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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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I know of two people who went to RMC when I did.  Not sure what they did to get in but I can find out.
Hi guys,

First of all, I want to say that I'm not sure where I should post this post, cause I don't think it's really related to any of the big topics so I figured to maybe post it here and hopefully someone can answer this complicated question.

I'm a 20-year-old University student. I'm currently in the process of applying for ROTP (with civ Uni), and I have two questions.
1. I'm actually trying to get into ROTP for Engineering program, but I'm currently enrolled in a non Engineering program. At the same time, I got rejected for applying for an Engineering program for the coming year. So what I'm wondering is, if I get into a Engineering program in a civ Uni next year, and at the same time got into ROTP, would they still let me do it with a civ Uni or will I have to go to RMC? (p.s. they told me that I qualify for the program, but because my background check will take a bit longer than normal, I can't really get in this year)

2. I have a great passion about joining the military, but if some day I no longer wish to continue with the Forces (like when I reach old age or retirement), would the Forces be my only career option? (specifically targeting the Engineering area) Because I also asked my uncle, who is an Engineer, what would the engineering jobs say about the military experience. He told me that it would likely be a negative effect after working with the Forces for 5 years or more. The reason he gave me is because in the Forces, you do what you're told, which means you don't really have a chance of solving problems and working your way out on your own as often. It kind of make sense to me, but at the same time I thought some experience in the related work field would be a plus...
So if anyone knows anybody that found their own career after serving for the time required from ROTP, please let me know, and what kind of opportunities might be out there. I would highly appreciate it if someone is willing to share their story.

Please and thank you,  :-\
dennis7t.life said:
I have a great passion about joining the military, but if some day I no longer wish to continue with the Forces (like when I reach old age or retirement), would the Forces be my only career option? (specifically targeting the Engineering area)

dennis7t.life said:
So if anyone knows anybody that found their own career after serving for the time required from ROTP, please let me know, and what kind of opportunities might be out there.

You may find this discussion of interest.

"Professional engineer through the C.F.
I am an engineering student and hold great interest in the Canadian Forces. I will eventually be going the ROTP route (assuming I am accepted).
My MOC would concern the engineering profession. I am mostly interested in either Construction (Airfield) Engineer or AERE.
That being said, I might one day decide that the military life is not for me.
Don't get me wrong, I intend to pay back in full and see my contract through till the end.
It is just something that has been bothering me for some time."

You would need to have your "home schooling" assessed and transcribed by your "Provincial" education authority before the CF can process you.

Check with your local Province first.
this might not be 100% related but I thought you'd like to know.

I was homeschooled from second grade all the way to my senior year, and I entered an official, public highschool with less than a year to go. I finished, and I qualified for my trade when I took my CFAT.

Once you're allowed to take your tests, no worries, you'll be fine. I know a lot of people were worried on my end because of the situation.  ;D
Thanks for all the helpful replies! I am going to talk to the recruiter ASAP and find out what I should be doing.

Alex10370 said:
You don't need calculus for arts at RMC.

I do realize that I am posting about a week since the latest, but it's never to late to through in some new stuff.

The RMC website that was brought up earlier does say that you don't need to have completed calculus, but it does say that it is recommended. This is for your own benefit. As you may or may not know, if you are enrolled in the arts program at RMC, you must take a handful of science and math courses (chemistry; physics; algebra; etc.). Likewise, a science/engineering student would be enrolled in a number of humanities and language courses (English; history; psychology; etc.).

By taking a few science and math courses in secondary school, it will give you a bit of an introduction to what will be learned later in your post secondary life.
Yes in year one EVERYONE regardless of degree takes Calculus, History, English, Psych (and possibly a couple of other mandatory courses I am forgetting)
Im going into grade 12 in September, and im thinking of doing the ROTP for nursing, when do I apply, and where?

And can i do it for 1 year, and see if i like it, or is it once i sign up I have to go through for all 4 years?
Khaalid said:
Im going into grade 12 in September, and im thinking of doing the ROTP for nursing, when do I apply, and where?
I would recommend you apply as early as possible during the school year (Sept./Oct.).

Khaalid said:
And can i do it for 1 year, and see if i like it, or is it once i sign up I have to go through for all 4 years?

You have until you begin BMOQ (summer after first year) to decide if the military is right for you. During this time you are able to put in for a voluntary release without worrying about owing time or money to the CAF.
SeR said:
I would recommend you apply as early as possible during the school year (Sept./Oct.).

You have until you begin BMOQ (summer after first year) to decide if the military is right for you. During this time you are able to put in for a voluntary release without worrying about owing time or money to the CAF.

so what's the BMOQ stand for? and what happens if i try to get out after the BMOQ?
Khaalid said:
so what's the BMOQ stand for? and what happens if i try to get out after the BMOQ?

So, did you forget what it stood for when you were told back in February?

Khaalid said:
what does BMOQ stand for?

Looking through your posts, most of your questions are the same: When do I apply?  Can I try it for a year?  What does BMOQ stand for?

You don't seem to retain information very well......
I just Googled "BMOQ" for you just to see how easy it is and this is the very first link that comes up:

is this where i apply in september for the ROTP?

PMedMoe said:
So, did you forget what it stood for when you were told back in February?

Looking through your posts, most of your questions are the same: When do I apply?  Can I try it for a year?  What does BMOQ stand for?

You don't seem to retain information very well......

ya sorry about that, i should've searched up my old posts, didn't think of that at the time.
Khaalid said:
is this where i apply in september for the ROTP?


Yes. After you apply you will hear from Recruiting and they will ask you to send in some documents (high school transcript, photocopy of birth certificate/proof of citizenship etc.). Then they will decide on whether or not to process you further and they will forward your application to a local recruiting centre. It will be a classic case of "hurry up and wait." Good luck.
so after my first year, that summer they send me to quebec right for 10 weeks training? when im in university my break is from may till september, so 4 months, when do they start the 10 weeks training? and when i come back from that, what happens next?
I get that English may not be your first language, but if you plan on applying for ROTP, could you at least attempt to use proper capitalization, punctuation, etc as stated in this website's guidelines?

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