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Sea Service Insignia (SSI) [Merged]

If someone has access to Mon Mass and is willing to look up stuff for me please PM me as at my current unit we have neither Mon Mass or do I have access to somone who does.

Or email me on the Din thanks Andrew.Kenny@forces.gc.ca

Oldgateboatdriver said:
Actually, it ought to be near perfect and should have been easy to produce. The math wiz at operational research have had every ship in commission file a monthly Ship Activity Report every month for the last 60 years. This report, compiled by the Nav. O's from the ship's logs and OOW notebooks, have to be a continuous description of the employment of the ship accounting for every hour  of its service. No gaps allowed. So for each ship in commission, you know precisely which hours you were at sea, at anchor or alongside for the whole duration of her service.

It doesn't tell you who was onboard in any given hour, however.
In some weird way, I feel somewhat proud of the fact that I managed to get MWS command qualified and I'm not anywhere close enough to get one of these badges. In fact I will never be getting one. I assume that a good majority of my sea time is in the 'doesn't count' category.
Navalsnipr said:
Days at anchor or foreign port do not count. Also days less than 8 hours underway do not count as well.

Days at anchor do count.  The note to the policy guidance for the SSI states:

"Unlike the criteria applied for civilian certification, time spent at anchor will count towards the SSI.  OPERATION HESTIA highlights the efforts of our sea-going personnel even while at anchor.  However, as this will require an amendment in the way ships report sea-days, D Mar Pers will only commence crediting time at anchor once the sea-day reports are amended to include time at anchor (anticipated 1 Jan 11)"

Sailorwest said:
In some weird way, I feel somewhat proud of the fact that I managed to get MWS command qualified and I'm not anywhere close enough to get one of these badges. In fact I will never be getting one. I assume that a good majority of my sea time is in the 'doesn't count' category.

How is that possible?
Occam said:
Days at anchor do count.  The note to the policy guidance for the SSI states:

"Unlike the criteria applied for civilian certification, time spent at anchor will count towards the SSI.  OPERATION HESTIA highlights the efforts of our sea-going personnel even while at anchor.  However, as this will require an amendment in the way ships report sea-days, D Mar Pers will only commence crediting time at anchor once the sea-day reports are amended to include time at anchor (anticipated 1 Jan 11)"

How is that possible?
How is what possible?
Not having enough sea time to even be close? A lot of the MWS west coast sailing is day sails, in and out of ports, doing lots of shiphandling for alongside and departures but doesn't count. Great experience but no accumulation for SSI.
Sailorwest said:
How is what possible?
Not having enough sea time to even be close? A lot of the MWS west coast sailing is day sails, in and out of ports, doing lots of shiphandling for alongside and departures but doesn't count. Great experience but no accumulation for SSI.

I guess I just overestimated the amount of 8-hour periods at sea it would take to gain a MWS command ticket.
I finally got into MM today and then forgot my %$#@* password! I do know that as a new Cert 3 in the early 90s, I was passed around to an AWFUL LOT OF SHIPS and none of them show on my MPRR as A'dP-ings...Oh well...It isn't all about glory!!!
I saw my Sea day count in MM today....1209, will bring in my RN docs to put me over the top for gold, whenever they come out is anybody's guess.
Anything connected to sea time has not shown on my MPRR since my CT.  However, I am curious as to whether the update on MM will do anything for me.  I did a quick peek today but I don't find the update quite as user friendly as when it first came out (aka I don't like change!  lol).  Could someone please tell me where they went to find anything regarding seadays or sea time.  Thanks!
The SSI webpage is now updated with a link to the database for sea day counts http://mshq.mil.ca/dmarp-dperm/dmarp2-dperm2/ssi-ism/default-eng.asp. The online vertification forms are located at http://halifax.mil.ca/N1/N1/monitor_mass.htm. All are on the DIN only.
Did some quick math, and it looks like mine is pretty close to correct.

Life is good.
Thank you Chief Stoker for all of your help.

Still missing paperwork for some of my attach postings, but they won't be enough to bump me up a level so it's not a big concern.  With the final tally there will eventually be a Bronze SSI on my blues!  :D
Chief Stoker said:
The SSI webpage is now updated with a link to the database for sea day counts http://mshq.mil.ca/dmarp-dperm/dmarp2-dperm2/ssi-ism/default-eng.asp. The online vertification forms are located at http://halifax.mil.ca/N1/N1/monitor_mass.htm. All are on the DIN only.

Good stuff Chief! Much appreciated! All tallied up and I think its pretty accurate as well.
Here's something interesting.  I've looked up my record in Monitor Mass and I have enough sea days to qualify.  However, I figure I've received credit for at least 80 days I didn't earn (I was landed), while at the same time, I have not received credit for at least another 130 days, which I can prove.  If the days I wasn't at sea are deducted from the total, my level doesn't change, nor does it change if they are replaced by the days I actually did go to sea.  So, I really don't have to do anything as I will receive the badge to which I'm actually entitled regardless.

However, not reporting the overage, while claiming the shortage, will put me over the top for the next level.  Other than my own personal integrity, what's to stop me from doing this?  Are we expecting individuals to step forward and report that they were not on board for the times in question, even if it means they get knocked down a level or even denied the badge altogether?

One of the prime reasons for not using pay records (i.e. payment of Sea Duty Allowance)to calculate entitlement for the SSI was supposedly that SDA did not actually prove you were at sea for the time in question.  However, I have proof that the chosen method has the same flaw.  We have an ethical dilemma. :-\
I handed in my RN Docs and got credit for 85% of 1232=1047, that with my Canadian sea days of 1209 puts me over the top for gold or even platinum if such a thing existed. 6 years in a tin can.

Vice-Admiral Dean Mcfadden To Preside Over Inaugural Presentation Of Insignia Recognizing Time Served At Sea

CMS MA11.001 - March 1, 2011

OTTAWA – The Commander of Maritime Command, Vice-Admiral Dean McFadden, will present eight Canadian Forces (CF) members with the Sea Service Insignia (SSI) at a ceremony marking the launch of the distribution of the new badges.

Available to all serving CF members regardless of environment, the SSI is a visible and formal recognition for those who have spent significant amounts of time at sea.  Four levels of the insignia have been produced, the first level being awarded to members with 365 sea days.  Those eligible for the fourth insignia will have upwards of 1460 days at sea.

Details are as follows:

When:              Thursday, March 3rd at 10 a.m.

Where:            Conference Room D, 2 North Tower
                        National Defence Headquarters
                        101 Colonel By Dr
                        Ottawa, ON
I didn't get my invite. 

I guess handing over a silver doodad to an Air Force type wouldn't make for a good photo op, eh?  ;D
I signed my sheet yesterday.  What a crock.  I did take the time to go through the days at sea for each ship I was assigned to.  I came up with a number at least 200 days less than the  official tally.  My first ship as a real sailor for example was a very short stint, did not sail, but they have credited me with 15 days at sea.  I honestly have some lack of believability with this whole process.  Maybe I'm really getting senile, but their version of days at sea do not correspond with what I could come up with.  I am over scored big time and am looking at a boy scout  badge of my own that I will have to don after all down the road.  Seems almost like a forced "lets make everyone feel good with some bling" smoke and mirrors parlor trick.
jollyjacktar said:
I signed my sheet yesterday.  What a crock.  I did take the time to go through the days at sea for each ship I was assigned to.  I came up with a number at least 200 days less than the  official tally.  My first ship as a real sailor for example was a very short stint, did not sail, but they have credited me with 15 days at sea.  I honestly have some lack of believability with this whole process.  Maybe I'm really getting senile, but their version of days at sea do not correspond with what I could come up with.  I am over scored big time and am looking at a boy scout  badge of my own that I will have to don after all down the road.  Seems almost like a forced "lets make everyone feel good with some bling" smoke and mirrors parlor trick.
I will figure out who you are eventually! I don't know why your ass is in such a tizzy over this(The SSI thing). Nothing is perfect but it gives some of our young guys/gals bragging rights and though it is of no use for guys like you and me, we can pick out the true sea-farers in a crowd I am sure. Let it go!
Occam said:
I didn't get my invite. 

I guess handing over a silver doodad to an Air Force type wouldn't make for a good photo op, eh?  ;D

I would gather it will be 4 NCM's and 4 Officers, one at each level.
Let us hope that for appearances sake that all four officers have already received the Curl, lest we have a hodgepodge of uniforms at a press conference.