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Re: RIP forces.gc.ca/forum/forum (Army Discussion Forums) The Continuing Saga

...illiness abounds, but after all, it is the internet, and we cannot be t...
...oo careful.  What boundaries are safe around these crazy m...

(Brilliant, you guys are always comng up with something new...)
..ull bodied ladies who serve piping hot coffee to tired s....
..oreign bretheren from the land Down Under.  Others, such as the Space Patrol, take things way too seriously resulting in i....
...orresponding reams of paperwork that are necessitated after such a procedure is performed on the p.....
...re-pubescent trolls who occasionally crawl out from under their AirSoft cam nets to poke GO!!! with pointy sticks.  Usually this r...
....equires a lot of skulduggery, and guess or Guest, were quite proficient at this daring d....
...isplay of Reg/Res "penis envy" competitions, none of which resulted in any thing more than a drawn out "my dad can beat your dad" sandbox fight w.....
...arge quantities of beer and testosterone, with a cumpleat disregard for speling, punktuashun or cawmun kurtessie.  Mods soon appear to restore order and spread f...
ar-fetched rumours in a vain attempt to explain why everything turned red, when in reality, j...
...ourneyman had a little too much to d...

(I can believe I made a spelling error after Haggis' post...)
...o one night when he wasn't being beckoned.  And so he reverted to his old passion of arts and crafts and wine and n....