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So there I was.......

write Policy Statements for the New Democratic Party regarding the implementation of....................
.... a national coffee break where all have to face towards Ottawa while drinking ersatz joe and eating ....
.......Beavertails, made on the south bank of a river in the sunny climes of.......
with streets full of houses gayly painted in rainbow colours, and bars on every corner, catering to........
...or the Major's favorite cocktail , 2 parts vanilla extract and 1 part Old Spice...
.... the coffee grounds from the dumpster behind the local Tim Horton's, resulting in a crunchy concoction the major is considering selling under the brand name ...
.... to be exclusively sold through the major's favourite coffee shop, The Garaxy Cruiser. After a refreshing cup of Cafe Au Milice they all ....
.... with the wobbly wheels and flattened soup cans over the holes in the floor, suddenly there was a terrible crash ...
...caused by an IEWB (improvised exploding wine bottle) ...
and everyone knows that that stain just wont come out of the suede leather boots, unless one is............
.... going to use naphtha and a lighter, oops, whoosh, there goes the major's fabulous mane, now it's off to the hairdresser to try to salvage it. On the way ....