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Politics in 2016

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Old Sweat said:
Come on, Edward, you remember how we used to cringe at the prospect of another Subalterns' Couth Lecture based on a wartime Brit book on how to develop OLQs (Officer Like Qualities) in the lower classes dragooned to be junior officers.

Yes, I do, but the second pip made us immune to all that crap, didn't it?

Yes, I taught my nephew how to tie a proper Windsor knot (not the half version I see today, including on HRH) but he and I are probably the only two people left on earth who tie one on a regular basis ... I can name a couple of generals who, I am 99% certain, never untie their ties. The knots are all grubby and "greasy" looking ... probably 'cause they cannot tie a tie like a man.*  ::)

* By which I mean a soldier/NCO, not an officer, when Old Sweat and I were young, and the dinosaurs roamed the planet our ID cards read "Man" and then, later, for he and I, "Officer," with all the attendant wisecracks about officers being somewhat less than manly.
Jarnhamar said:
I'm currently on YouTube trying to figure out how to tie a tie....
Do we use the Windsor or half Windsor or something else?

Wholy unrelated but quite important :)

Gentlemen use a full Windsor knot ... I'm not sure what CF members are supposed to do.  [Xp
Mods: please do not delete or move this tie knot discussion ... it's the most civil thing that's been in the Politics page for weeks.  :o
E.R. Campbell said:
Gentlemen use a full Windsor knot ... I'm not sure what CF members are supposed to do.  [Xp

Full Windsor for the CF too, hopefully without the crease in the middle ala JT.
E.R. Campbell said:
There's a reason the whole "Politics" page needs to be taken down and tossed into the cyber-scrap bin. 
Maybe.  But with the page up, we have a sacrificial anode to minimize the nonsense corroding the remainder of the site.
E.R. Campbell said:
Gentlemen use a full Windsor knot ... I'm not sure what CF members are supposed to do.  [Xp

Thanks; I will champion the full Windsor in your honour.
Many moons ago when I held the distinction of being a 'Man' as evidenced by said designation on my I card my father tried to show me how to tie a full Windsor. Much to his eternal shame I did not succeed, his other shame was that I wore green not blue...

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A full windsor is very classy, and I used to tie one every time I dressed to come to the mess after work. In my golden age I have convinced myself a T-Shirt is an adequate substitute, but I am living in Kemptville outside the circle of power.

p.s. One thing that bothered me when I was an officer cadet was the how to live in the mess lecture from the permanent mess secretary, one Captain R. He was an ex-coastal artillery officer who occupied one of the suites in the officers' quarters and really was a fussy guardian of living in the mess. I was 21 and he was a Second World War veteran who did not get overseas, so he had no more than five to ten years to serve. I often wondered how he coped with life after he retired.

Anyway, when next I return to the RCSA, it was for the IG Course. After graduation I moved into a small apartment in Brandon and taught myself how to exist in civil life. So I taught myself to cook, clean and generally maintain myself, which did a lot for my sense of independence. Admittedly, being looked after had its advantages, but . . . None of my colleagues attempted the same, but they eventually seemed far too insular.

And my girl friend (DND teacher) from Germany and I finally hooked up. When I retired I took over grocery shopping and preparing the evening meals. It worked and we are still together after forty plus years.
Better get that same SM after Prince William, then, if you're judging ties in the Politics thread...

What kind of royalty is this that can't tie a tie properly, right?  ;)

Cropped & attached for better comparison/detailed discussion below.


  • JustinTie.jpg
    2.6 KB · Views: 289
  • WilliamTie.jpg
    4.7 KB · Views: 78
milnews.ca said:
Better get that same SM after Prince William, then, if you're judging ties in the Politics thread...

What kind of royalty is this that can't tie a tie properly, right?  ;)

Cropped & attached for better comparison/detailed discussion below.
And he's a Windsor!  >:D
George Wallace said:
LOL!  Just thought of what a crusty old Sgt Major would say about this tie:


Glad you get a laugh out of it. That's some real low hanging fruit there.
Lightguns said:
No, I am sorry he does not.  He looks out of place and a little enamored with how everyone loves him.

Not to argue with you. Because I don't follow party politics one way or the other. I don't love, or hate, him.

I am guessing  it is mostly guys on these 50 pages.

I wonder how many women voted for him?
mariomike said:
Not to argue with you. Because I don't follow party politics one way or the other. I don't love, or hate, him.

I am guessing  it is mostly guys on these 50 pages.

I wonder how many women voted for him?

Quite a large number judging from my daughters Facebook, most under thirty or over 55.  The women I know in between seem to consider him an unaccomplished lightweight.  One lawyer know called him a political gigolo. 
Lightguns said:
One lawyer know called him a political gigolo.

I think my mother voted for him!  Definitely in the well over 55 category.  :)

I'm just a gigolo
Everywhere I go
People know the part
I'm playing

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