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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Just home from school, and pissed that I now have 5 courses, when I was only suppose to have 3. >:(

Guess I can't finish by March.... ::)

In the words of Nelson Muntz

NFLD Sapper said:
In the words of Nelson Muntz

Hey don't laugh. If I would have been done by March, I would have been a young Sapper soon after ;)

Sitting in a computer lab: boooooored! Man I hope the recruitment center calls me today!

Sitting around after PT;  Drinking coffee and watching the news  ;D

Fot the next 15 min anyway, then its back to work  :P
Just finished installing 3 GPS cables in a Badger took me over 4hrs. glad i can't do anything else till they put it back together.
As long as you were contorting around in there, you should have done the crew a solid and signed off the fire extinguisher bottles....  >:D
Dang you, George. You piqued my curiousity, so despite my better judgement I started reading the comments. Lesson learned; trust my judgement next time.
Unpacking.  It really sucks.  :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

Been a week in Edmonton(Lancaster Park).  Haven't really ventured too far, but almost every light pole, fencepost, tree and many other things have a yellow ribbon on them.  It looks really good.  A good welcome home to some of the troops that are returning. 
Glad they have made it home. 
Best of luck to all of our returning troops. 
Thank you, Robin
Saturday monring 0925, its sunny out and a great spring day, so just chilling out after a crap week at work, in fact the worst week back since my return from Iraq last year. Sqn politics and pedantic mind games were on the menu, and will continue to be until I leave the Unit in January. 4 months 11 days to go.

Overwatch Downunder said:
Saturday monring 0925, its sunny out and a great spring day, so just chilling out after a crap week at work, in fact the worst week back since my return from Iraq last year. Sqn politics and pedantic mind games were on the menu, and will continue to be until I leave the Unit in January. 4 months 11 days to go.


Pulling pin?
Having a couple of my homebrewed beers, still searching for a good non-live massed pipes and drums version of Scotland the Brave, sent an e-mail off to the boy in 'Ghan  (1 PPCLI, B Coy, 6 Platoon), hoping the next (last) couple of weeks of his second tour will be safe ones.
Have not decided, posted yes, 8/9 RAR maybe, 1 FD RAA maybe, MAS BNE maybe, or leave the regular FT side, and go PT, just not sure. I do have a huge mortgage to keep feeding, so I need my income to just to make ends meat, so retire no, contract myself to Defence thru a local engineering mob sounds luring.

Medical issues with my knee which was injured in Baghdad are a big issue. Did a forced march yesterday, and my knee is still feeling it. Methinks my days are in fact numbered.

Idealy to stay in to Mar 2010 for my ADFLSM, then they can pound salt.

I do look forward to being called MR.

Starting to regret the wings with the "DEATH" sauce on them at BubbaJoe's (the old Peel Pub) on Spring Garden today at a send off for one of the boys.  Seriously, the sauce is named "DEATH" and you have to sign a waiver before they will serve it to you.   :o
Sounds like the Insanity Wings at Jungle Jim's. Sign a contract then they bring the wings and sauce separately
NFLD Sapper said:
Sounds like the Insanity Wings at Jungle Jim's

These were the 2nd hottest wings I've ever had, but still didn't come close to the ones I had ordered in while staying at the Bond Place (does it still exist?) in Toronto close to the Eaton Center.  I ended up curled up in a ball on the floor in pain, with  my then GF laughing at me.

Good times!