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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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I received a pleasant surprise this week, I was accepted to ROTP as an ACSO and get to continue my studies at Carleton U. At this point I had already come to terms with not getting selected and was starting to focus on next years application.
Motard said:
I received a pleasant surprise this week, I was accepted to ROTP as an ACSO and get to continue my studies at Carleton U. At this point I had already come to terms with not getting selected and was starting to focus on next years application.

Congratulations!! Where will you be going? RMCSJ , RMC or Civvie U?

Edit : Ah, dang. Sorry Admin.
Caramon_Majere said:
Congratulations!! Where will you be going? RMCSJ , RMC or Civvie U?

Motard said:
I received a pleasant surprise this week, I was accepted to ROTP as an ACSO and get to continue my studies at Carleton U. At this point I had already come to terms with not getting selected and was starting to focus on next years application.

Hello everyone.

I am a 17 year old Iraqi (Canadian now) who is looking to join RMC, and have a career within the Canadian Forces. I would like to tell you my current position, and for you to decide if I may have a shot at entering or not. I want you to be brutally honest with me, since I realize RMC is very competitive.

I am currently enrolled in Gr 11, and I would like to say that my grades mostly average in the mid 70s. I like to think myself as intelligent (not bragging here), however, I lack the motivation, as I procrasinate very much. The stress of family problems has also taken its toll on me. I would like to know if RMC only sees Gr 12 marks, as I am getting serious in doing well this year.

I can offer the following towards RMC:

- Over 300 hours volunteered at a Medical Clinic
- Arabic, French, English (German currently)
- I am now working at the same Clinic now

I do not have a history of sports except playing house soccer league back in 2008, and I went to Ontario Pioneer Camp. I have nothing else to offer. My only extra curricular activities include reading, working and volunteering. I am hoping to join Cadets this September, even though for a very short while, in order to improve my chances at getting in.

So please, respond truthfully... What would you recommend I do to be able to join? Is there any area I can improve on to increase my chances to get in?
The only thing I'm going to touch on is the marks. During the fall of grade 12 when you apply, you are required to submit your high school transcripts. At this time, all of your grade 9-11 marks will be on it, but not the grade 12 marks (since your courses are still in progress). If you want them to look at your first semester marks of your grade 12 year, you have to bring them an updated set of transcripts to the recruiting centre when your first semester exams are over.

As for your extra curriculars - I know (many) people with more than what you have put, while a handful got in with about the same as you. I guess it really depends on how you sell it during your interview and application.

Best of luck!
Is the percentage of getting in RMC actually 3%? ( I read it in a thread somewhere)

And I can't help the lack of extra curicular activities, I came in late to Canada, and only
thought about pursuing a military career a few months ago.

And will joining cadets help me in any way?

Thanks!  :cdn: :cdn: :cdn:
Joining cadets can't hurt. I think it will help me on my RMC application. Plus, you get a little bit of exposure to military aspects such as drill, maintaining a uniform and rank structure. Plus it's just lots of fun!
Fadiko said:
Is the percentage of getting in RMC actually 3%? ( I read it in a thread somewhere)

And I can't help the lack of extra curicular activities, I came in late to Canada, and only
thought about pursuing a military career a few months ago.

And will joining cadets help me in any way?

Thanks!  :cdn: :cdn: :cdn:

You said you are 17 so maybe the reserves would be a better idea than joining the cadets. Would give you a better look at and feel for what military life is like.
If you do some reading or searching on this forum you can find the answer. If that fails there is always google.
If you mean that 3% of all applicants get in, I can assure you that what you have heard is incorrect. I forget the exact numbers, but more than 3% get in.

As for your inquiry about the reserves - I wouldn't bother applying now if you're going to apply for ROTP in the fall.
It's too late to join Reserves, right? I can still do it for fun though, right?

Anyways, according to my results. What are my current chances of being accepted in ROTP?

What will my chances be at getting in if I score 80s or higher in Grade 12?

Also, do I sign up for ROTP at a nearby recruitment center? There is one in Oshawa right? Do I have to sign up for it this fall?

I was in the air cadet for 3 years but stopped after grade 9 because I was afraid I couldnt handle the workload. I think it is certainly worth doing as it gives you something to put under leadership experience which a lot of applicants at our age lack.
Fadiko said:
The stress of family problems has also taken its toll on me.

If you want it bad enough, you won't let a little thing like family issues get in the way (unless someone passed away in which case I'm sorry). I've had my fair share of family issues, believe me, but I realized that feeling sorry for myself and the issues my family was facing wasn't helping me achieve anything. You just have to suck it up and focus. Best lesson I learned.

What occupation are you applying for?

:cdn:  :yellow:
Received an offer last week out of Montreal for Nursing Officer, I will be continuing my studies at McGill for the next 2 years!  :D

Congrats to everyone who have received offers!
Hello Militarians,

Say I want to become a pilot in the CAF - When enrolled into ROTP for that occupation will they send you to a civvy university for a bachelors degree in whatever? Or would they send you to RMC? I'm just not sure if RMC has the degree option for the pilot occupation or not.

By the way I'm excluding the CEOTP program, for now...


Mitch :salute:
Nurse to Pilot.  That is some leap you are making.  What happened to your acceptance to Queen's Nursing program?
According to the Forces website, Pilot is "RMC eligible".  Meaning, RMC has a degree option for the pilot occupation.
Please do  a little homework and don't simply ask without any kind of looking into prior. 

If you took a look at the forces.ca site and the rmc.ca site, or other earlier posts you would not have to ask.

As many have said earlier.......you are given an offer and can choose to accept or reject.  If you looked into you would know that nursing is not offered at RMC and would have to be civi U.  For pilot unless a very recent change the requirement is simply a degree.

I really think that you need to take a look at these sites and other posts first if you are even considering a career with the military.
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