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Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

Wesley H. Allen said:
Not to rain on anyones' parade here, but.....

Seriously now, white magic, black magic, covens, spells, witches, and now 'fetishes'   ::), start mentioning this anywhere in your recruiting process, or promoting such, you'll be branded a nutter, and won't make it past the pshyc testing.



Actually, Wicca is a recognized religion with the CF. They have a pretty basic description of it, but like every religion, there are things that they do not go into depth about like rituals, spells and such. I believe Trinity posted a link a while ago with the desctiptions of all the CF recognized religions.
Recognised or not (and to what degree) - I can't see the CF recognising spells and witchcraft), you go on about covens, witches, spells and such and you will be labelled a nutter if not by the pshycs, your fellow co-workers should you ever get in. If I had someone telling me about spells, and said they were a witch, and were serious, I'd think they were 'right out of it'.

EDITed for spelling  ;D

Proving the CF is really straining the bounds of reality.

Anglican Church of Canada

Bahá'í Faith

Baptist Church

Brethren in Christ Church


Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Christian and Missionary Alliance

Christian Reformed Church

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Church of the Nazarene


Eastern Orthodox Churches

Evangelical Free Church

Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada

Free Methodist Church


Hutterian Brotherhood


Jehovah's Witnesses


Lutheran Church

Mennonite Church

Native Spirituality

Pentecostal Assemblies

Presbyterian Church in Canada


Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Roman Catholic Church

Salvation Army

Seventh-day Adventist Church


Ukrainian Catholic Church

Unitarian Universalist Church

United Church of Canada

Wesleyan Church


Worldwide Church of God




Better watch out the Scientologists are going to sue...
How bloody true Kevin, how bloody true, the PC world has even founds its way into this, but I do like that Wesleyan church  :P.


Thats cool, Wes.

I guess that is what makes us different.
I do not pass judgement on someone based on their religion or on what they practice in their religion.

Cheers :)
So, if I go for the one on the bottom, can I get "Zoro" put on my ID Discs? 8) Do you get one of those cool black flat top hats and a mask?
Ya, and what about the Church of the Aryan Brotherhood? Like Canada, the ADF too has gone way off the mark. What ever happened to:

SA; and

Those were the days - hey is devil worshipping on the list (yet)???

Springroll said:
Thats cool, Wes.

I guess that is what makes us different.
I do not pass judgement on someone based on their religion or on what they practice in their religion.

Cheers :)

So what if someone was a devil worshipper sacrifing goats, and was a CF member, or a member of some cult, where do you stand on that?
No need to be mocking my religion du jour, rg.  I just may have to summon up a Babylonian serpent demon to roast your liver.  I'll serve it up with some fava beans and a nice chianti....slllurp
Wesley H. Allen said:
So what if someone was a devil worshipper sacrifing goats, and was a CF member, or a member of some cult, where do you stand on that?

She is a Cult member Wes...

KevinB said:
She is a Cult member Wes...

....and seen The Craft too many times. "north, south, east, and west, we can make it all happen"
KevinB said:
She is a Cult member Wes...

If you choose to make the false dichotomy between a "religion" and a "cult".

I trust everyone making fun of wicca and all the other lesser followed religions isn't religious themselves since they're all just different sides of the same ridiculous rubix cube.

I suppose the CF should only recognize the "big 3" since... what? They're "righter" than the others?

"My one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater is real-er than yours... and mine even has symbolic cannibalism!"

Edited for spelling.
Glorified Ape said:
I trust everyone making fun of wicca and all the other lesser followed religions isn't religious themselves since they're all just different sides of the same ridiculous rubix cube.

Yup NRE on my tags, just adding some levity, lighten up. I could really care less what anyone else thinks of my religious, or lack of, convictions.
Wesley H. Allen said:
So what if someone was a devil worshipper sacrifing goats, and was a CF member, or a member of some cult, where do you stand on that?

I refuse to judge anyone based on their religious choice just as I would never judge someone based on the colour of their skin.

As for being a member of a "cult", here is the definition:

1. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
2. The followers of such a religion or sect.
3. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
4. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.
5. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.

I guess anyone with any sort of religious beliefs are part of a cult.

recceguy said:
Yup NRE on my tags, just adding some levity, lighten up. I could really care less what anyone else thinks of my religious, or lack of, convictions.

SR on mine. I wasn't taking it that seriously, just pointing out the irony of it.

Springroll said:
I refuse to judge anyone based on their religious choice just as I would never judge someone based on the colour of their skin.

As for being a member of a "cult", here is the definition:

1. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
2. The followers of such a religion or sect.
3. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
4. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.
5. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.

I guess anyone with any sort of religious beliefs are part of a cult.

That about sums it up.  ;D
Springroll said:
I refuse to judge anyone based on their religious choice just as I would never judge someone based on the colour of their skin.

As for being a member of a "cult", here is the definition:

1. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
2. The followers of such a religion or sect.
3. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
4. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.
5. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.

I guess anyone with any sort of religious beliefs are part of a cult.

Firstly, I am only in churches for wedding and funerals, and if anyone wants to worship the penis god, I don't care, but drawing pentagrams, darkness, candles, sarcrifices, spells, and outright witchcraft is NOT a religion. Thats my opinion, so comparing witches to say for example the ACC is way off centre.
Wesley H. Allen said:
Firstly, I am only in churches for wedding and funerals, and if anyone wants to worship the penis god, I don't care, but drawing pentagrams, darkness, candles, sarcrifices, spells, and outright witchcraft is NOT a religion. Thats my opinion, so comparing witches to say for example the ACC is way off centre.

Then you are unaware of the true workings of Wicca then.

The Wiccan Rede(Rule Book) summed up says "Ye Harm None, Do what Ye will". In other words, as long as I do not hurt anything, I can do what i like. Another good one is the rule of three. Anything I put forth will come back to me times 3.

I wear a pentacle, I like to burn candles(as most women do and I do prefer partylite), I do not sacrifice anything(that is against the rules) and I do only good spells, not any to hurt or harm anyone. I also do not do spells against someones wishes...that is also against the rules. Here is a good link to learn about Wicca. You will see that there is a huge difference between what your are writing(which alot people think is true) and what is actually true. The media has painted such a horrible picture of "witches" that they assume all ride broom sticks and and are green faces with warts all over, and that is so far form the truth.


Edited to add: but worshiping a statue of a dead man with blood dripping down his face, is okay?? I am only asking, not looking to be attacked. I used to be Anglican, so at one time, I too believed in Jesus and all of that.

Actually I'm planning on starting my own religion dedicated to firearms.  ;)
So I can wear one all the time as its a religious artifact. 

I'm a small c christian, with a mix of pagan and native spirituality in my actual belief system.  Which I personally think was Christ's message in the begining before some frickin Roman's decided to alter it to fit...

I dont put a lot of stock in organized religions as some asshole always enters into it and screws it up with their own deisres for personal power.  We are human, as such we are fallible, God could design the perfect roadmap, we'd screw it up, change it to make it easier to control general populations with it and call it perfect...  Or wait is that not what happend  ???

Just my 0.02 and since I am human I don't think I got it 100% either.
