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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Hey there,
I was wondering if there is anyone at RMC Kingston who could tell me whether or not you have a phone in your room, or you should bring a cell phone with you.

When I was there for cadet summer camp there were no phones in the rooms, but there were payphones on each floor. Probably best to bring a cell phone if you can. I'm not a RMC student though so I can't say for sure if that's the same during the school year.
I was wondering if anyone with (preferably first hand) experience with civi-u ROTP could answer a question for me:

The basic salary that everyone was given prior to enrolment has deductions for rations and quarters, do these deductions apply to individuals attending civilian university who will obviously be paying their own rent and buying their own food?

I was told that yes, they will be by a file manager, but I have doubts as it would be impossible to pay for rent and groceries on just over $500/month (which is what it settles to after all the deductions).

Before everyone goes nuts and tells me to contact a recruiter, I called my ULO and he wasn't helpful (he didn't seem to know what I was talking about...).

Thanks in advance.
Kant19 said:
I was wondering if anyone with (preferably first hand) experience with civi-u ROTP could answer a question for me:

The basic salary that everyone was given prior to enrolment has deductions for rations and quarters, do these deductions apply to individuals attending civilian university who will obviously be paying their own rent and buying their own food?

I was told that yes, they will be by a file manager, but I have doubts as it would be impossible to pay for rent and groceries on just over $500/month (which is what it settles to after all the deductions).

Before everyone goes nuts and tells me to contact a recruiter, I called my ULO and he wasn't helpful (he didn't seem to know what I was talking about...).

Thanks in advance.

R&Q is paid when the CF provides you with R&Q.  So, if you're living in Quarters, you pay for quarters.  If you're eating in military kitchens, you're paying for rations.

If you are paying for your own accommodations and paying for your own groceries, you would not normally pay R&Q.
dapaterson said:
R&Q is paid when the CF provides you with R&Q.  So, if you're living in Quarters, you pay for quarters.  If you're eating in military kitchens, you're paying for rations.

If you are paying for your own accommodations and paying for your own groceries, you would not normally pay R&Q.

Yes, that's what I assumed makes sense.  Are you civi-u ROTP or what's your source?
I am many years removed from university.  (Well, mostly)

I don't have access to CF policy on R&G in front of me since I'm at home, otherwise I'd provide a reference.  And I won't be back in the office until August (ish).
Kant19 said:
I was wondering if anyone with (preferably first hand) experience with civi-u ROTP could answer a question for me:
The basic salary that everyone was given prior to enrolment has deductions for rations and quarters, do these deductions apply to individuals attending civilian university who will obviously be paying their own rent and buying their own food?
I was told that yes, they will be by a file manager, but I have doubts as it would be impossible to pay for rent and groceries on just over $500/month (which is what it settles to after all the deductions).
Before everyone goes nuts and tells me to contact a recruiter, I called my ULO and he wasn't helpful (he didn't seem to know what I was talking about...).
Thanks in advance.

Sorry but that is hilarious........  On a more serious note, which University will you be attending this coming fall?
DAA said:
Sorry but that is hilarious........  On a more serious note, which University will you be attending this coming fall?

Actually, having to live off $500/month isn't particularly hilarious, which is what my file manager told me I would be doing come September.  You have a unique sense of humour.
I'm sorry I wasn't clear, $500 is my salary during the year.  I will not be in training, I will be in school and the $500 will have to cover my rent, utilities, groceries, etc.  Last year the best deal I could get on rent was $550/month, no utilities included.  Luckily I found a cheaper place this year, but still $500 is tight.
$500 is not your salary. The salary that you will be receiving as a first year Officer Cadet is $1567 a month. (Reference: http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/ps/pay-sol/pr-sol/rfor-ofr-eng.asp)

Since you will be attending a civilian university, you will receive said amount and you will pay your expenses with this. If you decide to live on the street and eat out of a dumpster, you pocket the full amount (for some reason this choice isn't a favourite for most).

A first year RMC cadet is also paid this amount, but since they live "on base," the government will take about a two thirds of that for rations and quarters. At the end of the month, an RMC cadet will walk away with roughly $500. I believe that this is where you file manager went wrong.

Hope this helped, and have fun next year!
Kant19 said:
Actually, having to live off $500/month isn't particularly hilarious, which is what my file manager told me I would be doing come September.  You have a unique sense of humour.

You missed my point.  I thought it was funny that someone told you that Rations and Quarters would be deducted from your pay while attending Civi U.

You still haven't said which Civi U you are attending, so here goes......

While attending Civi U, you receive the same pay that a student attending RMC would receive, as mentioned by SeR above.  It is your own responsibility to secure accommodations at your own expense and feed yourself.  Unless, you happen to be in an area that has a Military Base/Wing which has Single Quarters.  If this is the case, then you can request to occupy quarters and elect a suitable ration plan if you choose, as such, then and only then would deductions for R&Q come off your pay.

Other than that, you are pretty much on your own.
I asked a question about getting into RMC being homeschooled a while back, and I did some reasearch on the topic. The problem is that there is really nothing I can do to get provincial recognition for my highscool diploma. I asked the Ontario Homeschool Authority and they said the only thing they can think of is the SAT. Now the question is, will only having a SAT ruin my chances of getting accepted into RMC? Is the SAT looked down upon at RMC?
If you did your home schooling in Ontario, then you need to contact the Ontario Ministry of Education for assistance.  Education is a "provincial" responsibility, so they are the only ones who can help you.

Regretably the CF does not recognize home schooling, unless your particular program and marks have been assessed and transcribed by a provincial authority.
From forces.ca


Homeschooling also known as home-based learning, home learning and home education, is education given to a student, typically conducted by parents, guardians or tutors at home, outside the formal venue of public school education.

Although not new in Canadian society, homeschooling quickly became a secondary mode of educating children with the adoption of the Federal Education Act and the availability of free public accessible schooling. Homeschooling is governed under provincial education laws and, therefore, provincially monitored.
Due to the vagueness of provincial legislation and widely separated views on homeschooling, the CF does not acknowledge home-based schooling without a legally authenticated document by a provincial authority. Applicants who have undergone homeschooling at the secondary school level are to have their marks assessed and transcribed by the provincial education authority.

When i was a recruiter we had someone apply for RMC with homeschooling but they provided a transcribed assessment.  I don't remember if the person had been accepted or not but I do remember that his particular assessment was above average for RMC.  I would suggest you contact the Ontario ministry of education to see if your homeschooling can be assessed.

Also you have some options.  ROTP civy U.  Many recognised universities have homeschool acceptance policies, if you can get accepted in any of those I would argue that you could be eligible for ROTP if not in your first year perhaps your second year.

At any rate, good luck!
At my swearing in ceremony they said, approximately 500 people applied and 13 were accepted for rotp, 1 for retp and 1 for civi u, this is in Barrie, Ontario, the recruiting centre about an hour north of Toronto.
2. I received a US high school diploma from the school that administered my curriculum. 
Were you living in Canada and achieved a US high school diploma? This would be through a private school in the states catering to home schooling I assume? If so, that must have cost a whole stack of cash! Just want to point out most home schooled people I have met would not have that option and would not have anything similar to the credentials you have. Or am I off on that one? If so, please correct me.
If that is the case for Barrie and it is a similar percentage for the Atlantics as well. I would imagine the whole of Canada would be around 3%. Certainly a major achievement for anyone getting accepted into the program. With that said, congragulations for anyone who did get accepted and good luck as you proceed onto your respective schools.
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