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Politics in 2016

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Lightguns said:
Quite a large number judging from my daughters Facebook, most under thirty or over 55.  The women I know in between seem to consider him an unaccomplished lightweight.  One lawyer know called him a political gigolo. 

Well I happen to know plenty of women outside of those demographics who voted for the dude, and that's worth the same as your citing Facebook as a source. I also know plenty of men who voted for him, and who would again.

Is this another JT the first XXX days thread?
Sigh.... my wife thinks he's fabo and won't stand for any shit talking about him for that matter.  Delusional woman.
jollyjacktar said:
Sigh.... my wife thinks he's fabo and won't stand for any shit talking about him for that matter.  Delusional woman.
Well, consider her taste in men, right?  >:D

She must have been on drugs or something that addled her thinking, in my case.  :not-again:  I'm more flabo than fabo.
E.R. Campbell said:
Does anyone at all really care how anyone above the rank of OCdt knots their tie?


There's a reason the whole "Politics" page needs to be taken down and tossed into the cyber-scrap bin.

I was under the impression that issues like short back and sides and tying ties "correctly" was only an issue for the parvenu.  A gentleman dresses as he damned well pleases.

Behold the gentleman:


And if he's not good enough for you, I offer the 7th Marquess of Bath

YZT580 said:
He'd better watch where he puts his right hand. That does not look good. 

I'm kind of shocked that wasn't picked up first.
Scott said:
Well I happen to know plenty of women outside of those demographics who voted for the dude, and that's worth the same as your citing Facebook as a source. I also know plenty of men who voted for him, and who would again.

Is this another JT the first XXX days thread?

Thank you Scott,

Very well said, and I speak as a huge fan of the PM,and one that voted for the Liberals.

Let's kill this debate, as it has been hashed over before!

Scott said:
I'm kind of shocked that wasn't picked up first.

Here's something else no one in the fashion police seem to have picked on:

In the picture, the woman behind JT is obviously accompanied on her right by man, who is almost completely hidden from sight. I say almost because, between JT's legs you can see that that other man is wearing khaki pants and the single most gawd awful golf socks I have seen in a long time .. to meet royalty !!!!


Forget about ties ... we need a golf socks thread!
How do you become a fan of a politician?  I voted for a party because of an issue but I don't consider one politician in any party worthy of fanship.  They are politicians, they would sell you, me or anyone for a vote or perk.  They would send you to war and then deny you medical care or even call you a war criminal for going to the war they sent you to if it meant re-election votes.  No sir, never been a fan of any, not going to do that.  I never understood political partisans, particularly the ones that go around stump for their party for free.  Ya go on facebook or twitter and there are these people on there screaming at other people on there that their party is better.  None of them are better just a different bunch of backroom boys and girls at the trough.  In NB, we say you can tell whose in power by whose getting the dump truck contracts that year.    That's politics in 2016.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Here's something else no one in the fashion police seem to have picked on:

In the picture, the woman behind JT is obviously accompanied on her right by man, who is almost completely hidden from sight. I say almost because, between JT's legs you can see that that other man is wearing khaki pants and the single most gawd awful golf socks I have seen in a long time .. to meet royalty !!!!


Forget about ties ... we need a golf socks thread!

I had noticed the sock and marvelled at what passes for taste and decorum. At least I have finally seen a pair that are grosser than my St Barbara's pattern gunner socks.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Here's something else no one in the fashion police seem to have picked on:

In the picture, the woman behind JT is obviously accompanied on her right by man, who is almost completely hidden from sight. I say almost because, between JT's legs you can see that that other man is wearing khaki pants and the single most gawd awful golf socks I have seen in a long time .. to meet royalty !!!!


Forget about ties ... we need a golf socks thread!

It is the left coast, after all... that's probably his Sunday best.
Old Sweat said:
I had noticed the sock and marvelled at what passes for taste and decorum. At least I have finally seen a pair that are grosser than my St Barbara's pattern gunner socks.

Long time ago after my BBA, I took a course in men's dress.  It cost me $300 but covered all the various types of dress and how to match a suit to every occasion from garden tea to funeral to formal dinner.  I was thinking the other day that these folks could use the course.  If anyone is interested the book of the course was "Dress for Success".  Here's the latest version:  https://www.amazon.com/John-Molloys-New-Dress-Success/dp/0446385522
And yet, I keep looking at the women.  Clearly I'm missing out on something.  :dunno:
Oldgateboatdriver said:
... between JT's legs you can see that that other man is wearing khaki pants and the single most gawd awful golf socks I have seen in a long time ...
Yet another indicator of Trudeau's ability/lack thereof to rule!!!!!!!!
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Here's something else no one in the fashion police seem to have picked on:

In the picture, the woman behind JT is obviously accompanied on her right by man, who is almost completely hidden from sight. I say almost because, between JT's legs you can see that that other man is wearing khaki pants and the single most gawd awful golf socks I have seen in a long time .. to meet royalty !!!!


Forget about ties ... we need a golf socks thread!

That was Premier Clarke's son. He had his hands in his pockets for the longest time! Arrrrggghhh!!!! ;D
George Wallace said:
Just a sign that he had "nothing to do".
Nothing to do?!  There was clearly one individual who needed help achieving his quota of high-fives for the day.
How can one have nothing to do when standing next to such obvious need.
Lightguns said:
How do you become a fan of a politician?  I voted for a party because of an issue but I don't consider one politician in any party worthy of fanship.  They are politicians, they would sell you, me or anyone for a vote or perk.  They would send you to war and then deny you medical care or even call you a war criminal for going to the war they sent you to if it meant re-election votes.  No sir, never been a fan of any, not going to do that.  I never understood political partisans, particularly the ones that go around stump for their party for free.  Ya go on facebook or twitter and there are these people on there screaming at other people on there that their party is better.  None of them are better just a different bunch of backroom boys and girls at the trough.  In NB, we say you can tell whose in power by whose getting the dump truck contracts that year.    That's politics in 2016.

Says the person with the most politically biased posts on this thread......

This is 2016, and we do own a scroll button onour mice.

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