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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Thanks for the responses! I do appreciate them. To be honest, I am kind of disappointed at the fact that they do not have formal lessons on etiquette. In my opinion an officer is the face of the military, and therefore should be taught how to behave himself accordingly.
Thanks a lot for the reply, and I will keep in mind to use the search for next time!

Caramon_Majere said:
Also, the size of the two colleges varies. RMCC has much more people than the CMR does; I can't remember the amount of students at the RMC, but there are no more than 120 students at the CMR. Prep year students are usually bunked two to a room, while first years get their own.

As you said above, what's the difference between a prep year student and a first year, as in responsibilities, duties, etc? I've never heard of a prep.
George Wallace said:
WOW!  In a military environment, that is ........ unacceptable.  It is proper military etiquette to address your superiors by their rank or "sir".  Was this on an Airbase or a Training base?

The names, faces and voices of those involved have been altered for their own protection.....
Eye In The Sky said:
The what??
The face of the military, as in the people who represent the military, and who's conduct ultimately improves or worsens the reputation of the military.
mih30 said:
Thanks for the responses! I do appreciate them. To be honest, I am kind of disappointed at the fact that they do not have formal lessons on etiquette. In my opinion an officer is the face of the military, and therefore should be taught how to behave himself accordingly.

We haven't even finished withdrawing from Afghanistan and this is what new officers are concerned about nowadays?
You could cut the kid some slack- he is not even sworn in yet.  He has a entire career ahead of him of reality smashing him in the face.
mih30 said:
Thanks! I was wondering more in terms of general officer behaviour, as table manners are something which is learned at home. Thanks for both of your replies, as they have answered my question.

I hope you weren't punished at home for excusing yourself in the same way as you will be in the CF  >:D
SeaKingTacco said:
You could cut the kid some slack- he is not even sworn in yet.  He has a entire career ahead of him of reality smashing him in the face.

Ha, I know, I know....but it would be nice if he were more concerned about 'will I be able to do my job properly and keep people alive' than 'what spoon do I use to stir my coffee?'.

Yes, nicely picked up on. Is this another RMC hopeful with visions of field marshals batons and a barely hidden contempt for the 'other ranks'...
Towards_the_gap said:
Ha, I know, I know....but it would be nice if he were more concerned about 'will I be able to do my job properly and keep people alive' than 'what spoon do I use to stir my coffee?'.

He's going to get a whole bunch of training focused on the first of those two things, He's only asked a question on the internet about the latter. If it gets answered for him here, he'll be able to use all his focus on the important things when he gets to them. We also need people, officers and NCMs, to have balanced knowledge and abilities, and we expect them to prioritize them as needed. Asking about etiquette here takes nothing away from our future expectations of him as a leader. Are we going to use the RMC forum as a place to pick at people for not having the same understanding we do after years, or decades, of service?
Towards_the_gap said:
Yes, nicely picked up on. Is this another RMC hopeful with visions of field marshals batons and a barely hidden contempt for the 'other ranks'...

I do apologize if I have offended you. I do not hold anyone in contempt, especially those who bravely serve our country. I was just asking a question.
Towards_the_gap said:
Yes, nicely picked up on. Is this another RMC hopeful with visions of field marshals batons and a barely hidden contempt for the 'other ranks'...

Completely uncalled for. I see a young future officer asking a simple question in the hopes of learning from the experience of those on this board. Throwing such hostile responses back at him is only going to ensure he doesn't return. 

How asking a question on etiquette is indicative of a "barely hidden contempt for the 'other ranks'" is beyond me. Etiquette is a fairly important part of being an officer. So are job performance and leading ones subordinates. Asking about one doesn't mean he's unlikely to care about the others.
You are correct, and thus, sorry to the OP for the overly harsh response. It was just the implication that officers are the face of the CF and therefore must have impeccable manners that rankled me slightly and brought about the response. Mea culpa.
In fact, there aren't many differences. the routine is the same, except the classes are slightly different. I wouldn't worry about it.

Here in Québec, our educational system is a little different than the rest of Canada : High school ends a year before and College is (more or less) a year longer. Since many people enter right out of high school, there needed to be an alternative : enter the prep year program.

I believe that was one of the reasons it was created, anyway. The rest of it I wouldn't know. there seems to be a great variety of factors as to whether you go straight to first year or do a preparatory year beforehand. Either way both are just as Green as the forum.

Here's another thread with some useful information about the differences (or rather lack of them) between the two. it might help you clear things up.

It's possible the Senior first years are the one who get their own rooms whilst the newer fellas bunk together.
Just curious about the Application process, you send in you application and transcript....then what happens?
Also what type of people are they looking for? Marks? Personality traits?
I'm thinking of applying to RMC and was wondering what you guys though of my application. Heres a rough view....
- 80% average at a private school (St. Johns Ravenscourt)
- Ultimate Team and Team captain (6+ years)
- Hockey team (10+ years)
- Soccer Team (4+ years)
- Provincial Squash Team (2 years)
- House Captain at my school
- Part of a group called natural helpers (you are voted in by your peers)
I would like to take engineering there (im taking all the appropriate courses already)
*I have also had a job at grocery since is was 13 (im 17 now) and for the past 2 years i have worked full time during the summer and ref hockey during the winter
*Another question, does anyone know how many applications they a year and how many they except?
Thanks a lot guys, your feedback would be great!  :)
Try searching the forum as it will be easy to find answers to this question. There are many different parts of your application that are looked at including marks, extracurricular activities, your aptitude test, interview etc. All of these have been covered in depth and you could read replies for hours if you have the patience  ;)
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