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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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bms said:
Well krkbl, there really isn't much anyone can really say about your choices. You know yourself better than anyone else and are therefore best informed and qualified to make that call about yourself. However, if you're in doubt just ask yourself "Do I think I can enjoy this for the next 10 years?".

Thanks for the reply, of course I knew it was my choice and I think you misinterpreted my question, i meant to ask if I would have enough time right now to make a change not whether or not i should switch from business to computer science, my mistake, shoulce made the qustion clear
George Wallace said:
Start posting like a professional in a professional manner, as you claim you want to be an officer.  Take your options, weigh them, and make up you mind what you want to do in the future.  Don't take too long about doing this; then go immediately to your CFRC and make the appropriate changes.  Once you have done that, wait for all your documentation and processing to be done and then you will know how successful you have been in your application when they contact you with or without an offer.

Thanks for the reply, i did a lousy job in making the question clear. I meant to ask if i had enough time to make a change before the dealine not whether or not i should change my program. As that is my personal choice. But I did visit the recruiting centre and made a change already and got what I wanted.
I think you can change the MOC you want after your first year, before they give you an offer for a specific MOC.

Atleast that's what I was told when I asked.
I was told by two different parties that they give you an MOC in May following the year you start university. So if you start in September 09, you would have an officiel MOC in or around May 2010.

Since I chose intelligence as first choice, I was told that I may be approved for ROTP based on that, but come May 2010 they may put me in another position if there are no intelligence spots left.

This information seems a bit strange, so please correct it if you know it's not accurate.

martr said:
I was told by two different parties that they give you an MOC in May following the year you start university. So if you start in September 09, you would have an officiel MOC in or around May 2010.

Since I chose intelligence as first choice, I was told that I may be approved for ROTP based on that, but come May 2010 they may put me in another position if there are no intelligence spots left.

This information seems a bit strange, so please correct it if you know it's not accurate.


I believe that's correct. My recruitment officer told me that they would try to get me in based on my 1st choice but to be aware that depending on demand it could be my 2nd or 3rd during my 2nd year in ROTP.

I also remember hearing somewhere (like bms stated) that you can apply to a different moc or trade, I am not sure if it would have to be in the same family though (since that is what they based their decision of you around?)
What I was told was that you are selected for one of nine branches:
Naval Operations (MARS)
Naval Engineering (Marine Systems or Combat Systems Engineer)
Army Operations (Combat Arms: Infantry, Artillery, and Armour)
Army Engineering (Electrical and Mechanical Engineer and Combat Engineer (I think)
Air Operations (Pilot, Navigator, Air Controller)
Air Engineering (Airfield Engineer)
Support in all three elements (Nursing, Logician, Military Police, maybe Intelligence)

Don't quote me on the above, but I believe that's correct. Anyway lets say you apply first for Air Logician, second for Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, and Third for MARS. They will then review you and offer you a position in either Air Support, Army Engineering, or Naval Operations respectively. If you accept, for example, Army Engineering, at the end of your first year they will sit you down and based on how competitive you are either offer you your preferred trade (Electrical and Mechanical Engineer), or, if you are not deemed competitive, another trade from that branch (in this case, Combat Engineer) and then you will be trade designated and good-to-go for trade training. The only exception to this is MARS as it is the only trade in the Naval Operations Branch.

NOTE: From what I was told, if you want a trade outside of your branch you have to tell someone and get the paperwork going. If you do not get your intended trade at then end of first year you will only be given a choice of trades within the same branch no matter what your choices were when you applied.

Hope that helps.
That makes a lot of sense, thank you!

However, I would hate to be chosen for Intelligence and after all is said and done, there's not enough positions and I end up as a nurse  :)
Support trades are really wacky because you actually need relevant experience for some of them ie. a Nursing degree. Intelligence has just been entered into the ROTP system to the best of my knowledge so I will leave that to people who receive pay cheques.
If you are in the the position to be offered your 2nd or 3rd choice, you have the ability to withdraw from the Forces all together without owing a dime.
Well, about a month from now a lot of us should know our fates for the next several years  ;D
bms said:
Yep ;D.

And not only that, the deadline is tomorrow :D.

I think we have that covered bms :P  October seemed not so long ago.
I know what you mean. The first round of selections seemed so far away. But now, they're next month. Even the deadline seemed like something arbitrarily in the future. Now the deadline is tomrrow, and selections are soon after.

Honestly, I don't think I can wait  :o
bms said:
I know what you mean. The first round of selections seemed so far away. But now, they're next month. Even the deadline seemed like something arbitrarily in the future. Now the deadline is tomrrow, and selections are soon after.

Honestly, I don't think I can wait  :o

Well, I feel content with whatever the decision on my file is.

If I make ROTP and go RMC, great.
If I make ROTP and go Civvie U, great.
If I DO NOT make ROTP, bummer. But NCM seems just as appealing :)

Same here. I'm not really concerned whether they select me or not. The whole officer/NCM debate has stalemated in my mind, so either way, I'll be extremely happy  ;D.

Only a short time to wait now anyways  :).
Since you've mentioned graduate studies, I have a question about that. When you are in the forces (either a ROTP degree, or someone with a degree who enters the military), are most Masters/Doctorates from RMC done by correspondance? I ask because it seems that you would be serving in a military job, and unless you happened to be stationed in a Kingston base, you wouldn't be able to simultaneously physically commute to school while also serving at military bases, especially when you're deployed abroad to fight.

I know graduate programs are more oriented towards independant study, so maybe correspondance isn't as much of a problem? Do people do their graduate projects while abroad and consult their observing professors over video phone or something like that?

One thing I was wondering if it is possible, is if you did RMC for a Bachelor's, then after your 5 years compulsory, returned to do graduate studies? I've been told that when you drop out of the forces that when you rejoin you need to do everything over again, but would that apply if it were only 2-3 years or something while you were upgrading your education to benefit the army from it? Or is it expected that you would do these studies concurrently with military duties, and do to that it would take longer than normal to complete the graduate degrees than people spending full time on it? Maybe there is a way to incorporate graduate projects into one's duties?
Hi there, I was just wondering...

The occupations that you put on your application... how hard is it to change them? I have to rewrite my aptitude test in a few months (which actually worked out because I would have gotten in based on my original occupation choice), and I was wondering if, when I call them to set up the appointment that I could tell them then about my change? My original choices were: 1. Infantry Officer 2. Intelligence and 3. Armour Officer, and I feel as though I've made a mistake. I'm not even sure if I want the Army as my number one choice anymore... do you think that'll be a problem? I realize I have to tell them before I take the test, that way they can see if my score will allow me in to such a position. I also realize that you don't get assigned an occupation until after your first year at RMC... how does that work anyways?

Thank-you for your time. (:
Sounds like a perfect question that the fine sailors, soldiers and airwomen/airmen at your local Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre would be more than happy to answer.
Well, if you haven't been processed yet / haven't been accepted to ROTP yet, which seems to be the case, then it's as easy as telling the CFRC "hey, can we scratch out those occupations and put these ones in instead?" And they will say "Sure, no problem. Initial here."

As for your question about not getting a trade until after your first year, here's how it works. If you get accepted to the ROTP, they will give you an "occupational grouping" based on your interests. For example, my occupational grouping is Land Training, this is because I had Infantry listed as my #1. In these groupings are 3-4 trades. For me, it's Infantry, Armoured, Artillery.

At the end of the year, you will be interviewed and assigned a trade within your occupational grouping. You can then choose to accept or decline without any financial obligation.
I realize I have to tell them before I take the test, that way they can see if my score will allow me in to such a position.

Wrong.  There are no individual CFAT scores for Officer occupations there is one minimum CFAT score that you must attain to be eligible for officer.  The only exception is AEC which requires a higher score to be met.
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