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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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I received the official joining instructions a few days ago and my swearing in ceremony will take place on July 9th.

Seems like the last two months will be coming at me at a rapid fire pace.

Excited about joining but also nervous for the unknown.
My File Manager told me offers will continue to go out over the next two weeks. Keep your chins up!
Hello everybody!
I am interested in doing ROTP at a civilian university,I would consider
RMC if I met the prerequisites for math but seeing as I don't this is my only option.
As for the questions is it tougher getting a ROTP at a Civi-U (English; Infantry Officer)
then RMC?
Also what are the pros and cons of doing your ROTP at a Civi-U over RMC?
Thank you and I appreciate any answers.
Christo905 said:
I was wondering if someone could help ease my nerves:

I got a phone call Friday May 17, 2013 accepting me into the ROTP program at Queen's to finish my degree for my last 2 years. I accepted, and a letter was sent in the mail. On that letter, however, it says that I will be attending RMC Kingston for 2 years in an arts degree, enrolled in the occupation: Artillery Officer. ...

I can't speak to your case at all, but I will say that I got my offer letter today, and there are details on it that are incorrect - including the university I'd requested sponsorship for.  It's their mistake, and luckily I have an email chain to back me up...because when I phoned today to question that detail, they didn't remember that they'd already authorized the change.

Mistakes happen, and it could be just one of those.  I'd give your file manager a call, particularly if you're in the same situation as me (with 2 days to say yes/no and clarify issues).  Or, there could be more to the story - only they'll be able to tell you for sure.

Good luck!
DAA said:
Actually, if you haven't heard anything by now, I would "strongly" suggest you contact your local CFRC to find out just what is going on with your file/application.

You just never know, there may very well be positions still available at a later date.....

I spoke to my file manager after receiving my offer today.  According to her, a) other offers from her cell (CT applicants) will continue to come out through this week.  Also, b) they're hoping (not a sure thing) to squeeze in another selection this summer...she was apologizing for the fact that my offer requires a yes/no answer within 48 hrs - they need that information so that they'll know how many leftover positions they may have for further competition.
There are already threads on here comparing RMC/CMR to Civi-U.  Try using the search function.
Morning folks,

Just got an update from my File Manager so I thought I'd share with you all in case anyone is in the same situation as me. If you have accepted a Civvy U ROTP offer from CFRC Ottawa and are waiting for more information in the mail, there has been a delay in sending out the packages. They are not sure when they will get sent, but they haven't forgotten about us. They are just waiting for some more information from other applicants before all of the information is finalized.


Here is the package for RMC ROTP personnel.    ;)



Anyone know if civi U ROTP'ers attend recruit camp for 2 weeks mid August along with RMC 1st years?
flatlander13 said:
Anyone know if civi U ROTP'ers attend recruit camp for 2 weeks mid August along with RMC 1st years?

I was told by my file manager that to the best of his knowledge civi-u attendees do not go along with the RMC students in August. He said that it was more a preparatory/orientation program to RMC.
flatlander13 said:
Anyone know if civi U ROTP'ers attend recruit camp for 2 weeks mid August along with RMC 1st years?
Conz said:
I was told by my file manager that to the best of his knowledge civi-u attendees do not go along with the RMC students in August. He said that it was more a preparatory/orientation program to RMC.

Thanks. Would they attend some other kind of orientation period or just head right into the fall school year?
Thanks for the answers, all.  I've been going directly to my BPSO and the only answer I've been able to get is that I'm likely to hear at the same time that he does, or possibly even sooner - but you're mentioning CFRCs, so does file get forwarded to the local RC for processing, then?  If so, I'll give my local center a call and see if I can't get any information out of them.
flatlander13 said:
Thanks. Would they attend some other kind of orientation period or just head right into the fall school year?

You will need to:
1. Meet with your file manager at your CFRC to complete ROTP forms
2. Attend enrollment ceremony
3. Meet with your assigned academic liaison
4. Attend school in Fall 2013
5. Commence BMOQ following Winter Semester 2014

Those have been my instructions.
Conz said:
I was told by my file manager that to the best of his knowledge civi-u attendees do not go along with the RMC students in August. He said that it was more a preparatory/orientation program to RMC.

Civi-u ROTP Ocdts do attend a 2 week course - my 3 friends, all civi ROTP attended indoc to prepare them/orient them/distribute CADPAT. Dates have not been provided to me, but St. jean starts July 28 and rmcc starts August 10th (technically).
I am going to Ciivi-U and got notice earlier this week about when the enrollment ceremony is and that I will be attending a 2 week orientation at CFLRS St. Jean from Aug 12-23rd.
nursekatrina said:
I am going to Ciivi-U and got notice earlier this week about when the enrollment ceremony is and that I will be attending a 2 week orientation at CFLRS St. Jean from Aug 12-23rd.

That's weird. I thought that the 2 week orientation was for RMC cadets only. You should clarify this information with your file manager.
In the last number of years there has been a recruit camp at the end of August for Civvy-U ROTP cadets. This camp is invaluable as it will expose you briefly to what BMOQ will be like the following year. It is a good thing, as some cadets will figure out very quickly that "this is not for me". Last year the camp was at CFRLS (a.k.a the Mega) in St. Jean. RMC cadets then do further  I.P in Kingston (not sure what CMR guys do). Because they have I.P at RMC, they do a shorter length BMOQ the following year.
First off, Welcome to the forums! There is indeed a wonderful amount of information and an equally large amount of people willing to help you on your quest for answers. There's a Search function on top of the page for cases like this; plenty of threads have the information you need. In the interest of fairness, however, I can't reply without giving you an answer!  ;D

From what I've managed to gather up, there's a bit of training before we actually start college duties. Jwtg is a member here and he offered himself to newbies with questions. A PM he sent back after an inquiry read, more or less,

jwtg said:
I never went through CMR (that's what we call RMC St Jean) so I'm more familiar with the path that RMC folks take; however, I have a general idea of how things work at CMR.

What has been happening for the past couple of years is that after enrolling, you are placed on LWOP (Leave Without Pay - once you swear in, you're a member of the Reg Force, full time employed by the CF, but you're not working yet, so you can't get paid).  Your LWOP goes until the first day of your INDOC course.  RMC and Civ U candidates do this at CFLRS (colloquially known as the Mega - the place where all Reg Force basic training happens), and I don't know if CMR candidates do it at CMR or CFLRS.  I think it's been CMR in recent years.

After INDOC, RMC cadets go to RMC for FYOP, which is worse by far.  CMR cadets do OP, which, from what I hear, isn't as bad as FYOP.  You would be best served by speaking to someone from CMR (I think SeR is from there) and getting specific info regarding INDOC/OP and how that all happens, because I think CMR kind of does their own thing, different from RMC.

Either way, what it will practically consist of is about a month of training before classes start.  You'll learn how to wear the uniform, maintain a kit/inspection standard, probably sew your name into a million pieces of clothing, do PT, fitness test, drill, lectures/classroom teaching on military ranks, rules/regs, procedures, handling of  hazardous materials/workplace safety, and on and on until your eyes hurt from powerpoint.

BOTC/IAP are irrelevant acronyms for you; once you finish  your first year at CMR, you'll go to CFLRS to do BMOQ (Basic Military Officer Qualification - colloquially referred to as bee-mock).  Look up the series 'Basic Up' (I believe it's on youtube) for a bit of a glimpse at what to expect during BMOQ.

Make sure you're in good shape when you show up- fitness level is one of the biggest weaknesses with a lot of first year OCdt's, so make sure you're fit to lead, because one day you're going to lead soldiers.

Thus, he resumes it pretty well : INDOC and OP, followed by the School year. Afterwards comes BMOQ, and you, being a first year cadet and not a prep year cadet, will be sent straight to RMC afterwards.
Also, the size of the two colleges varies. RMCC has much more people than the CMR does; I can't remember the amount of students at the RMC, but there are no more than 120 students at the CMR. Prep year students are usually bunked two to a room, while first years get their own.

If I can help you with anything, feel free to send me a PM. Congratulations on being accepted, I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer; I enter a few days prior, I'm told, as a Prep year student.

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