Hey All,
A little late to the party, but hey, better late then never right?
I posted in the 2012-2013 thread....crap...1.5 years ago!
So here's my story:
(prepare yourselves, will add truncated version at end)
I applied for ROTP when I was finishing up Grade 12 - now 3 years ago.
I didn't get accepted, but that was fine. I figured I'd get my foot in the door, and continue on with university, so I transferred to the reserves as a Vehicle Technician with 36 Svc Bn in Halifax.
I completed my first 2 years of Mech Eng at Saint Mary's University, and then switched over to Dalhousie (as that's how it's run here in Nova Scotia...politics).
I figured I was finally ready to put my CT in transfer to ROTP EME Officer, so did that in October of 2011. I had heard from fellow coworkers who had also put CT's in that it can be a lengthy process, and boy were they right.
My hopes were up to hear something before the summer of 2012, but nothing. So more Reserve training it was! I didn't fret though, as I was content with what I was doing.
I started my 3rd year of MechEng at Dal, and boy oh boy that's when "life experience" came at me. I had a motorcycle accident in October of 2012, requiring me to drop that semester, take time off to recover, and then decide whether or not to register for classes for winter of 2013.
I did so, and man was it ever boring! So register for classes I did. But the fun didn't stop there, as my family was hit with some unfortunate news: My mother had been diagnosed with cancer. She was in Toronto with the rest of our family while I was the only one left in Halifax, studying (or trying to). I tried my hardest to do my best, but it was difficult, and my grades suffered.
But fear not, for the summer was coming and I was set to do a Co-op session in Montreal! At last, close enough to see my mom! Meanwhile I still have not heard anything about my CT, so my mind had put it on the back burner. I enjoyed the opportunity I was given. My co-op was going great, I loved what I was doing. I loved being in Montreal! I've also been able to see my mom a handful of times which has been excellent.
Now to the good part. On June 2nd I was emailed my offer from Ottawa: Accepted for ROTP to attend Dal to finish my degree and become an EME Officer! I didn't know what to think, but I accepted! Pretty much one of the best emails ever. ;D
So a message to those out there who have been rejected, or had issues, or whatever the case may be: don't give up. "Good things come to those wait".
TL;DR version (Too long didn't read version)
Applied for ROTP Grade 12 - got rejected.
Joined reserves to get foot in door as vehicle tech.
Completed 2 years MechEng
Put in CT to ROTP EME Officer.
Started 3rd Year MechEng.
Personal/Family Issues
Got offer for EME Officer ROTP YAY!! ;D