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Re: RIP forces.gc.ca/forum/forum (Army Discussion Forums) The Continuing Saga

...om told him to stay away from. Amongst the other evils of ladies of the night and j...
...hich was her secret code word for hard narcotics. The more he thought about it the more he was convinced she was actually a mod, trying to either beat some sense into him or p...
put his butt in Club Ed, but he would go civy before he would let that happen, and once you are a civy the likelihood of being punished severely is n
...ext to nil, especially if you have a crusading, media savvy lawyer with well coiffed hair and a killer smile, who likes t...
o compare the differences between Royals and Patricias on his spare time, lining them up all parade like, noting the variations of their tac vests, footwear, and eye wear, as well, in the case of one bunch, left breathless by their sharp precision drill, compared to the slovenly p.....
ainted rocks by the other. Most alarming though, is the e...
..xcess of gravy dripping off the lips of "E Coy, LdSH (RC)".  Those former members of TOW Platoon of the PPCLI have really gone native and have embraced the ways of the o...
....ne we banned long ago, by the name of TacSit, and his plethora of kool kit, o......
.ff the shelf battery powered nav gizmos and "hard core" unit t-shirts.  Not that we miss him or the d...
...iversions he caused while randomly posting under the name of <insert element>matters.  If for only a m.....
...oment von Garvin gets briefly mentioned, and then fades away into the shadows.  Then, suddenly, and without warning, I might add, from left field came the loudest p...
....rotestations of all, Hot Lips felt that Mud Recce Man, on his way to his CT, should get an Honourable Mention, so in that vein from the q....
..ueer eye for the straight guy, someone in NDHQ realized that not all soldiers who wear kilts can play the pipes (something Michael Dorosh is driven to correct by grooming the first piper CDS since de Chastalain).  Meanwhile back in Army.ca chat, camochick is b....
..elittling HoM for his general insensitivity to the "weaker" sex.  HoM, to be fair, is struggling under the psychological weight of acculturation manifested in the weeds of Meaford and the strange emanations from the internet that bleeds red into his eyeballs on Canada Day. Now, less k...
...indred spirits dance across computer screens, seemingly drawn out of the gloom by the Red Devilsih glow of silentbutdeadly's lastest posts.  Eerily, as Canada Day wears on, this reddish hue turns to a darker shade, somehow reminiscent of a large cup o....
....pulently adorned with figureens of tiny Ex-Dragoons on shore leave in those quintessential places that a HollywoodHitman would find himself q...
uite comfortable in sharing a beer with journeyman, regaling each other with tales about 2Cdo and his time in Petawawa, in the next stall there sat A....
...rmymedic, rinsing out old bandages and field dressings to re-use them, thereby saving the CF money needed to buy custom chest rigs for the new JTF2 cadet corps in Franktown which is, not coincidentally, the home of Ottawa's weather rader station (or is it REALLY weathar radar?).  AESOP81, we have heard, will be the first CO of the 90210 JTF2 RCACC, but n...
...now von Garvin was heard in the corner of the bar, crying over a small glass of strawberry zinfandel, as he struggled to differentiate between Michael Jackson and
Michael Jackson
, the fact that both like a 12-year-old was just too confusing, s...