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PMJT: The First 100 Days

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recceguy said:
In what alternate universe do you not see the Laurentian Elitists fingerprints and attitudes all over this government. They didn't come out to say JT is a great guy and go home after the election. Those guys are still running the show. JT is a front man who doesn't make a step without their say so.
Is what your saying been on evidence or facts, or more on truthiness? [lol:
>As for the past liberal government, were they corrupt as hell? Ya. Does that mean the current liberal government is corrupt? No.

The Liberal Party, not the Liberal government, was responsible for AdScam.  The fact that some of the elected MPs are different does not tell us anything about the current Liberal Party.  Ponder the implications.
The budget, when it is revealed, will tell us what the government intends to do.  As to cost, it is only an estimate.  We won't know the true accounting until much later.  Bear in mind the anticipated deficit at present is primarily driven by increased spending, not decreased revenues.  It'll be a treat if the deficit clocks in at third or fourth largest in the past 20 years with [no] recession to pin it on.
Brad Sallows said:
>As for the past liberal government, were they corrupt as hell? Ya. Does that mean the current liberal government is corrupt? No.

The Liberal Party, not the Liberal government, was responsible for AdScam.  The fact that some of the elected MPs are different does not tell us anything about the current Liberal Party.  Ponder the implications.
I don't see the need to tar the current liberal government/party with the same brush of the liberal government/party of two decades ago.

If you guys want to do so, be my guest, but until proven otherwise I won't be joining in that discussion.
Brad Sallows said:
The budget, when it is revealed, will tell us what the government intends to do.  As to cost, it is only an estimate.  We won't know the true accounting until much later.  Bear in mind the anticipated deficit at present is primarily driven by increased spending, not decreased revenues.  It'll be a treat if the deficit clocks in at third or fourth largest in the past 20 years with [no] recession to pin it on.
It's a big risk, if they spend and the economy continues to struggle, they're done.

If they spend wisely and kick start the economy, they're golden. Stay tuned.
Altair said:
If they spend wisely and kick start the economy

Governments have been trying that for 100 years, that's not how it works! :facepalm:
PuckChaser said:
How many "priority number 1" did we hear? How many of those are now punted down the road? If I believed the Liberals platform, I'd have $15k a year in my pocket for child (insert use here) benefit

As someone who deals with that regularly, I know that such changes always take place in July.  There is no rush to change anything before the budget, as a result.
Altair said:
It's a big risk, if they spend and the economy continues to struggle, they're done.

If they spend wisely and kick start the economy, they're golden. Stay tuned.

The LPC complained that the $30 billion deficit spending they insisted on in 2008 was not enough to "kick start" the economy (and routinely derided the Economic Action Plan, despite being the actual fathers of the plan).

The Obama Administration has spent trillions of dollars in stimulus spending since 2008, yet (once you add back all the numbers conveniently overlooked by the BLM) unemployment hasn't dropped below 10% during that time, and the economic "recovery" mostly consists of various bubbles inflated by the vast spending increases.

But we don't need to look at the most recent examples; the Great Depression became "great" and lasted at least seven years longer than it should have due to the massive spending and government interference in the economy by the "New Dealers" (read The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression Paperback by Amity Shlaes, or just reflect that the worst year of the Great Depression was 1938, almost a full decade after the "Crash").

And since the government is determined that we will go along for the ride by increasing taxes and removing tools like the enhanced TFSA, (or hinting that increased contributions to the CPP or provincial exercises like the Ontario Pension Plan are going to be supported) *we* will have to start looking at other means to ensure our own and our families economic well being in the future. (This is also a neat tie in to the idea of Libertarianism as a Social Movement, since more people than ever will be forced to start taking steps on their own to ensure their well being).
Altair said:
It's a big risk, if they spend and the economy continues to struggle, they're done.

If they spend wisely and kick start the economy, they're golden. Stay tuned.

Not if they let the gap between the Fed and BoC's base lending rate continue to grow, and keep up with the "peeing in a dark suit" tax cuts.

I'm all for giving the benefit of the doubt to the new team, particularly if they try to distance themselves from the old LPC guard, but some of the lead-inidcators are not looking particularly favourable.

Indeed, "on verra!"

>I don't see the need to tar the current liberal government/party with the same brush of the liberal government/party of two decades ago.

I'm thinking of the Liberal party of only one decade ago.  The Liberal party hasn't suffered the temptation of controlling the reins of federal power during that decade.
recceguy said:
The honeymoon is over. No one cares about his hair selfies anymore.
From threehundredeight.com

The latest poll comes from Nanos Research, as part of its weekly rolling poll. The latest numbers show Justin Trudeau at 51.5% on who Canadians see as the best choice for prime minister, followed at length by Rona Ambrose at 13.7% and Thomas Mulcair at 12.8%. Elizabeth May and Rhéal Fortin (interim leader of the Bloc) scored 5% and 1.2%, respectively. All seem to be holding steady after the post-election re-alignment.
AT least Maurice isn't around. There is probably a replacement waiting somewhere in the wings but I doubt his replacement will have the same influence
Altair said:
From threehundredeight.com

Perhaps you've conveniently forgotten that polls are meant to reflect what the contractor want it to. They are like wikipedia. They can't really be taken as gospel.
So from what I'm tracking within the first 100 days they:

Told the world Canada will be withdrawing CF18s as per his campaign promise, but "never said when" *wink wink*.
[Should mention withdrawing CF18s will be removing support for our soldiers on the ground in harms way as demonstrated by the concentrated ISIS attack a couple days ago where CF18s played a significant role]

Reneged on the promise of 25'000 refugees by Jan 1st 2016
[turned out to be a good thing but demonstrated a lack of situational awareness, or ass-betting]

Added an extra 15 billion dollars to the estimated deficit within the first month.
[nobody cares about huge numbers like that anyways]

Reinstating funds frozen under the controversial First Nations Financial Transparency Act and halting compliance measures that required bands to post detailed financial information online.  Now average First Nations people won't know what the band chiefs are pulling in, how it's being spent or where it goes, again.

Promising to open an inquiry into missing aboriginal women even though police have gone on the record to say it won't really help considering most of the cases are closed or solved and the numbers are almost on par with missing white women.

Suggesting they will reverse the conservative decision to streamline permits for law abiding firearm owners to transport their restricted firearms to shooting ranges- basically just fucking them off and adding more ass pain while doing zero to improve safety.

Speaking to removing assault weapons off the street which could mean law abiding citizens in possession of firearms never used in crime in Canada will become paper criminals over night.

Sent millions of dollars to foreign countries to help "research climate change'.  :subbies:

I'm clearly not into politics very much but seems like a noble start.
recceguy said:
Perhaps you've conveniently forgotten that polls are meant to reflect what the contractor want it to. They are like wikipedia. They can't really be taken as gospel.
Of course.

Then again, Nanos caught the liberal surge at the end of the election campaign so while it should be taken with a grain of salt (meaningless poll done 4 years before next election ) at face value it shows that the honeymoon isn't over quite yet.
Jarnhamar said:
So from what I'm tracking within the first 100 days they:

Told the world Canada will be withdrawing CF18s as per his campaign promise, but "never said when" *wink wink*.
[Should mention withdrawing CF18s will be removing support for our soldiers on the ground in harms way as demonstrated by the concentrated ISIS attack a couple days ago where CF18s played a significant role]

Reneged on the promise of 25'000 refugees by Jan 1st 2016
[turned out to be a good thing but demonstrated a lack of situational awareness, or ***-betting]

Added an extra 15 billion dollars to the estimated deficit within the first month.
[nobody cares about huge numbers like that anyways]

Reinstating funds frozen under the controversial First Nations Financial Transparency Act and halting compliance measures that required bands to post detailed financial information online.  Now average First Nations people won't know what the band chiefs are pulling in, how it's being spent or where it goes, again.

Promising to open an inquiry into missing aboriginal women even though police have gone on the record to say it won't really help considering most of the cases are closed or solved and the numbers are almost on par with missing white women.

Suggesting they will reverse the conservative decision to streamline permits for law abiding firearm owners to transport their restricted firearms to shooting ranges- basically just ******* them off and adding more *** pain while doing zero to improve safety.

Speaking to removing assault weapons off the street which could mean law abiding citizens in possession of firearms never used in crime in Canada will become paper criminals over night.

Sent millions of dollars to foreign countries to help "research climate change'.  :subbies:

I'm clearly not into politics very much but seems like a noble start.

And now the Finance Minister is working hard to tank the economy with "enhanced CPP contributions", siphoning even more money from working Canadians and out of the productive economy. Funny, there was this highly effective plan where Canadians could save money in a tax free account for their own future needs by investing in in the broad based market economy....started with a "T"......

And of course "infrastructure" spending which will mostly be spent on various things which are infrastructure in name only.

We are indeed off to a *good* start, if you think living in a Peronist economy is "good"....
How much do you want to bet there will be all sorts of ads and billboards all over the place once this infrastructure spending starts... they could call it an Economic Action Plan.... oh wait, is that taken?
PuckChaser said:
How much do you want to bet there will be all sorts of ads and billboards all over the place once this infrastructure spending starts... they could call it an Economic Action Plan.... oh wait, is that taken?
Why do ads when you have the king of social media as your prime minister?
C'mon, at least all this "sunny ways" nonsense is making for a mild winter. JT is good for something at least.  :D
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