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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Chelomo said:
Well apparently I didn't get an offer, as my file manager told me. Sucks, but it's alright, unless I get a last minute offer I will be going to university anyway and applying again next year. Good luck to everyone!
Don't lose hope man, same thing happened to me last year and I re-applied this year and got a call last week! GOOD LUCK!
New to this site! Joined because I just heard last week that I was accepted for MARS officer and to stay at my Civi-U in Waterloo! Was my Second time applying. Couldn't be more psyched! Good luck to all who are still waiting for the call! :salute:
cw12 said:
I realize that many of us are playing the waiting game right now and I need to be patient, but here's a few questions:

1. Has anyone received/heard about second round offers from the Halifax recruiting centre?

2. Has anyone received any second round Nursing offers?


I just heard today from my CT broker that I've been selected for CT CiviU Nursing (not out of Halifax, though).  It was more of an unofficial heads up, as I had to reply yes/no to another job offer, and I happened to ask for some guidance at the right time.  I've been told to expect an "official" call sometime next week.

On that note, I'm curious to pick the brain of anyone else, accepted for ROTP as a CT, who has actually received their offer.  In particular, I'd like to know whether they also received PLAR information (rank/quals granted etc)...or how these questions were eventually resolved. 

Last my CT broker tried to explain this, she suggested that I won't get a PLAR "because I'm not applying to CT within the same trade", but that still doesn't quite make sense to me.  There are commonly-awarded "equivalencies" between trades, that I thought were awarded through the PLAR process...which used to be automatic for anyone doing a CT.  There might have been a bit of a language barrier (she's very francophone, and I'm very anglophone), so I'm hoping it's just a communication blip.  I spent about 5 years teaching BMOQ...and while I'd do it if I had to, it would be very weird!
They'll have to do a PLAR to determine whether you do BMOQ, its automatically initiated and thats why they ask that your MPRR be up to date when you apply so they can use it as reference.
PuckChaser said:
They'll have to do a PLAR to determine whether you do BMOQ, its automatically initiated and thats why they ask that your MPRR be up to date when you apply so they can use it as reference.

I'm aware of what a PLAR is meant to do, and that it's the usual routine (or at least used to be), which is why I'm wondering if anyone has recent similar experience.  I went back and looked at the email again...my CT manager seemed quite clear that one was not initiated for me...what's not clear is why.
I was wondering if someone could help ease my nerves:

I got a phone call Friday May 17, 2013 accepting me into the ROTP program at Queen's to finish my degree for my last 2 years. I accepted, and a letter was sent in the mail. On that letter, however, it says that I will be attending RMC Kingston for 2 years in an arts degree, enrolled in the occupation: Artillery Officer.

So the choices are: either my recruiter (Out of CFRC Kingston) was mistaken, or the official letter I received from my Detachment Commander is mistaken. Note: I have called my file manager to see if I could get clarification, but I have not had a response yet.

In your opinions, who is more correct? (Yes I know I will find out eventually from official sources, but this is just to ease my nerves).

- Chris
If the same degree is offered at RMC, and you're already in the city, its far cheaper for the CF to have you finish your degree there. Nothing is going to ease your nerves until you hear back from your file manager.

So I just discovered this website, and boy am I glad, it's full of very useful information and knowledgeable people, but I still have a few questions to ask.

I was accepted as ROTP to 1st year CMR, than 2-4 years in RMC Kingston. (Have been told this will become the new norm) I also chose psychology as my study and MARS officer as my trade.

I recieved a personal tour at RMC from the head running coach, Wayne Bulak, and ask my personal friends (Graduates) and family friends (Also graduates) about RMC Kingston and I feel I know what I will experience and endure, but I wasn't planing on CMR first year (Totally not complaining though). I did not do the tour there, and the only times that I've actually ever been in St. Jean Quebec was to visit my dad who was working at the MEGA at the time. What it boils down to, what will I be expecting when I leave to go there for July 29th till the end of my first year, in MARS training, schooling, and duties.

It could be the complete same as RMC Kingston, which I'm presuming, but some more information would be nice!

Thanks a bunch.
Hello Everybody, I have a question regarding ROTP at a Civilian University.

I am only in grade 11 and am thinking about applying next year, but i don't have the any prerequisites to get into RMC, i.e Calculus...
If you are only applying for ROTP at civilian university's do you only need the prerequisites  like Math,Physics and Chem?

Also if not does someone who is applying for an English degree have less chance to get in then someone whose applying for an engineering degree at a civilian university?
I appreciate any answers,Thanks.
Your area of study does not usually matter unless the occupation you are applying for has specific education requirements: e.g. Nursing Officer, Dental Officer, etc. I know a Logistics Officer with a degree in History, a MARS Officer with a degree in Sociology, and I have received an offer for Armour Officer while I pursue a degree in Criminology (all examples of civi-u ROTP). For my situation, I did not meet RMC prerequisites. However, I was already a university student when I applied. To be eligible for a civi-u offer, you must already have accepted an offer from an accredited Canadian university (from what I have been told, but answers may vary). Also, to put things into perspective, I was told by my file manager that 90% of this year's ROTP offers were for RMC.  For further information, contact your local RC.
Hi I am currently deciding whether to go to the RMC or a regular university in my province, If I go to the RMC do I start at a higher rank (If not what are the pros?)
Correct me if I'm wrong, If you do the ROTP at either CIVI-U or RMC you graduate with the same rank...I'm pretty sure RMC graduates do get promoted faster though.
gabrielgp said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, If you do the ROTP at either CIVI-U or RMC you graduate with the same rank...I'm pretty sure RMC graduates do get promoted faster though.

Everyone gets commissioned and promoted to 2LT (A/SLT for the Navy folks) upon getting their degree and finishing BMOQ.

Since promotions to 2LT, LT and occasionally Capt/LT(N) are generally dependent upon completion of the required courses, whether or not you went through RMC, Civ U or DEO doesn't matter. 
Good Morning,

Here are the big differences. RMC you do all your Officer Training, BMOQ, Element, and following courses in the summers. Which means you do not need to them anymore by the time you graduate.
This means you get about a year head start in terms of courses on a DEO (Direct Entry Officer).
You do get paid during RMC...but its not much more then pocket money so you will be living on RMC ground for the entirety and you will get a lot of cock.
RMC does physical competitions as well as drill and inspections you will be busy all day studying and keeping your self and your uniforms in shape.
Civy-U you don't have to deal with that. You have more freedoms but you have to pay your own way. The CF does offer to cover costs after you join and reimburse some of your cost of Civy-U.
Now if the CF pays for your semester you end up with mandatory service for each semester which means no VR or otherwise, so if you join and realize that it isn't for you are SOL.
Also RMC Brads or also known as Ring Knockers are not necessarily the most popular guys in trades where they are in the minority since they generally act a certain way that other people may not like...I will stop there on that issue.

Overall its a question of what you are looking for if you are looking for Basic training for four years, not having to pay for your degree, or getting started on your trade qual while in University and the Reserves aren't cutting it for that time then RMC maybe for you.
But consider joining the Reserves for your university time, its nothing like the Reg Force but it gives you some of the training courses you need if you go into the same trade you want to do in the Reg Force, they pay you so you can cover University costs and they offer reimbursements for semesters as well.
Paladin1 said:
Here are the big differences. RMC you do all your Officer Training, BMOQ, Element, and following courses in the summers.
Most trades do their Ph3 during the summer with Ph4 immediately after. RMC or not has nothing to do with it.

Paladin1 said:
This means you get about a year head start in terms of courses on a DEO (Direct Entry Officer).
Many DEO's are in their 30's through 50's, so this is a very subjective statement. About the only thing you get a headstart on of DEO's or Civy U ROTP at RMC is you get most of your OPME's done (which will soon be changing anyway)

Paladin1 said:
You do get paid during RMC...
You get paid the same Civy U ROTP.

Paladin1 said:
The CF does offer to cover costs after you join and reimburse some of your cost of Civy-U.
All costs are covered by the CF.

Paladin1 said:
Now if the CF pays for your semester you end up with mandatory service for each semester which means no VR or otherwise, so if you join and realize that it isn't for you are SOL.
No, not really. When you are recruited, no matter the entry plan, you sign on for a # of years. You end up with "obligatory" service when education is subsidized. You can break that contract, but will have to pay back the requisite amount.

Paladin1 said:
Also RMC Brads or also known as Ring Knockers are not necessarily the most popular guys in trades where they are in the minority since they generally act a certain way that other people may not like...I will stop there on that issue.
You are very wrong and are just sowing misconceptions. I have served under (and with) excellent officers, from ROTP Civy U and RMC, DEO and CFR. The only ones that spread the ring knocker stuff are cadets that haven't left the peninsula yet.

Paladin1 said:
Overall its a question of what you are looking for if you are looking for Basic training for four years, not having to pay for your degree, or getting started on your trade qual while in University and the Reserves aren't cutting it for that time then RMC maybe for you.
But consider joining the Reserves for your university time, its nothing like the Reg Force but it gives you some of the training courses you need if you go into the same trade you want to do in the Reg Force, they pay you so you can cover University costs and they offer reimbursements for semesters as well.
1) RMC is potentially so much more than Basic Training for 4 years.
2) You get all the same benefits from ROTP Civy U
3) I'm going to guess that you don't have any actual experience with the P Res.....

To the OP,

The largest difference between civy u and RMC is that civy u is easier to get into. You generally do not need personal references, proof of your community involvement, a mom or dad that is ex-alumni. Pay and benefits are the same for all ROTP, no matter where you go to school.

Malcolm, I would suggest that you not look at the rank issue at this moment in time. Instead, I think there are more important factors that you should really consider.

For example, what sort of degree do you want, where does your academic interest take you? Is a degree a means to an end for you, or the start of a something bigger? Does RMC even offer the degree program you desire? It is not a large university, and thus the programs are more limited.

When looking at a degree program also consider this - do you intend to make the Canadian Armed Forces your lifetime career? If so, there are some military occupations where the type of degree you get is not as critical, just that as a Commissioned Officer you must have a Bachelor's degree.  However, if you only intend to spend a shorter period of time in the military, does RMC have the sort of degree program that will open the right doors for a second career you would like, or will you need more educational upgrading?

What about military culture? Do you feel the need to be immersed in the powerful traditions of RMC? It isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination, especially if you're not dedicated to achieving your goals. Will you thrive in that environment, seeking to get every ounce of benefit possible from your time there? Or, is that something that doesn't call to you as loudly?

Rank, and the RMC versus Civy U debate is only a red herring.  Rank will come in time and with merit and hard work, and positions available.  It's better to achieve professional competence, and earn the respect of those around you - that's far more rewarding than making the next rank. 

In the end, compare all your options, your short, mid, and long term goals, what you feel you can contribute to the Forces, and what you will gain through service.  That should lead you to your answer.
Every trade in the officer world has a prefered and several acceptable degrees.

For example Log O acceptable degree patterns  for ROTP are: Baccalaureate degree:
o Accounting
o Business Admin
o Commerce
o Economics
o Finance
o Hospitality Management
o Human Resources
o Industrial Relations
o Public Administration
o Supply Chain Management
Baccalaureate Science degree:
o Nutrition/Dietetics
o Food Sciences
o Food Business
RMCC Baccalaureate degree:
o Business Administration
o Joint Business
Administration and:
· Computer Science
· Economics
· Mathematics
· Psychology

And by comparison AERE Officer are, for ROTP:

Bachelor of Engineering:
o Aeronautical
o Aerospace
o Computer
o Electrical
o Mechanical
o Software
o Systems
o Physics

Best to ask you RC about degree paths and which officer job you would like to have.
Hello there,

I was just wondering if anyone from Toronto who has been accepted to RMC has received a package in the mail, or an email yet. I got a phone call on Friday 17th and I accepted. I still haven't received any information since then. I'm planning on calling on Friday about the information, but i was just wondering how many other people have received the formal letter.
So... from what people have heard (I've been lurking this thread for a month or two now), is it safe to assume that if we haven't heard by now, we should continue on with life as usual and start prepping next year's competition entry?  I'm hearing that first round went out early May, and conflicting reports on when/whether second round offers are coming out.
thirdprophet said:
So... from what people have heard (I've been lurking this thread for a month or two now), is it safe to assume that if we haven't heard by now, we should continue on with life as usual and start prepping next year's competition entry?  I'm hearing that first round went out early May, and conflicting reports on when/whether second round offers are coming out.

Actually, if you haven't heard anything by now, I would "strongly" suggest you contact your local CFRC to find out just what is going on with your file/application.

You just never know, there may very well be positions still available at a later date.....
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