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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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ballz said:
At the end of the year, you will be interviewed and assigned a trade within your occupational grouping. You can then choose to accept or decline without any financial obligation.

Alright... so say I got in and stayed with Infantry... at that point I could change to another trade? Armour for example? Or decline it altogether?
kincanucks said:
Wrong.  There are no individual CFAT scores for Officer occupations there is one minimum CFAT score that you must attain to be eligible for officer.  The only exception is AEC which requires a higher score to be met.


I wasn't aware of that... I saw they had numbers written above each occupation and just assumed. /:
flashBAAANG said:
ballz said:
At the end of the year, you will be interviewed and assigned a trade within your occupational grouping. You can then choose to accept or decline without any financial obligation.
Alright... so say I got in and stayed with Infantry... at that point I could change to another trade? Armour for example? Or decline it altogether?

Umm!  Perhaps you shouldn't go this route after all.
George Wallace said:
Alright... so say I got in and stayed with Infantry... at that point I could change to another trade? Armour for example? Or decline it altogether?

Umm!  Perhaps you shouldn't go this route after all.

Hahaha... George I didn't know you cracked jokes!

Sigh... You will be offered a trade at the end of the year, at which point you must either accept or decline the offer. You don't choose which trade(s) they offer you, you just choose to accept it or not.
So if a person did want to switch trades preference, (in the same family). It is possible DURING your first year? I know it is only your preference and you go where you are needed of course.

Because I am currently down as Armour > Artillery > Infantry > (Combat Engineer being 4th of course but only wants your top 3)

The first 3 have been neck and neck on my interests. So If one does emerge the victor during my first year (IF I get a first year ha). Then I could switch my PREFERENCE?

As a First Year RMC cadet under this new system, I don't think anyone (other than those in charge of assigning these trades) can tell you exactly what happens. Within the next couple of months is when we will see this new system. AFAIK the only VORs they accepted for first years was anyone who wanted to do pilot, and had not attended aircrew selection. Other than that we've heard nothing. One would assume that you will be able to change preferences when the time comes, especially for those at RMC who are exposed to different parts of the CF on MOC weekend.
Update: Got more paperwork today. Specifically, the paperwork for BackCheck. It includes educational, employment, and personal background as well as 5 educational, employment, or personal references.

Hopefully in by Monday.

Anyone else recieve this in the mail?
Kinda funny note related to backcheck.
On Monday they phoned the school asking for my educational reference, He's in CFB Edmonton doing pre deployment training, And they phoned my work because that's where my personal reference is, she left that morning for 2 weeks in the Dominican Republic, then on Tuesday my co-worker who is my employment reference yells at me "What kind of company phones at 0830 for a reference(it was his day off on Monday), and then I changed my ed reference to my other teacher who happens to be the wife of my original ed reference, and it took a while for the person on the phone to get that all I wanted to do was change the first name and that all the rest of the info was the same.
bms said:
Update: Got more paperwork today. Specifically, the paperwork for BackCheck. It includes educational, employment, and personal background as well as 5 educational, employment, or personal references.

Hopefully in by Monday.

Anyone else recieve this in the mail?

Never got mentioned to about this yet.. Is this happening to all the applicants?
Marshall said:
Never got mentioned to about this yet.. Is this happening to all the applicants?

I can't remember needing more than a couple references, but I passed in all my paperwork over a year ago. Haven't gotten anything other then Aircrew Selection stuff since then...and I was glad to finish it all when I had, hopefully there won't be more. Plus I'll need to find 5 references which might be tough since I hardly know any profs.
derekreid said:
I can't remember needing more than a couple references, but I passed in all my paperwork over a year ago. Haven't gotten anything other then Aircrew Selection stuff since then...and I was glad to finish it all when I had, hopefully there won't be more. Plus I'll need to find 5 references which might be tough since I hardly know any profs.

I am thinking it would be hard too, especially if I do not get it ASAP and get it later.. since they make their selections (I thought they already started) soon? I know enough references, but to get in contact with them all in short time may be a bit hard. hehe but I will do whatever it takes
It's the forms for BackCheck. I've never seen the forms before until today. They're basically just consenting for the release of your personal information.

References are easy for me. Cadet CO, Training Officer, Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator, High School Principal, Social Sciences Department Head.

I posted this so that you guys can know what to possibly expect.
bms said:
It's the forms for BackCheck. I've never seen the forms before until today. They're basically just consenting for the release of your personal information.

References are easy for me. Cadet CO, Training Officer, Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator, High School Principal, Social Sciences Department Head.

I posted this so that you guys can know what to possibly expect.

Nothing in my mail yet :/ Anyone else?
tumbling_dice said:
Hang in there, selection baord sits February 12.

Oh ok that is a little further then I thought. I was referring to the Backcheck form that BMS got. Gee I hope I do get it soon then If it is coming, February 12 is not far away  >:D
I dunno. It says in the accompanying letter the form is used to conduct screening for all potential Canadian Forces prospects.

Honestly, what this says to me is "You made it to the selection board. Just call 5 people.". If not, why would they bother giving me more paperwork. Especially since everything else went through perfectly.

Only time will tell.

PS: YEEEEEAAAAAAAH... After all this time, the selection board sits NEXT month.
bms said:
PS: YEEEEEAAAAAAAH... After all this time, the selection board sits NEXT month.

haha yeah. Well I was not expecting a response until mid-February anyways.
bms said:
I dunno. It says in the accompanying letter the form is used to conduct screening for all potential Canadian Forces prospects.

Honestly, what this says to me is "You made it to the selection board. Just call 5 people.". If not, why would they bother giving me more paperwork. Especially since everything else went through perfectly.

Only time will tell.

PS: YEEEEEAAAAAAAH... After all this time, the selection board sits NEXT month.

Not to burst your bubble, but I got my BackCheck information package with my application package, your recruiting centre properly just forgot to give it to you or your recruiting centre only gives it to you after you are merit-listed.
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