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Re: RIP forces.gc.ca/forum/forum (Army Discussion Forums) The Continuing Saga

....am and peanut butter looks like on bread, of which the probability of it falling sticky side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.  All that being said, we can now deduce that Gil Grissom really did sleep with Sara Sidel and Scully will never work in Las Vegas unless she ditches Mulder and gets some new clothes!  So where are we now?  It's s....
....imply eighteen pages of continuous prattle on the various attitudes and altitudes achieved ascending achievements made here on army.ca in the j........
exemplifies the many amazing personalities that make Army.ca the wonderful site it is.  Kuddos to t.....
...ndulge those of us who have too much time on our hands in our hope that this thread will surpass the size of any previous thread on JTF2, Reg vs Res, or other topics of "chubby male member" envy, while at the same time being far more entertaining than the aforementioned topics.  To that end, as we march towards page 20, I tip my b...
...ottomless glass and cheer you with a wee dram, a taste of the Haggis, and the sweet smell of the wet heather (wet sheep are another thing....) and the fresh morning dew p....
...roducing a thousand tiny rainbows in the bright light of a new day, emanating from great drops of water on the tip of each wire barb in No Man's Land, as we look across the nine decades to the Somme battlefield and feel deep respect for those who have gone before us.  Now, in the current era i....
..nfantry typically fill their Camelbacs with Perrier and use PRRs to text message their buddies. Despite the changing attitudes which drive the Sergeant-Major up the wall, underneath the body piercings and tough guy tats these really are the same sort of people who stormed Vimy Ridge or fought it out in Kapyong, and we still see that cheerful smile when they turn and look back at you just before driving out the gate in Kandahar.

Although the rules and regulations are against it , all of us can still count on Wes to have cold beers ready and a big plate of s......
...teaks (rare) when the plane lands, maybe even a band, like the Chili Peppers or t...
in Nova Scotia, as the weather has been anything but summer like.  Although the International Tattoo certainly was an enjoyable time and allowed one to forget the ongoing weather issues here in good ole NS.  Weather report sunny today, c...
..umulous clouds cumulating quietly in Quebec, questioning, querying and g..
...rowing in size and power, silently poised to ruin yet another summer weekend.  Though you may dare to pitch your tent, raise your umbrella or bait your hook, the Hammer of Thor awaits you in low hanging, heavy and ominous clouds which will appear just after supper next Friday.  Beware those who w.......
who think that they'd have a better chance winning the lottery than getting hit by lightning, it could s...
....urely be noted that they who venture forth with sunblock, and Bug Juice, tempt Mother Nature, in her finest, to shyte on their parade, as they proudly p.....
...rance nekkid in the rain, becomeing nothing more than a beer soaked, hairy grounding rod for the blinding flash of wrath from "He Who Created All" once He ses how this denzien of modern society is scaring the small animals.  "Boom!"  says the voice on high.  "You a....
...arrogant little excuses for flesh and bone!" then throws down an angel or two in disgust as he sees the reaction of infantry soldiers to his massive downpour over the fieldss of Connaught south of Ottawa.  Instead of hiding in fear or trying to rescue their kit as it floats out of the tents, the mad drunken bastards are grabbing serving trays from the mess hall and bodysurfing on the ponds of water formed by his massive release of p...
...utride barf, the chunks of which one has never seen before, laying waste to the gravel parking lot, and creating an instant slalom course for our surfers.  Not to be undone, several have climbed up onto the balcony roof and standing on the edge "Jab" v....
..von Garvin bared his nether regions in a bold and daring move of defiance, 'mooning' the entire Gurkha Team.  With pants around his ankles, the rabid hell-rasier took one of Wallace's combat boots and began to drink beer out of it.  Their actions were halted by none other than x... 