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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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It's nice to hear how everyone's process is going and good luck to all on that.
Canada94 sucks to hear about the elbow, heal up soon.

As for me, I just got the call to schedule my CFAT so I'm pretty happy to be moving along in the process.

Recruiting Center: CFRC Kitchener
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Infantry Officer
Trade Choice 2: Engineer Officer
Trade Choice 3: Artillery Officer
Application Date: September 2, 2011
First Contact: September 8, 2011
Aptitude: (Scheduled) October 31, 2011
Interview completed:
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:
CFAT this Thursday at 9 in the morning... GAH ! Study study study !!!

How is everyone's processing coming along?
scriptox said:
CFAT this Thursday at 9 in the morning... GAH ! Study study study !!!

How is everyone's processing coming along?

Good luck! It is not exactly a test you can study for. The best resources to use are probably the sample test on the forces website. Other than that, all I can say is broaden your vocabulary as best you can. :camo:
dannyboy41 said:
Good luck! It is not exactly a test you can study for. The best resources to use are probably the sample test on the forces website. Other than that, all I can say is broaden your vocabulary as best you can. :camo:

True true, although, I still have this urge to keep reviewing my grade 10 math.. even though I'm still in High School currently in the Ontario Advanced Functions course haha. I found a nice resource for those who are looking to broaden their vocabulary :


Nice little site for word quizzes and such. They even have levels too. :D
scriptox said:
True true, although, I still have this urge to keep reviewing my grade 10 math.. even though I'm still in High School currently in the Ontario Advanced Functions course haha. I found a nice resource for those who are looking to broaden their vocabulary :


Nice little site for word quizzes and such. They even have levels too. :D

You'll do fine :D.

I am 95% healed! I actually feel totally normal and am back at work. However I have been "booked" an MRI (takes MONTHS) to see if I have loose cartilage in my Elbow which could be causing my elbow to tighten up from time to time.. I called to talk to my recruiter but could not get a hold of him today to ask if it is okay to do the Medical before an MRI (because I might not technically be totally healed). So many annoying occurrence's from that dam elbow!

Anyways I will be booking my Medical and Interview tomorrow (if I am permitted, for my Medical that is).
Would anybody happen to know what the odds are of being accepted for the ROTP at a civilian university over RMC? and if the odds are better to apply as an undergraduate compared to direct?
I don't know exactly the numbers, since only the registrar will know. But I'll just regurgitate what a fourth year student and representative from the Registrar said at the RMC presentation at the Ontario University Fair: "This year we are estimating about 500 spots, 200 to RMC St.Jean and 300 to civilian Universities"

I still don't know why they said St.Jean. They never mentioned RMC Kingston in any of those numbers and I never bothered to ask why.

Still, don't take this as fact. This is simply what they explained to the some odd 30 of us in the room, and I am just passing it on to you. 
scriptox said:
I don't know exactly the numbers, since only the registrar will know. But I'll just regurgitate what a fourth year student and representative from the Registrar said at the RMC presentation at the Ontario University Fair: "This year we are estimating about 500 spots, 200 to RMC St.Jean and 300 to civilian Universities"

I still don't know why they said St.Jean. They never mentioned RMC Kingston in any of those numbers and I never bothered to ask why.

Still, don't take this as fact. This is simply what they explained to the some odd 30 of us in the room, and I am just passing it on to you.

Hmm interesting numbers good to know, thanks for telling.
scriptox said:
I don't know exactly the numbers, since only the registrar will know. But I'll just regurgitate what a fourth year student and representative from the Registrar said at the RMC presentation at the Ontario University Fair: "This year we are estimating about 500 spots, 200 to RMC St.Jean and 300 to civilian Universities"

I still don't know why they said St.Jean. They never mentioned RMC Kingston in any of those numbers and I never bothered to ask why.

Still, don't take this as fact. This is simply what they explained to the some odd 30 of us in the room, and I am just passing it on to you. 

definitely thanks for sharing, even if the numbers are wrong i can lighten my mood a little bit with more dreams of a better chance, thanks
I passed my CFAT for Signals Officer ! Woo !

Story time !  ;D

I arrived at CFRC Hamilton today at around 0845, the specified time that the Staff said to be there at in a previous phone call. Went in, checked in, sat down and waited until 0900. Let me tell you, that was one of the worst 15 minutes of my life so far haha. The waiting and all the "what if" questions go through your head :P. 3 other people showed up, 1 from Niagara and 2 from Hamilton who happened to be twins. We all went up to the front desk as the man called us to in order to pay for travel expenses. I though this was quite odd because I didn't even take a taxi or public service, I just got a ride from my mom haha. But hey, I'm not complaining :D. So we go in for the CFAT and as stated above, I passed :D. Verbal and spatial were worrying me for the whole duration I was working on math. Luckily for me I though the math section was a breeze; maybe I was just over-prepared or something... so we go back into the lobby and are just sitting there. I decide to break the ice by asking what entry plans and what trades is everyone going into. Had a short little group convo and then a man at the desk calls me up. Turns out that he wasn't able to schedule my medical and interview for today because they were fully booked.

I really wanted to know what my CFAT score was, and I wasn't expecting a full out answer, but I thought I might as well ask. So it went like this:

"The Lieutenant told all 4 of us to stay here because he was going to talk to us about the CFAT and you just booked my appointments so should I stay here or be on my way?"

"You're going on your way.. "

"Oh.. okay, well how's my CFAT score?"

"In terms of your CFAT score... you're good to go."

"I'm good to go?"

"Yeah you're good to go."

And that's the jist of it haha.

Recruiting Center: CFRC Hamilton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Signals Officer
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: September 20, 2011
First Contact: October 4, 2011
Aptitude: October 27, 2011
Medical: (Scheduled) November 10, 2011 
Interview completed: (Scheduled) November 10, 2011
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

Awesome scriptox!  That's pretty much the exact same answer I received.  Although when I went back for my medical, I asked again and they said that I would be told more after/during my interview when I got a specific recruiter.

Still waiting for a call for my interview date, life has been crazy lately with midterms, work, coaching and volunteering in a psyc lab at school.  I feel like I'm learning in everything that I do (new job, finding an effective way to coach. not only the kids but using assistant coaches effectively etc. and designing/running an experiment) Anyways its starting to slow down now as I'm getting the hang of everything so hopefully the interview comes before finals haha.

Canada94, I'm pretty sure they will require a sign off from your doctor regarding your elbow (they did for me for a minor knee injury).  Paperwork saying when it happened, treatment and if you can lift XXX kg and carry it for XXX metres, dig a trench, scale a wall, live in cold weather etc.  before they'll send your paperwork off.  Not sure how busy your doctor is, but if you need to book in advance, I would book an appointment the same day, or the day after your CF medical.

I always thought they took way more for RMC than civy, but that's based on absolutely nothing haha.  I was told however, by a recruiter, that even if I put "yes" to RMC on my application they would still send me to civy u (I'm in my second year) and that by having RMC as a "no" would not affect my changes in any way. (I tried to switch my application to say "yes" to RMC and he wouldn't let me)
Different story if you are not already attending a civy U I would assume.
Also, is anybody else in the thread applying for Pilot? I know tons of people do but I don't remember seeing anybody post on here.
Yeah it feels good man. As far as passing and failing goes, I think I passed... since I got that assurance from the man at the desk, appointments scheduled, and I had to fill in that previous health history questionnaire. But I would really like to get into specifics such as if I did well on certain parts and if I didn't do so well on other parts. I guess that will be mentioned in the interview at some point I hope. I have on my card here saying that my interview appointment is for 2 hours... 2 hours! Gosh!

And I'm pretty sure you're the only one applying for Pilot that has been posting in this thread haha. Although I think that there will be many more people coming in and posting when December/January comes closer. As far as people applying in the thread, we seem to be the ones who have been in the application process at an early date hehehe.
LOLslamball said:
Awesome scriptox!  That's pretty much the exact same answer I received.  Although when I went back for my medical, I asked again and they said that I would be told more after/during my interview when I got a specific recruiter.

Still waiting for a call for my interview date, life has been crazy lately with midterms, work, coaching and volunteering in a psyc lab at school.  I feel like I'm learning in everything that I do (new job, finding an effective way to coach. not only the kids but using assistant coaches effectively etc. and designing/running an experiment) Anyways its starting to slow down now as I'm getting the hang of everything so hopefully the interview comes before finals haha.

Canada94, I'm pretty sure they will require a sign off from your doctor regarding your elbow (they did for me for a minor knee injury).  Paperwork saying when it happened, treatment and if you can lift XXX kg and carry it for XXX metres, dig a trench, scale a wall, live in cold weather etc.  before they'll send your paperwork off.  Not sure how busy your doctor is, but if you need to book in advance, I would book an appointment the same day, or the day after your CF medical.

I always thought they took way more for RMC than civy, but that's based on absolutely nothing haha.  I was told however, by a recruiter, that even if I put "yes" to RMC on my application they would still send me to civy u (I'm in my second year) and that by having RMC as a "no" would not affect my changes in any way. (I tried to switch my application to say "yes" to RMC and he wouldn't let me)
Different story if you are not already attending a civy U I would assume.

Yes I was told the same! I am booking one tomorrow morning as finally ....

Medical and Interview booked for November 15th! Woo.

And great scriptox!!!! We are all on the move hehe

Recruiting Center: CFRC Hamilton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Infantry O
Trade Choice 2: Arm O
Trade Choice 3: Arty O
Application Date: September 13, 2011
First Contact: September 28th, 2011
Aptitude: October 4th, 2011
Medical: October 12th, 2011 November 15th, 2011
Interview completed: (booked for) October 12th, 2011 November 15th, 2011
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Scriptox you definitely passed, don't need to think about that one! Although I hear you about wanting to know more.  Personally I don't care where I did well/poor, I just want to know how I did in relation to other applicants, which I think they're allowed to tell you.

Awesome news canada94.

How are you guys preparing for your interview?
LOLslamball said:
I just want to know how I did in relation to other applicants,

To what end ?

Theres no extra pay for doing better. They don't stamp "extra ice cream" on your ration card if you do better.......

You either made the grade for the trades you are applying for or you did not. That is all that matters.

No one is going to care how well you did on your CFAT...............specially if you turn out to be a thud on course.
CDN Aviator said:
To what end ?

Theres no extra pay for doing better. They don't stamp "extra ice cream" on your ration card if you do better.......

You either made the grade for the trades you are applying for or you did not. That is all that matters.

No one is going to care how well you did on your CFAT...............specially if you turn out to be a thud on course.

If I am not mistaken CFAT scores count for a certain percentage of merit list score. So in having a successful application, near the top of the merit list, CFAT scores in comparison to other applicants are relevant.

If I am mistaken and the CFAT score is just only listed as a pass/fail in relation to application strength and merit list then it would only be to satisfy my curiosity, and if I was not told then I would not ask.
When I took my CFAT they simply told me I made Inf Officer. I haven't done an aptitude test before and I would have like to know what other trades I'd do well in. That was before I found out it was just a qualification that I have the ability to comprehend officer training, regardless what trade or branch. The better you do, the better candidate you'll be compared to others, but to make officer you have to get a certain score on the test, and you won't be shown what your score was. I would have liked to know my score but I don't need to know.

I've gotten two calls from CFRC London to book my medical but just finding out my work schedule for next week I'll call ASAP. I know I'll have to get documents signed by my jaw and physiotherapist for my knee so once booked I'll book appointments with them. I also have to talk to my boss about going to part time. I need to focus on training and getting my knee in running shape again and with any luck I can workout every other day and go to work on resting days.
I have just recently joined this fourm because of the valuable information that i can be given from other aspiring CF canidates.
The question that i was really curious about is weather I am at all a competitive canidate for the ROTP.
I am a grade 12 student in my final year and i have a 91 average for my whole high school carrer.
I'm not on any school teams, but I am very atheletic.  I have been working at my job for the last three years and i am now the assistant manager at the studio.  As for volunteer work, I have done about 100 hours, and I also part of the peer mentoring at my school.  I am also a part of the grad committee.
I'm applying to the ROTP as a nurse, and I have already been excepted to Dalhousie university and ST. FX (cant descide which one i want to go to  :facepalm::
Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.
thank you
Pusser said:
It would seem to me that if you were unsuitable for RMC, then you were unsuitable for ROTP as well.

During my interview I was told that I was not suitable for RMC because I did not have a high school diploma, only a GED.

I had no desire to attend RMC, so this didn't concern me too much. I of course would have attended whichever school they told me to go to. In the end I was accepted and told I could attend any of the civilian programs listed on my application.
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