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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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As for your grades, these are good grades, but like everyone worth their salt will tell you here, It's all about how you compare to the others. If there's 7 jobs open as Engineer for ROTP and you're the 8th one...well you won't get in.

As to how you can make your application more competitive, well you can start doing it right now! Volunteer to a local charity, get a part time job, read books on your trade, get your First Aid course. Show leadership by getting involved in school clubs and getting managerial positions. Of course they'll understand that if you're 17, you won't have as much experience as say, a 25-30 year old, but It's important you show you're involved and ready to make sacrifices and investments for your dream.

Again, as to what you're lacking, apart from the pointers above, it all depends on the competition. If you don't have any, you may very well get in as you are now. However, spots for ROTP are usually hotly contested, so doing nothing will well...give you no more of a special edge than what you have now.

I can't speak on the effect being in the Cadets will have in your file, but it's definitely something they take into account. I'm not sure how much research they'll do, but having a positive reference from there (Get a letter of reference from your superior and bring it to the interview!) certainly can't hurt you.
So I called the recruitment center about my medical file and they said I should be receiving something from Ottawa in the mail. Is that code for you didn't pass?
Daishi said:
So I called the recruitment center about my medical file and they said I should be receiving something from Ottawa in the mail. Is that code for you didn't pass?

It might be code for something else needs to be submitted, or there were inconsistencies/errors with some paperwork. But who knows? Just sit tight and wait for that mail to arrive in 2-7 business days. It is likely that no one here has access to what is inside that sealed envelope. We're all on edge here waiting and hoping for a call to get accepted for ROTP and many of us have had to jump through hoops and overcome administrative errors. Just play the waiting game and address the issues when they arise. Stressing over something unknown isn't going to fix it when it arrives.
Whatever the case, I wish you good luck.
Will people get notified when they don't make in on the First Selection or will the recruiters just keep them in the dark until the Second one?
CT-ed from Army reserve to Nursing officer ROTP (I almost finished 1st year of nursing)
-Finish my interview and all the application procedures and awaiting for results
Also applied for CT for Nursing officer, done my interview and I know that I am merited list. Wish there will be more place for nursing this year then last year !

Kimmy1216 said:
Will people get notified when they don't make in on the First Selection or will the recruiters just keep them in the dark until the Second one?
Judging by the annual explosion of hysteria and paranoia, I would guess that they only inform successful applicants until all selections are complete. 
Just being in cadets is a start, but what will really help your application in terms of giving you an edge over others is what you have accomplished in the program.

Being the RSM of your corps, being on different corps teams, holding a position of authority during summer training, and completing advanced summer courses are all things that will set you apart from the average cadet who applies to ROTP.

In other words, anyone can be a cadet, but you have to strive to do well in the program, and that's the stuff their looking for.

I'm Currently in grade 10 and i have a few questions about ROTP.

1) Can I Apply for ROTP as a MPO (Military Police Officer)
2) What Degree(s) at RMC Would Help with becoming an MPO under ROTP
3) Under what Circumstances would someone study at a Civy University?
4) If a Civy U was Studied at and i needed a course in french to help become bilingual then would this be covered under ROTP and at what    point would this happen?
5) If Studying at a Civy U would the course be subsidized?

I'm Currently in Sea Cadets and am Interested in Becoming an Officer, Would Reserves Be more beneficial?

Sorry if some of this is already found on the website
Iv been doing allot of research and any help would be greatly Appreciated

Ksinclair13 said:

I'm Currently in grade 10 and i have a few questions about ROTP.

1) Can I Apply for ROTP as a MPO (Military Police Officer)
2) What Degree(s) at RMC Would Help with becoming an MPO under ROTP
3) Under what Circumstances would someone study at a Civy University?
4) If a Civy U was Studied at and i needed a course in french to help become bilingual then would this be covered under ROTP and at what    point would this happen?
5) If Studying at a Civy U would the course be subsidized?

I'm Currently in Sea Cadets and am Interested in Becoming an Officer, Would Reserves Be more beneficial?

Sorry if some of this is already found on the website
Iv been doing allot of research and any help would be greatly Appreciated


1) Yes, you can certainly apply to become an MPO under ROTP
2) The chart included in this document will help.
3)You can study at a civilian university if there are not enough spaces for all ROTP cadets at RMC/CMR, if the program that you are accepted to is not offered at RMC, or sometimes if you begin your studies at a civilian university and then apply for ROTP, they might have you stay at the school you are currently at.
4)I don't quite get what you mean by this. If you are accepted to ROTP then I think one of your summers will be spent doing second language training if you are not bilingual. If you go to RMC then you will receive SLT throughout the year as well. If you go to civvy-u under ROTP and decide to take a French course, it will be covered as part of your tuition provided that you can fit it into your schedule and required courses, and it certainly wouldn't hurt.
5)well, if you study at a civvy-u under ROTP then all the courses that you take would be subsidized I would think.

I'm not in the CF right now, as I am still an applicant, I am only speaking from my experiences in the recruiting system.

It might be beneficial for you to go talk to a recruiter about such questions as that is what they are being paid to do, and can answer your questions a lot better than what we on the forums can. If you don't feel comfortable talking to a recruiter as of yet, try talking to some of the officers at your unit, they might know someone who has gone through the process and can answer some questions that you might have.

You still have plenty of time, as for reserves vs. cadets, I can't really suggest either way since I was never in the reserves. But look through through the threads and if it's something that you want to do, then go for it, if not, don't do it. Totally up to you.

Good luck.
Cui said:
4)I don't quite get what you mean by this. If you are accepted to ROTP then I think one of your summers will be spent doing second language training if you are not bilingual. If you go to RMC then you will receive SLT throughout the year as well. If you go to civvy-u under ROTP and decide to take a French course, it will be covered as part of your tuition provided that you can fit it into your schedule and required courses, and it certainly wouldn't hurt.

I mean because i currently am not bilingual, i would be required to do Second language training, at RMC this training is done Summers and throughout the year. If i was to study at a civvy-u under ROTP would this been done through a course at the university? or Would that be done elsewhere?

i plan on speaking to a recruiter, just wanted to get some more info beforehand

Thanks for the Help
Then you will do your second language training during the summer after you do your BMOQ I would assume, since that's what all of my friends currently at RMC are doing. It's not too much different at civvy-u, except that you do all of your language training during the summer. Taking a French course in university wouldn't hurt, but they've got you covered, don't worry about it too much. 
Cui said:

The chart provided is over 8 years old and not of any value what so ever!

If you are applying for MPO via the ROTP route, these are currently the only acceptable degree programs:

MPO ROTP candidates will pursue a undergraduate degree in any of the following programs:

* Criminology;
* Justice Studies;
* Criminal Justice;
* Police Science;
* Emergency/Crisis and Disaster Management;
* Law;
* Psychology;
* Sociology; or
* Baccalauréat en Sécurité Publique

The listing above is "ROTP Specific" and may or may not apply to other enrolment/commissioning plans.
Cui had it right on and DAA as well.

Seems you have all the answers you need.

I personally know 1 MPO candidate studying here. She graduates this year.

Generally, there are between 0 and 4 positions for MPO. It's more of a DEO position or prior experience trade like INT and TDO.
Cadets itself might seem like an edge, but I feel it's more just the idea of being part of a group that makes the difference.

For example, personally I chose the Scouts Canada route and it provided me with PLENTY of opportunities to show leadership potential.

Basically, they aren't looking for prior cadets, they're looking for future leaders.
DAA said:
The chart provided is over 8 years old and not of any value what so ever!

If you are applying for MPO via the ROTP route, these are currently the only acceptable degree programs:

MPO ROTP candidates will pursue a undergraduate degree in any of the following programs:

* Criminology;
* Justice Studies;
* Criminal Justice;
* Police Science;
* Emergency/Crisis and Disaster Management;
* Law;
* Psychology;
* Sociology; or
* Baccalauréat en Sécurité Publique

The listing above is "ROTP Specific" and may or may not apply to other enrolment/commissioning plans.

Yes, thank you, that is a much better answer.
I have seen so many posts within the last few months regarding ROTP applications and the supposed "deadline" and or "cutoff" date to submit an application.

If anyone cares to share any regulation, order and or directive that specically alludes to or "directs" any such "deadline or cutoff" date, I would be really happy to receive this!

If you applied for ROTP and were told you're too late.....complain!
Motard said:
jan 16th is what's posted -> http://www.forces.ca/en/page/paideducation-96#paiduniversity-1

From what I understand your file doesn't get "closed" (as long as you meet the criteria), it just get's pushed back to the next selection period or worse case, next selection year.

They had to make some exceptions on my application to get it submitted in time...I applied in October.

No where does it say that 16 Jan is the cut-off date, all it says is "In order to increase the likelihood of your application being processed this year, you should submit your application as soon as possible, but no later than January 16, 2012."

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