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Politics in 2016

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Great video of what Justin Trudeau thinks of Albertan's and their whining and complaining about job loss.


Lightguns said:
How do you become a fan of a politician?  I voted for a party because of an issue but I don't consider one politician in any party worthy of fanship.  They are politicians, they would sell you, me or anyone for a vote or perk.  They would send you to war and then deny you medical care or even call you a war criminal for going to the war they sent you to if it meant re-election votes.  No sir, never been a fan of any, not going to do that.  I never understood political partisans, particularly the ones that go around stump for their party for free.  Ya go on facebook or twitter and there are these people on there screaming at other people on there that their party is better.  None of them are better just a different bunch of backroom boys and girls at the trough.  In NB, we say you can tell whose in power by whose getting the dump truck contracts that year.    That's politics in 2016.

You mean people like Michael Blais, who stumped for the Liberals under the guise of representing vets and now he's all outraged that he's not getting his way? I bet he thought he'd get a nice PS job as a kickback for his support, or maybe some photo-ops with the PM. Unfortunately, he's learning the hard way that once your vote is cast, you're useless until the next election.
Jarnhamar said:
Great video of what Justin Trudeau thinks of Albertan's and their whining and complaining about job loss.


That was totally uncalled for and did not in any way address the question.  I have seen several CPAC videos of Question Period where questions have been addressed to the PM, and he has sat back turned while someone in his Caucus spoke, but again not answering the question.  Needless to say, I am less than impressed with what I am seeing in the House.
George Wallace said:
... I am less than impressed with what I am seeing in the House.
Twas ever thus -- as someone smarter than me once said here, it's called "Oral Questions", not "Oral Answers."
I've seen one conservative estimate that places Alberta's suicide rate up 30% this year,  another estimate I've seen was up 52% I believe.  It's wondering that the prime minister responds like  bully (a LA remember where you are,  boy)  instead of addressing a serious life or death matter.  That response shows his true character.
Jarnhamar said:
I've seen one conservative estimate that places Alberta's suicide rate up 30% this year,  another estimate I've seen was up 52% I believe.  It's wondering that the prime minister responds like  bully (a LA remember where you are,  boy)  instead of addressing a serious life or death matter.  That response shows his true character.

Links would be neat.

Jarnhamar said:
I've seen one conservative estimate that places Alberta's suicide rate up 30% this year,  another estimate I've seen was up 52% I believe.  It's wondering that the prime minister responds like  bully (a LA remember where you are,  boy)  instead of addressing a serious life or death matter.  That response shows his true character.

Kind of reminds me of somebody,


PuckChaser said:
You mean people like Michael Blais, who stumped for the Liberals under the guise of representing vets and now he's all outraged that he's not getting his way? I bet he thought he'd get a nice PS job as a kickback for his support, or maybe some photo-ops with the PM. Unfortunately, he's learning the hard way that once your vote is cast, you're useless until the next election.

Blais wasn't looking for a PS job; nor was he looking for money, recognition, or any other favour.  He's already a Pension Act recipient; he stands to gain nothing personally from a return to compensation similar to the Pension Act.  He wanted a return to an option for a lifelong disability pension for those injured after 1 April 2006; nothing more, nothing less.  If you believe otherwise, then you need to question where you're getting your information from.  This infighting between veterans groups has to stop.

I guess if we're useless after the votes are cast, then all the veteran's advocacy groups, including the RCL, are pretty much useless with a view to improving the veteran's lot, no?
Wildfire in the Fort McMurray area have burned down nearly 2000 buildings, many of which were homes. 88,000 people have been evacuated from the region making it the single largest exercise in the provincial history.

The Liberal government has matched Red Cross donations to the tune of $30 million, but just a few months later introduced the anti-dumping tax on drywall is making the construction projects and rebuilding of Fort McMurray more expensive. Customers are staring down the barrel as they have to meet the 200% increased tax on the dry wall.

If Fort McMurray residents want to bitch and complain they should remember they're not in Ottawa.
Being  the Natural  Governing Party (tm) means never having to say you're sorry >:D  Da proof is da proof is da proof
CombatMacgyver said:

This is easily the most arrogant thing I've seen these !@#$& Liberals say yet....

Indeed is was an arrogant and asinine reply.  He did not even address the question put to him.  The only good thing I can say, is that at least this time he rose to answer a question put to him, and not ignored it, relying on a Caucus member to give a nonsensical reply that in no way answered the question from the Floor. 

If only 'the Canadian Voter' had the ability to judge character; as shown by Prince George.    [:D
George Wallace said:
He did not even address the question put to him.
It's called "Oral Questions," not "Oral Answers" for a reason  ;D
Team Red v. 35 thru 38 dropped the ball on this one, Team Blue v.39-41 didn't make any progress, let's see how far Team Red v.42 can carry the ball - I'm SURE it'll all be good news for the lumber industry if nobody can be quoted or identified ...
October 12, 2016 - Global Affairs Canada invites media to a technical briefing with officials on the expiration of the standstill period of softwood lumber and the next steps.

Global Affairs Canada will answer questions on a deep background, not-for-attribution basis only (no quotes or references to government officials). Audio recording of the briefing for the purpose of broadcast is strictly prohibited.

Event: Technical briefing
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Time: Noon ET
Location: National Press Theatre, 150 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario ...
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