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Politics in 2017

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Colin P said:
The BC government can make their lives miserable, because they still need a host of Provincial permits and each one of those will be sent out for FN consultation, which will slow down construction and force Trans-Canada to offer up goodies to them. Then there are civic permits for portions of the pipeline construction and protests, with the delays and policing costs.
I'm sure the BC government is going to do everything in their power to make it difficult, and I'm sure the Federal NDP pick up a ton of votes as a result, but at the end of the day, I have no doubt that pipeline is getting built.

The only way is doesn't is if the federal NDP win the next election.
jollyjacktar said:
I'm sure it won't be built.
The Liberals want it built. The Conservatives want it built.

BC, for all the noise they are going to make, cannot stop it indefinitely.

Sooner or later it will be built.
I won't hold my breath for that day to arrive because tomorrow never comes.
Altair said:
The Liberals want it built. The Conservatives want it built.

BC, for all the noise they are going to make, cannot stop it indefinitely.

Sooner or later it will be built.

I am involved deeply in a lot of the projects in BC, nothing, ever is a sure bet.
Altair said:
The Liberals want it built. The Conservatives want it built.

BC, for all the noise they are going to make, cannot stop it indefinitely.

Sooner or later it will be built.

And how many board feet of lumber were harvested from Clayoquot Sound?..........

The "War in the woods" is an excellent example of social license, one proponent I reviewed conducted a significant amount of expensive studies we told them were not required, purely to "purchase" that social license, pretty much every proponent recognized it as a major factor. Only Ottawa did not comprehend it or the value of early and full consultation with First Nations. BC First Nation framework is utterly different than any other part of the country, fewer treaties, large amount of territory claimed by multiple parties, multiple power blocs in each band competing for control of the resources and benefits. Not to mention that those bands might not agree to be in the same room as each other. 
Colin P said:
The "War in the woods" is an excellent example of social license, one proponent I reviewed conducted a significant amount of expensive studies we told them were not required, purely to "purchase" that social license, pretty much every proponent recognized it as a major factor. Only Ottawa did not comprehend it or the value of early and full consultation with First Nations. BC First Nation framework is utterly different than any other part of the country, fewer treaties, large amount of territory claimed by multiple parties, multiple power blocs in each band competing for control of the resources and benefits. Not to mention that those bands might not agree to be in the same room as each other.

The legacy (and cultural memory) of pre-contact inter-tribal conflict seems (to my relatively untrained eye) to still be rather strong on the West Coast. A perhaps relatively unappreciated issue, outside of BC?
I wouldn't think so SKT.

Here in Quebec, the various FN manage to claim Quebec's territory 2 and 1/2 times over between them, and the fights between them on who "owns" what can be pretty nasty, especially in the North between the Innu, Inuits, Cree and Naskapis, where hunting territories are concerned.

Though, to their credit, they just set aside their differences recently and agreed between themselves to a FN deal on joint Caribou herd protection and management because at least one of the main herds that they all depend on for food has suffered an extremely important reduction in size in the last ten years.

I say Kudos to them as this is, to my knowledge, the first time that FN have worked together on management of anything on a "jointly claimed" territory in Canada and without any external government (Canada or Quebec) having to impose it on them.
Interesting, our Aboriginal advisors from that region don't seem to report the same problems as ours do, perhaps a better relationship at the Federal level? 
Altair said:



Yah I know....the Clayoquot was going on while you were just starting to wear short pants........read up on it......


Construction for Trans Mountain was slated to start September 2017....well they are already 9 months behind due to permit issues




Keep drinking the koolaid bud..........

More and more this is looking like direction from National Revenue minister Diane Lebouthillier to have CRA find low-hanging fruit to tax to artificially reduce the size of the $30B deficit. First income splitting, then employee discounts on burgers, now diabetics aren't being considered for the disability tax credit.


Stay tuned for another about-face from the Liberal party on national taxation, while they blame bureaucrats for making the changes. Makes you wonder why PSAC pumped money into the Liberal campaign in 2015 only to be made the scapegoat for terrible fiscal mismanagement.
The leadership of PSAC is often delusional, to be fair, CPC was going after their members so the choice for them is always Libs or NDP.

Morneau pays $200 fine under Conflict of Interest Act

Anthony Furey

Published: November 1, 2017
Updated: November 1, 2017 3:33 PM EDT

Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau has paid a fine under the Conflict of Interest Act.

A notice quietly posted to the ethics commissioner’s website recently details the two sections of the act the embattled senior Liberal minister has been penalized for violating.

Both penalties are related to Morneau’s failure to disclose his directorship in the corporation that owns his French villa and an estimate of its value.

The violation comes with a $200 fine, which the public notice marks as “paid.”

Such fines are not uncommon, with 14 having been issued so far this year to various Liberals. But this latest revelation confirms Morneau has broken provisions of the Conflict of Interest Act. This contrasts with the finance minister’s repeated assertions that he has always been in full compliance with the rules as laid out by ethics commissioner Mary Dawson.

“This was an administrative error and the minister has agreed to pay the administrative penalty,” Daniel Lauzon, spokesman for Morneau, told the Sun on Wednesday. “The property itself has been disclosed, but the legal vehicle through which the property is owned was missed.

“Still, it’s the kind of error we shouldn’t be making, and the minister has and will continue to work with the ethics commissioner to make sure he is in full compliance.”

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer seized on the news of the public posting of Morneau’s fine. “Canadians deserve much, much better from Justin Trudeau’s out-of-touch Liberals,” Scheer posted to social media. “He must stop behaving as though rules don’t apply to people like him.”
Previous years, under both Liberal and Conservative governments, show a similar volume of fines issued.

Earlier this month, for example, the ethics commissioner’s office posted notice that Yves Comeau, director of communications for the minister of health, paid a $100 fine for “failure to submit a confidential report within 60 days of appointment.”
The PM decided this year that he would dress up as Superman..........He never got the correct one though.

So Trudeau dressed up like a white man who saves humanity? Talk about white privilege on so many levels  :crybaby:
Actually, he's dressed as an illegal alien who came into the country as an infant.
dapaterson said:
Actually, he's dressed as an illegal alien who came into the country as an infant.

Super white privilege AND cultural appropriation.  :alien:
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