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Politics in 2017

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Interesting read:




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You know, I am not against tax planning.

It is hypocrisy of it all that I cannot stand.

How convenient pleading ignorance.
Denis Coderre goes down in flames.  Love it.  Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.  LOL

jollyjacktar said:
Denis Coderre goes down in flames.  Love it.  Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.  LOL


I haven't been following the news from Montreal, but this looks like a great step forward, espically for a city trying to escape from the corruption/mafia image.
“¡Hasta la vista, ba-by!”
jollyjacktar said:
Denis Coderre goes down in flames.  Love it.  Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.  LOL


Dumb as dirt is gone? Good!
jollyjacktar said:
Denis Coderre goes down in flames.  Love it.  Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.  LOL


Waiting for his appointment as a Senator in 3... 2... 1...

SeaKingTacco said:
You know, I am not against tax planning.

It is hypocrisy of it all that I cannot stand.

Tax planning is legal. Tax avoidance is not.

FJAG said:
Tax planning is legal. Tax avoidance is not.


Tax avoidance, defined as paying the least amount of tax possible, is legal. Tax evasion is not.
ModlrMike said:
Tax avoidance, defined as paying the least amount of tax possible, is legal. Tax evasion is not.

:facepalm:  Sometimes I think that I should just stay in bed longer. Yes. I meant to say tax "evasion" is illegal. Tax avoidance is just fine and is the legitimate aim of tax planning. Sigh.

Where's the "mea culpa" smiley when you really need it.

I just read the government is spending half a billion dollars on Canada 150 celebrations this year

As a tax paper I gotta say how proud I am of that.

Is it too much to hope that some of the merchandise includes pink vagina 150 toques?
Well, at least they didn't spend one full billion dollars on celebrating their 375th anniversary, like a City that shall remain nameless ... but who just had a change of Mayor.  Just saying!
See after the CBC article for the link "mandate tracker"


Trudeau's Liberals check their to-do list: 67 promises down, more than 200 still to go - Aaron Wherry - CBC News - Nov 14, 2017
Newly launched government web site keeps track of promises kept, broken and 'modified'

Justin Trudeau's Liberals, elevated to power on promises to do all sorts of things and awash in enthusiasm for data and evidence, are proposing now to account for what they've been doing with their time in office: to quantify both their own ability to keep a promise and track whether keeping those promises is contributing to measurable improvements in the welfare of the country.

Now it is down to how well they keep score on themselves.

First, this morning, the Liberals are launching a mandate tracker: an online accounting of the government's progress, or lack thereof, on each and every commitment specified in the mandate letters issued by the prime minister to each cabinet minister.

By the government's own count — CBC News was given an early look at the website — there were a total of 364 commitments specified in those letters.

At the midway point of its term, the government believes it has fulfilled 66 of those promises. (Another commitment to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees is considered "completed" but "modified" because that mark was not reached until February 2016, instead of the promised deadline of Dec. 31, 2015.)

Three commitments are listed as "not being pursued." These include, most infamously, the promise of electoral reform, but also promises to remove the GST from new capital investments in affordable rental housing and provide a 12-month break on employment insurance premiums for companies that hire young workers,.

The majority of commitments are listed as "underway." Of those, 218 are listed as "on track," while 13 are described as "underway with challenges." The promise to balance the federal budget by 2019 is considered an example of the latter — the challenge apparently being that it's almost definitely not going to happen.

The website will be updated regularly over the next two years.

Measuring the mandate

The Trudeau government's own tally can be compared with a count maintained by researchers at Laval University. Based on 353 promises identified in the last Liberal election platform, those researchers gives the Liberals credit for keeping 110 commitments so far and breaking 12.

But beneath those numbers, there will be room for debate. The site provides some explanation for each commitment, and how well the government has accounted for itself should be closely parsed.

When Jean Chretien's Liberals issued a 36-month progress report in 1996, they claimed to have fulfilled 78 per cent of their promises. But they also credited themselves with beginning to both replace the GST and wind down what was then known as the department of Indian Affairs — both the department and the tax, you might notice, are still with us.

Any government should be happy to list off its good deeds. And, depending on how many more items the government is able to complete between now and 2019, much might depend on how much progress the Liberals are able to demonstrate on those commitments not quite fulfilled.

But the mandate tracker is also just the first part of an effort to quantify the government's efforts.

'Deliverology' goes public

In a few weeks, a second report will attempt to link the government's priorities and actions with metrics that track real-world progress and change.

Since coming to office in the fall of 2015, the Liberals have dwelled on a school of thought known as "deliverology" — an approach, developed by an advisor to Tony Blair's Labour government in the United Kingdom, that aims to prioritize the delivery of policy and the measuring of results.

"A lot of energy is placed on announcements — oh, we're investing $20 million in this project. And the follow-up a year later or two years later — to say, well, X number of people have had their lives affected positively by that investment — isn't always part of the operations or philosophies of government," Justin Trudeau said in May 2016, in response to a question about the government's management philosophy.

In theory, that would be a useful approach.

A "results and delivery" unit has been established in the Privy Council Office and each government department now has a chief results and delivery officer, as well as a chief data officer.

With that second report, "deliverology" will go public. Data might be presented on things like child poverty, housing, retirement security, access to broadband internet or boil-water advisories on Indigenous communities.

"The goal is to put as much information out there and data out there as possible, with clarity around goals," said a senior government official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Doing the math on more data

At best, this might lead to a better discussion about what government does, what issues it is trying to address and what policies make a difference.

At worst, new reporting could merely give the government new ways to claim success.

Much will depend on what metrics the government chooses to focus on, whether it can reasonably connect government activity with changes in social outcomes, and whether the government is willing to admit failure.

If it were easy or risk-free for the federal government to rigorously report on the actual impacts of its actions, someone probably would have done it by now.

At the very least, the Liberals seem to have realized there are significant gaps in what the government knows — the last federal budget committed more than $400 million to a half dozen data initiatives. Even still, it could take years to determine whether a policy made an impact.

In an interview, Kevin Page and Sahir Khan, formerly of the parliamentary budget office and now leading the Institute of Fiscal Studies at the University of Ottawa, say measuring performance will matter most if it is built into every step of the system: as part of determining how resources are allocated, how public servants are judged and how MPs vote on government spending.

And Page says it should be applied to all spending, not just the shiniest objects.

If you are a conservative who believes in limited government, there is less reason to worry about demonstrating that the government can actively deliver meaningful improvements to society.

But a government that pledges to spend more and involve itself in more areas has some incentive to show that all that money and activity has amounted to substantive change.

Ultimately, that is what the Liberals are contending with: not only a need to show that they can be trusted to do what they said they would do, but that their vision of government is supported by the evidence.


Mandate Letter Tracker: Delivering results for Canadians (If you get an Ajax error @ link above, Google this)

Search "Veterans" under the green boxes and this is the result: https://www.canada.ca/en/privy-council/campaigns/mandate-tracker-results-canadians.html?utm_campaign=not-applicable&utm_medium=vanity-url&utm_source=canada-ca_results

One interesting item is:

Help injured Veterans by re-establishing lifelong pensions and insuring that they all have access to financial advice and support. Status: Underway - on track

Result Anticipated: Injured veterans have the option of taking a life-long pension, and are provided financial advice and support to assist them in determining the form of compensation that works best for them and their families.

IMHO, above, is NOT the Liberal election promise.

Travel to Syria, join ISIS, murder and rape people then come back to Canada and don't face any disciplinary action or jail.

So, while other countries are working to make sure that ISIS fighters aren’t even alive to return, Trudeau is not only apparently taking zero steps to eliminate them, but is offering “support” when they return.

I wonder if that support includes money.


We don't need, nor dare I say want these people back in Canada. They made their choice to ally with an organization bent on destroying our way of life. Now they get to live with the result of that choice. F*%$ 'em I say!
I'm sure these sickos who took part in real life Saw-movie style tortures will be upstanding members of our society again.

Sajjan told reporters that Canada will deal with threats posed by the Islamic State, whether they come from afar or closer to home.

He said the military and other security agencies are taking measures to ensure that Canadians who fight with the Islamic State pose no threat if they return to Canada, while abiding by international law.

He said returnees are being monitored to ensure they are not a threat.

"We will make sure that we put every type of resource into place so that Canadians are well protected," Sajjan said as the three-day conference began Friday. "Our main priority is making sure that they don't become a threat to Canada."

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