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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Noctis said:
I got 3 questions of the utmost importance to any CURRENT RMC O.Cdts;

1) How much is removed from your pay monthly for quarters and rations?

2) Are the rations good?  Is there always healthy foods to choose from?  Is there limitless amounts of ice cream?

3) Are you having a lot of fun at RMC? Would you recommend RMC to others?  Are the girls from Queen's all over you guys?

Thanks a lot :D
Cheers!  :cdn:


NOW I see why we need a degree granting University all of our own, with a budget that is substantially larger than that of a fighting Brigade... :brickwall:
Noctis said:
...utmost importance...

PPCLI Guy said:
NOW I see why we need a degree granting University all of our own, with a budget that is substantially larger than that of a fighting Brigade... :brickwall:

Common now the guy's profile says he's an ROTP wannabe, not that he is an RMC cadet.
slayer/raptor said:
Common now the guy's profile says he's an ROTP wannabe, not that he is an RMC cadet.

Who is asking about attendance at RMC....  See how that works?
Noctis said:
I got 3 questions of the utmost importance to any CURRENT RMC O.Cdts;

1) How much is removed from your pay monthly for quarters and rations?
I forget the exact amount for rations, and quarters depends on which building you live in and whether you're in a single or double room.  You can expect to take home ~500/month, although you get a raise of like 30/month each year.  Not big money, but better than accumulating debt.
2) Are the rations good?  Is there always healthy foods to choose from?  Is there limitless amounts of ice cream?
  Good is a relative term, and there is no objective answer to this question.  Some people are perfectly happy with the food, some don't like it.  There are always enough options to provide for a healthy, balanced meal; however, sometimes this means eating repetitive meals (same kinds of fruit, vegetables from day to day).  It doesn't beat home cooking, but it is possible to eat well.
3) Are you having a lot of fun at RMC? Would you recommend RMC to others?  Are the girls from Queen's all over you guys?
I didn't come here to have fun, I came here to get a commission.  That being said, it's like any other walk of life- sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's both.  It's definitely unique.  I would recommend RMC to people who are serious about working hard and earning a commission.  If you're just coming to party, well, we have enough people like you already so please go away.  I'm not commenting on the stupid third part of this third question of this mostly ridiculous post.
Agree 100% with jwtg.

Come here to develop yourself into an officer, not because of all the shiny doodads and bells and whistles officers get.

Good day all!

I know it's early in my stay here at the College, but I was just curious in regards to a few things post graduation.

Does your webmail account remain active and can you still use it?

What uniform parts do you have to return (ie I know you have to return 4's and Scarlets, but do you keep your white belt per say? And if not, where do you get a new one for your DEU full dress?)

How does posting work if your next destination is say a Phase training of some sort (so not directly to Regiment)?

Were there any sudden realizations you had upon exiting the College (ie things that hit you RIGHT as you left that you'd have done differently if given the chance)?

Do you miss RMC?

Thanks for any response!
I hope you're all doing well!
Thank you jwtg for the response. That was exactly the kind of answer I was looking for.

@Firstyear: Yes, absolutely and that's what I intend to do.  My original question was impregnated with sarcasm, mainly because it's Friday and after a long week here in the office my brain tends to melt a little.
Noctis said:
  My original question was impregnated with sarcasm

Noxious, oops, sorry, Noctis.  If you thought there was sarcasm in any of your questions you obviously are in need of an education, though RMC may not be the institution that would hone such skills despite the age-old military gibe of "if you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined".  However, there is nothing wrong with one of the criteria for selecting a career being (the illogical perception that there will be) increased sexual opportunity.  But you may find that your chances of impregnating anything (questions or Queens' girls) will not change because of the one constant - you.

Now, that's sarcasm.
Noctis said:
Are the girls from Queen's all over you guys?

If you're hard to look at while wearing civvis, you're still going to be hard to look at in uniform.
Research is a valuable tool to learn.  I have merged your questions to a topic that by chance had the exact same wording in the title as yours.  If you read this and other topics in this forum, you will get a better understanding as to what may or may not be of value in your quest.
Hello! As you may have guessed from the title, I am wondering how eligible i am for RMC. (ROTP)
I am currently 16 years old and in grade 11 (just starting second semester)

Would any of you be able to tell me if these are useful to have/give me an edge?

1. I am in my school's Model United Nations and have won numerous awards, Including: Best Delegate and Best Position paper.
2. I am also In my Schools debate team.
3. I completed grade 11 english with 90% and have an 88 percent average for the first semester
4. I have nearly completed my hardwood flooring apprenticeship program with over 1500 hours working hours completed
5. Currently my Athletics are lacking but i am planning on joining my schools track and field team for the remainder of high school
6. I received a grade of 90% in PE10
7. I have also completed the CORE program and have been licensed hunter from age 13
8. Nearly completed my Junior Firearms licensing (which will be automatically upgraded to a PAL once i turn 18)
9. I have recently won awards for essay writing in my city (coquitlam) I received award papers from the Senate, City and Provincial government
10. I can understand and speak basic Korean (grade 5 level)

thank you for your time.
And if you could give any advice as to how i can improve myself and improve my eligibility for entry, feel free to share
TTB4570 said:
Hello! As you may have guessed from the title, I am wondering how eligible i am for RMC. (ROTP)
I am currently 16 years old and in grade 11 (just starting second semester)

Would any of you be able to tell me if these are useful to have/give me an edge?

1. I am in my school's Model United Nations and have won numerous awards, Including: Best Delegate and Best Position paper.
2. I am also In my Schools debate team.
3. I completed grade 11 english with 90% and have an 88 percent average for the first semester
4. I have nearly completed my hardwood flooring apprenticeship program with over 1500 hours working hours completed
5. Currently my Athletics are lacking but i am planning on joining my schools track and field team for the remainder of high school
6. I received a grade of 90% in PE10
7. I have also completed the CORE program and have been licensed hunter from age 13
8. Nearly completed my Junior Firearms licensing (which will be automatically upgraded to a PAL once i turn 18)
9. I have recently won awards for essay writing in my city (coquitlam) I received award papers from the Senate, City and Provincial government
10. I can understand and speak basic Korean (grade 5 level)

thank you for your time.
And if you could give any advice as to how i can improve myself and improve my eligibility for entry, feel free to share

Don't move it again. It was put here because it belongs here.

TTB4570 said:
Hello! As you may have guessed from the title, I am wondering how eligible i am for RMC. (ROTP)
I am currently 16 years old and in grade 11 (just starting second semester)

Would any of you be able to tell me if these are useful to have/give me an edge?

1. I am in my school's Model United Nations and have won numerous awards, Including: Best Delegate and Best Position paper.
2. I am also In my Schools debate team.
3. I completed grade 11 english with 90% and have an 88 percent average for the first semester
4. I have nearly completed my hardwood flooring apprenticeship program with over 1500 hours working hours completed
5. Currently my Athletics are lacking but i am planning on joining my schools track and field team for the remainder of high school
6. I received a grade of 90% in PE10
7. I have also completed the CORE program and have been licensed hunter from age 13
8. Nearly completed my Junior Firearms licensing (which will be automatically upgraded to a PAL once i turn 18)
9. I have recently won awards for essay writing in my city (coquitlam) I received award papers from the Senate, City and Provincial government
10. I can understand and speak basic Korean (grade 5 level)

thank you for your time.
And if you could give any advice as to how i can improve myself and improve my eligibility for entry, feel free to share
Questions like this are not well received because nobody knows your chances because it's all about how you compare to your competition.  Without access to the files of all RMC applicants in the year you're going to apply, nobody can provide more than vague impressions as to whether or not you're on the right track.

Frankly, I'm not even inclined to do that.  If you want to know how well you stack up, dig through these forums for the countless other posts which are nearly identical to yours and compare resumes.  If you find that people who have a similar brag sheet to yours are often accepted, well, you have your answer.  If you find that everyone is higher-caliber than you, then you have another answer.

Search, read, compare yourself, answer yourself. 
jwtg said:
Questions like this are not well received because nobody knows your chances because it's all about how you compare to your competition.  Without access to the files of all RMC applicants in the year you're going to apply, nobody can provide more than vague impressions as to whether or not you're on the right track.

Frankly, I'm not even inclined to do that.  If you want to know how well you stack up, dig through these forums for the countless other posts which are nearly identical to yours and compare resumes.  If you find that people who have a similar brag sheet to yours are often accepted, well, you have your answer.  If you find that everyone is higher-caliber than you, then you have another answer.

Search, read, compare yourself, answer yourself.

On Target.
Its been ONE full month since I handed in my medical forms to be sent to Ottawa and still no word. Gahhhh
They sent me an email last week telling me that I've been selected for the AEC selection in trenton april 3.. good news! So how many of you are going at this course?
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