troop Leader that he "is Not the Convoy Commander"


This is the Log Officer Phase IV course we're putting together... just for beginners. It's already IN my LP that they will not be Convoy Commanders. This isn't a Convoy Operations Course.

It's also already included in my draft TPs (& in the MLP, LP, syllabus) for "Escorted Convoy" (they are doing "unescorted" as well) that:

"Conduct of escorted convoys will require a trained escort to conduct effectively. Escorts, by definition, are combat arms and thus conduct of an escorted convoy is a combined arms operation. It is beyond the scope of this course to instruct Escorted Convoy Drills. This is a training limitation."

They're just learning the basics of the Logistical responsibilities and functions here ... when they get out of school and into the real world ... they'll be getting into the nitty-gritty. IE: attending at some point in time the Convoy Operations Course.

Now ... onto the drills ...  :-\
ArmyVern said:
This is the Log Officer Phase IV course we're putting together... just for beginners. It's already IN my LP that they will not be Convoy Commanders. This isn't a Convoy Operations Course....Now ... onto the drills ...  :-\

Awesome - finally, some good direction from the RIGHT people!!!

Vern - I was asked to teach the 6A's in March...
BinRat55 said:
Vern - I was asked to teach the 6A's in March...

I hope that you just said "no!"... No, really, in all seriousness ... I just came back from their classroom - after placing my Timmies order - I know their schedule ...  8)

BTW, the new QL6 is essentially a SM(f) course repeat (today they're doing MiMs reports); and I do believe that you've already had the pleasure of attending that course in Gatineau at the lovely Canada School of Public Service no?
NFLD Sapper said:
Circle the wagons?  ;D


I am now looking for a pic which is descriptive of your suggestion to include into one of my lesson plans (on the PPT of course) as a "What is your immediate action upon Action on Drill"?? Do NOT say: circle the wagons and unhook lassos from chaps.  ;)

You just know that I have to get a chaps joke into at least one of my lesson plans.  8)

Hows this one Vern  ;D >:D