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Sea Service Insignia (SSI) [Merged]

daftandbarmy said:
It might be easier just to count up the total # of tots of rum issued during a cruise, divide by the number of people on board, then enter it in the ship's log  ;D

From some of the initial counts on MM I have seen, that's probably what happened. ::)
My CoC here at FMF CS emailed out and excell data base they used to calculate the sea days and I would estimate its pretty accurate.

It take you referencing back and forth from your MPRR to the data base allot but it works
Halifax Tar said:
My CoC here at FMF CS emailed out and excell data base they used to calculate the sea days and I would estimate its pretty accurate.

It take you referencing back and forth from your MPRR to the data base allot but it works

I have 4 databases including the online based one for seadays. All are pretty good but there are holes. Most of the data came from Ottawa and based on ships logs etc. The only problem is that if the logs etc are not accurate its going to affect the data.
They gave me mine yesterday.  Bronze.
I didn't expect them to just unceremoniously hand it to me like they did, though.
I figured they would hand them out at a hands fall in or something like that.
While on the subject - there seems to be plenty of info on the MARLANT SSI page.  Plenty of info, except for one minor point - how are these things to be handed out?  I know you can go into Monitor/MASS and find out what level you qualify for, but whose responsibility is it to:  a) officially look up how many sea days you have and b) ensure you get the appropriate insignia?
Jaydub said:
They gave me mine yesterday.  Bronze.
I didn't expect them to just unceremoniously hand it to me like they did, though.
I figured they would hand them out at a hands fall in or something like that.

I know guys who have gotten their medals in their mailbox, so that doesn't surprise me.
Occam said:
  Plenty of info, except for one minor point - how are these things to be handed out? 

At FMF we were told to go to the MAO and sign for them.  No fuss, no ceremony.
No to be condescending or rude but were people expecting a parade for this ?

I loved the way we did it at FMF no fuss no muss, walk up to the OR (MAO) sign for it and walk away, too easy. I wish all my medals and promotions were done this way!
Halifax Tar said:
No to be condescending or rude but were people expecting a parade for this ?

I can't speak for others, but I wasn't expecting a parade for it.  I was, however, expecting to hear from some level of authority as to whether my boss would be dropping these things on my desk one day, or if I had to make the 1/2 day trek to clothing stores in Gatineau to pick them up of my own accord.
"I was told" (that could be a loaded statement!!) that for my unit (DMTE/DMarPers) a bulk issue will be done too (similar to FMFCS?). The clerks have been going over everyone's printout with them.
Zactly like FMF.  Big ass bag of bling and a thick nominal roll to sign.
Halifax Tar said:
No to be condescending or rude but were people expecting a parade for this ?

All MARLANT units have been directed that these shall be awarded in an appropriate manner such as hands fall in, and not simply handed out.
TwoTonShackle said:
All MARLANT units have been directed that these shall be awarded in an appropriate manner such as hands fall in, and not simply handed out.

Could you imagine having to be the guy/gal who organizes the SSI pins to coincide with the people as they are called up in front of the old man hahaha

I'm sure that it is a MARLANT directive and I'm sure its one that is being followed pragmatically
I just got mine last week. One of my PO's handed it to me. Now I have to fill out paperwork so I can get my reserve seatime included.
TwoTonShackle said:
All MARLANT units have been directed that these shall be awarded in an appropriate manner such as hands fall in, and not simply handed out.

"And one, two cloth badges and one, two pins, sign here ...congratulations"  Done.

Whats the measurement to sew this onto the No 1's again?  1/2 " above the name tag?
Take it to the tailor's shop.  They will sew it on for you for free, and they know the correct measurement.
I think we're getting ours the morning we leave our next port.

Our OR doesn't know a thing about them - and they're across the hall from CMS in NDHQ.  Oh well, it'll get sorted eventually.