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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Exactly, so if you submit your application past that date...don't get your hopes up.
I submited my application on January 15 and I managed to do all my tests in time for the first selection. Would have had about a month loose in fact, if there hadn't been an administrative error where they forgot to contact me to tell me my file was transferred to my CRFC.

Hell, two years ago when I called, there were still spots open for Artillery in July. Maybe CRFC Quebec is just awesome, but the whole process went pretty fast.
Strikeout is my application from last year, when I failed Aircrew Selection
Recruiting Center:CFRC Kingston CFRC Hamilton
Regular/Reserve: Reg
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Aerospace Control Officer Infantry Officer
Trade Choice 2: Intelligence Officer Artillery Officer
Trade Choice 3: Logistics Officer Armour Officer
Application Date: January 2012 January 7th, 2013
First Contacted: January 2012 January 25th, 2013
CFAT completed : January 2012
Medical completed: February 2012 February 2013
Interview completed : February 2012 February 2013
Merit listed: March 2012 March 2013
Aircrew Selection: June 2012
Swearing in: -
Basic Training Begins: -

Fingers crossed that this year works out better! I don't have Aircrew Selection to fail this time, and I have a year of university under my belt.
ROTPApplicantWLU said:
Strikeout is my application from last year, when I failed Aircrew Selection
Recruiting Center:CFRC Kingston CFRC Hamilton
Regular/Reserve: Reg
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Aerospace Control Officer Infantry Officer
Trade Choice 2: Intelligence Officer Artillery Officer
Trade Choice 3: Logistics Officer Armour Officer
Application Date: January 2012 January 7th, 2013
First Contacted: January 25th, 2012
CFAT completed : January 2012
Medical completed: February 2012 February 2013
Interview completed : February 2012February 2013
Merit listed: March 2012 March 2013
Aircrew Selection: June 2012
Swearing in: -
Basic Training Begins: -

Fingers crossed that this year works out better! I don't have Aircrew Selection to fail this time, and I have a year of university under my belt.

Finally able to log in from WLU I see.
My fiance is applying this coming fall. He has been out of high school now for 4 years, working full time. He is currently enrolled in a certificate program at Sheridan College, doing it online and getting 90's. It being a certificate course I'm not sure if they'll use these marks or his high school marks. He had a 75 average in high school and would need to upgrade his math to the university level if they will be using his high school marks.

Also, will they take into account his work experience? He hasn't done any volunteering since high school but will start to do more now if necessary to beef up his application.

What else can he do between now and September to help his chances of acceptance?

Last question; If you go through ROTP for a trade do you come out of it as an officer just like with a degree program?
KellyB said:
My fiance is applying this coming fall. He has been out of high school now for 4 years, working full time. He is currently enrolled in a certificate program at Sheridan College, doing it online and getting 90's. It being a certificate course I'm not sure if they'll use these marks or his high school marks. He had a 75 average in high school and would need to upgrade his math to the university level if they will be using his high school marks.

Also, will they take into account his work experience? He hasn't done any volunteering since high school but will start to do more now if necessary to beef up his application.

What else can he do between now and September to help his chances of acceptance?

Last question; If you go through ROTP for a trade do you come out of it as an officer just like with a degree program?
They will likely ask for all available transcripts.  I had been a few years out of high school and was enrolled in a civvie U; I provided all of my transcripts.

Work experience will be a factor, especially when it comes to the interview.  Presumably, more work experience will give him a greater wealth of material to craft his answers to the interviewer's questions with. 

Volunteering never hurts.  It shows initiative, maturity, and all kinds of positive qualities.

He can improve his chances by doing more things that are related to leadership so he can ace the interview.  Also, search around this site for a link to the interview prep guide (Very useful!!!).

When you receive an offer for ROTP, they will tell you which officer occupation you are being enrolled for.  Upon successful completion of the applicable degree, and assuming successful completion of summer/occupational phase training, you will come out as an officer in that occupation.
I'm still waiting for my letter from Ottawa. Two weeks now. A roman messenger would have delivered it by now.

And Ive been calling the recruitment center and medical office all day, nobody picks up the phones I guess.
Daishi said:
I'm still waiting for my letter from Ottawa. Two weeks now. A roman messenger would have delivered it by now.

And Ive been calling the recruitment center and medical office all day, nobody picks up the phones I guess.
If you hadn't picked it up from the other research you've done here at Milnet.ca, a bit of patience goes a long way - something about a watched pot?  You're not the only one in the sausage machine.
He will be 23 by the time the 2014 year starts - Could he apply as a mature student? If so do they even bother looking at your marks?
Good day all,

I'm wondering if anyone following this forum has experience with applying for ROTP selection as a PRes Snr NCO.  Specifically, did you find there was any confusion wrt PLAR equivalencies or rank on transfer (or rank on completing school)?  The impression I get is that the applicant pool for CT ROTP is primarily junior ranks, and I gather there's a matrix for granting many of the basic equivalencies at the Pte/Cpl/MCpl level.  I did a stint in recruiting about 10 yrs ago, and at that time thought I had a handle on how PLARs worked.  Now, I'm applying for ROTP myself, and either I'm confused by how it works, or my CT manager is.  More likely me...My very francophone CT manager has tried to be helpful, but doesn't seem to quite understand my questions, and the folks at the recruiting centre can't really speculate on CT PLARs.

In any case, my situation is this.  I've applied for ROTP Nursing, been through the interview, and been told that I'm merit listed.  I've applied to the university I hope to attend, and should get an answer from them around mid-May.  First point of confusion - can I be selected before being accepted by a university?  I've been told yes by the MCC who interviewed me, and no by my CT manager.  Second - my CT manager has told me that no PLAR has been submitted in my case, because I'm applying for a "new trade" under ROTP, and that I'd only be getting a PLAR if I was applying to CT in my current trade.  Is a PLAR not where they'd make the determination of rank/qual's granted for an offer, though? 

And of course, the ever-present question at this time of year....does anyone have any recent dirt on whether any selections have been made?  I hear rumour that UTPNCM selections are in, but not announced.  The programs are similar enough that I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same board dealing with CT ROTP.

MNC said:
Good day all,

I'm wondering if anyone following this forum has experience with applying for ROTP selection as a PRes Snr NCO.  Specifically, did you find there was any confusion wrt PLAR equivalencies or rank on transfer (or rank on completing school)?  The impression I get is that the applicant pool for CT ROTP is primarily junior ranks, and I gather there's a matrix for granting many of the basic equivalencies at the Pte/Cpl/MCpl level.  I did a stint in recruiting about 10 yrs ago, and at that time thought I had a handle on how PLARs worked.  Now, I'm applying for ROTP myself, and either I'm confused by how it works, or my CT manager is.  More likely me...My very francophone CT manager has tried to be helpful, but doesn't seem to quite understand my questions, and the folks at the recruiting centre can't really speculate on CT PLARs.

In any case, my situation is this.  I've applied for ROTP Nursing, been through the interview, and been told that I'm merit listed.  I've applied to the university I hope to attend, and should get an answer from them around mid-May.  First point of confusion - can I be selected before being accepted by a university?  I've been told yes by the MCC who interviewed me, and no by my CT manager.  Second - my CT manager has told me that no PLAR has been submitted in my case, because I'm applying for a "new trade" under ROTP, and that I'd only be getting a PLAR if I was applying to CT in my current trade.  Is a PLAR not where they'd make the determination of rank/qual's granted for an offer, though? 

And of course, the ever-present question at this time of year....does anyone have any recent dirt on whether any selections have been made?  I hear rumour that UTPNCM selections are in, but not announced.  The programs are similar enough that I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same board dealing with CT ROTP.


A few years ago (1 or 2) the RSM for LFCA, a Reservist, did a CT to the Reg Force and to attend RMC as an O/Cdt. 
From my personal experience, I applied at 24 with a mediocre high school transcript and having just graduated college with great marks. They asked for both sets, and considered both. In the interview, we discussed the discrepancies (attitude then vs now, motivation, etc) and the recruiter liked the answers apparently. I received an offer for my desired trade and opted to return for  a 4 year undergrad (not as a mature student, the uni seemed to feel my college marks were sufficient).
I've been following anxiously all year, and I think the fact that we're in the final leg of the race has gotten to me, I'm actually going to post:

I have a question about civvy-u, I applied in September and have since then made the decision to transfer universities, so on my application it says I wish to attend one civvy-u, but now I plan on attending a different university, in a different province.  Will this have any impact on whether or not I'm selected?  And is it okay if I get selected to only then tell them I'm planning on transferring?

I guess it would be better to go to a rc, but I'm just worried about how it may impact my potential selection.
Kant19 said:
I've been following anxiously all year, and I think the fact that we're in the final leg of the race has gotten to me, I'm actually going to post:

I have a question about civvy-u, I applied in September and have since then made the decision to transfer universities, so on my application it says I wish to attend one civvy-u, but now I plan on attending a different university, in a different province.  Will this have any impact on whether or not I'm selected?  And is it okay if I get selected to only then tell them I'm planning on transferring?

I guess it would be better to go to a rc, but I'm just worried about how it may impact my potential selection.

Shouldn't be an issue.  Feel free to let the RC know, as it will not raise or lower your score and place on the merit list.  As long as the new university and degree program you wish to enroll in are compatible with your occupations, it should be a non-issue. 

I had a friend who applied ONLY for RMC.  He got an offer to attend Civi U @ Western....he never applied to Western.  He was in an operational trade (forget which) which accepted any degree, so he went and got himself accepted to a Civi U that he felt like going to in a program that seemed interesting.

Talk to your CFRC; it should not be an issue.

That being said, you may not have a choice!  Could end up with an offer for RMC or bust!
Hello Folks,

I was wondering if other folks might provide some insight.  I have received several acceptance offers for engineering programs at (Acadia, McMaster and Memorial).  Some of these institutional are looking for confirmation of attendance by mid-April.  Not certain what to do with pending ROTP decisions.  It seems like the ROTP decisions will be slightly behind these deadline.  What have others done in the past?  My preference has been to attend RMC in engineering but interested in keeping options open.  Your thoughts and experience would be appreciated?

ktipnorth said:
Hello Folks,

I was wondering if other folks might provide some insight.  I have received several acceptance offers for engineering programs at (Acadia, McMaster and Memorial).  Some of these institutional are looking for confirmation of attendance by mid-April.  Not certain what to do with pending ROTP decisions.  It seems like the ROTP decisions will be slightly behind these deadline.  What have others done in the past?  My preference has been to attend RMC in engineering but interested in keeping options open.  Your thoughts and experience would be appreciated?

Until you've signed the dotted line, live as if you're not getting an offer, because you might not be getting one.

If you have an offer you would like to accept in the event of RMC/ROTP denying you, and they need an answer before you expect to hear from ROTP/RMC selection, then accept the offer.  You can always inform them later that you've changed your mind, should you receive an offer for RMC.
Thanks jwtg, that's interesting...I didn't apply for RMC so it would definitely be a surprise if I got an offer there.  Though it will be a bit of a happy surprise if I get an offer at all since I'm V4 I only have one trade choice, and my interviewer told me I'm only 'average competitive'
I accepted my Queen's offer in February when I got it.

Then, I called in April to tell them "thanks but no thanks" after I got the faithful phone call.

As much as it sucks to make the call and have the Queen's representative not sound too happy, it's what you want in the long run that matters.

RMC was my dream and there was nothing and no one that was going to stand in my way of getting here.

By the way, offers started coming out in about 2 weeks from now this time last year.

So keep your heads up and focus on your tasks at hand  :nod:

Pour les francophones, j'ai bien hate de vous accueillir ici au College! S'il y en a parmi vous, n'hesitez pas a me contacter!
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