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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

CDN Aviator said:
Well...the thread is "what are you doing right now ?"

I was just being honest......

Should it not have been I am farting then? As you pointed out, the thread is in the present. Not "What were you doing twelve seconds ago?" 

Myself, I am sitting at the computer right now, after just returning home from work.

Right now, I'm no longer sick, but am about to roam the house with my nephews toy guns to get zombies.

Okay, maybe I still have a bit of a fever...

Trying to think of every excuse in the book not to continue studying for my last topic exam on Friday! I just don't seem to be absorbing any more info tonight. After Friday all that is left are my final exams in 2 weeks! I can't believe this course is actually coming to an end!!!  ;D
Deadpan said:
Right now, I'm no longer sick, but am about to roam the house with my nephews toy guns to get zombies.
Okay, maybe I still have a bit of a fever...

- Good grief man, what if you run into a real zombie?  Ditch the toys...
TCBF said:
- Good grief man, what if you run into a real zombie?  Ditch the toys...
That's why I have melee weapons, and some fun rifles and shotties at my brothers house ;D

Sunday night in a springtime tropical paradise on Bribie Island.

Today was at Woorim Beach on the Coral Sea side of the island, had a burger bought at The Lakes Take Away on Banksia Beach, went to at White Patch at Pummice Stone Passage, to shark it back with a gatorade. A bit windy, but 25C, not a cloud in the tropical sky,

Tonight's normal evening routine. Had a swim. then bathed, shaved head and face  8) , listened to some good music (Hinder), fed cats (who are lounging on my bed right now), ironed tomorrow's uniform, fed decently, with ice cream for dessert, now awaiting the time to hit the rack for an 0500 start tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile back in dear ole Canada, its early early Sunday autumn morning.

As of tomorrow, only 4 more sleeps til the wknd ( crap - I got a duty on Saturday 20 Sep  :(  )

I don't have a springtime tropical paradise like OWDU...

It is another grey Sunday in Halifax, the kind of day you can tell fall is just around the corner.  The early morning spent polishing boots, doing laundry and the like. 

I'd rather be on some inland hike but this weekend is my duty weekend; as we are 1 in 5 for duty weeks, I won't have duty again until  the end of Oct, which frees up what are normally the really good fall weekend for hikings, when the breeze is cool, the sun is still warm and the leaves are changing color.  Its already pretty chilly here in Warrior in the mornings and the email came out last week saying the heat would be turned on sometime between 08-22 Oct.  The summer is fast making its withdrawl.

Heading to the gym for cardio, an afternoon spent on OPME stuff, back to the gym for weights before supper, and more OPME stuff until this evening, which will be spent watching the tube.

Nothing to exciting but things could be worse...
It's a beautiful sunny Sunday morning here in Calgary. Here I sit at my computer making a to do list of things I need to get done in order to release from the CF and accept a position in KAF (contractor). Some much stuff to do, so little time.
Have to shine my boots and iron a shirt for Pte Horn's funeral tomorrow. :salute:

I have been feeling kind of full about the face so I figured that was about time to go in and commune with the old porcelain God....I was right ..IT Did fall out!!!

Sorry Folks .... ARMY VERN suggested that I do this!!



And here I am having such a relaxing day ...

whilst typing on the site while having my leg cranked up onto the desk so that I can simultaneously paint my toenails (burgundy - if any of you are wondering) and place hexs on tango22a. Multi-tasking at it's best.  ;)
ArmyVern said:

And here I am having such a relaxing day ...

whilst typing on the site while having my leg cranked up onto the desk so that I can simultaneously paint my toenails (burgundy - if any of you are wondering) and place hexs on tango22a. Multi-tasking at it's best.  ;)

OK Princess!      >:D
I'm nursing a sick munchkin today. One week back in school and whammo! Happens every September.  ::)
Getting ready to fly to Vancouver to do recruit medicals for a week - I'll reserve further comment for now.

medicineman said:
Getting ready to fly to Vancouver to do recruit medicals for a week - I'll reserve further comment for now.


Hope the coughing goes well for you.  >:D
Right now ... I'm driving the dog nuts. I keep popping around the corner saying "You a crazy mother fu******??" in different voices. And he just ran off and face plant right into the wall.

And I wanted to name him Killer...    Stupid Dozer... go chase your tail.  :rofl:
Sgt  Schultz said:
I keep popping around the corner saying "You a crazy mother fu******???" in different voices.


Note to you that the dog just sent me:

"Who's the crazy one?"  ???