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PMJT: The First 100 Days

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For those Liberal drum-beaters claiming legalizing pot would pay for all their promises:


Tax revenue from legalized pot should fund addiction programs, Trudeau says

By Jim Bronskill — The Canadian Press — Dec 17 2015
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OTTAWA - The modest amount of tax money expected from legalized marijuana sales should go to addiction and support programs, the prime minister says.

There's potential for "a bit of revenue" from a revamped pot regime, but the federal government isn't looking for a financial windfall, Justin Trudeau said in a wide-ranging roundtable interview this week with The Canadian Press.

"It was never about a money-maker. It was always about public health, public safety."

Any cash that flows to public coffers through marijuana taxation should go towards addiction treatment, mental health support and education programs — not general revenues, he said.

The Liberals have promised to legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana to keep it out of the hands of children while denying criminals the financial profits.

Is Trudeau just going to print money now to pay for his promises? Or drive us into the poor house like his father did? The start of many disappointments for Liberal fans, I think.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
$30 million pledged to build a road to the shoal lake reserve.

With the federal share 1/3 of that (Manitoba & Winnipeg pick up 1/3 each).
PuckChaser said:
For those Liberal drum-beaters claiming legalizing pot would pay for all their promises:


Is Trudeau just going to print money now to pay for his promises? Or drive us into the poor house like his father did? The start of many disappointments for Liberal fans, I think.

Come on now.  You know darn well that saying anything derogatory about a prominent Liberal will get you branded as a "Racist" and an "Xenophobe".    [:D
George Wallace said:
Come on now.  You know darn well that saying anything derogatory about a prominent Liberal will get you branded as a "Racist" and an "Xenophobe".    [:D

Only one if you say racist and/or xenophobic things or support those who do.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Only one if you say racist and/or xenophobic things or support those who do.

If you disagree with any Liberal policy in Ontario, you are automatically branded by the Premier as a "Homophobe"; so the branding by these type of political figure has swung well into the RIDICULOUS.  It makes it hard to take the majority of our political figures seriously, at all levels of government. 
George Wallace said:
If you disagree with any Liberal policy in Ontario, you are automatically branded by the Premier as a "Homophobe"; so the branding by these type of political figure has swung well into the RIDICULOUS.  It makes it hard to take the majority of our political figures seriously, at all levels of government.

It is all part of the new age politician's political armour.
So you are saying that if I disagree that the LCBO should get into the sale of pot when it becomes legal, or if I disagree with the decommissioning of nuclear power plants, I am an "homophobe"?

Well, that sucks! (pun intended).
Oldgateboatdriver said:
So you are saying that if I disagree that the LCBO should get into the sale of pot when it becomes legal, or if I disagree with the decommissioning of nuclear power plants, I am an "homophobe"?

Well, that sucks! (pun intended).

Seriously.  It was a serious problem of the Ontario Legislature there for a while that made a complete farce of the sitting Ontario Government.  It made the Premier look like a moron every time that she used that as a defence of her government's policies.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Only one if you say racist and/or xenophobic things or support those who do.

I know of no one that supports, 100%, everything a chosen politician says or supports every position they hold. You weigh things out and swallow the good with the bad.

If you don't agree with some of the stuff that's said about others. That does not make you a racist.

And unless you're a reincarnation of Ganhdi, you should climb off of your high horse and quit judging people you don't even know.

Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are.
George Wallace said:
Seriously.  It was a serious problem of the Ontario Legislature there for a while that made a complete farce of the sitting Ontario Government.  It made the Premier look like a moron every time that she used that as a defence of her government's policies.
Wynne can't help it.  She is an utter and complete moron, and one without any sort of moral compass to boot.

There...I feel better now
George Wallace said:
Come on now.  You know darn well that saying anything derogatory about a prominent Liberal will get you branded as a "Racist" and an "Xenophobe".    [:D
George Wallace said:
If you disagree with any Liberal policy in Ontario, you are automatically branded by the Premier as a "Homophobe"; so the branding by these type of political figure has swung well into the RIDICULOUS.  It makes it hard to take the majority of our political figures seriously, at all levels of government. 
I must not have been paying enough attention to Ontario politics.  What are the incidents of this?
recceguy said:
I know of no one that supports, 100%, everything a chosen politician says or supports every position they hold. You weigh things out and swallow the good with the bad.

If you don't agree with some of the stuff that's said about others. That does not make you a racist.

And unless you're a reincarnation of Ganhdi, you should climb off of your high horse and quit judging people you don't even know.

Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are.

I'll jump off my high horse when you jump off yours, since you just took a perch to write this.

Who said anything about calling anyone a racist?  The comment was about a previous comment saying that anyone who disagreed with the liberals was a homophobic or racist.

MCG said:
I must not have been paying enough attention to Ontario politics.  What are the incidents of this?

A few months back she was being questioned by the Opposition on several matters; the Gas Plant Scandal, the sale of Ontario Hydro, the Sunshine List ($400K annual income of the head honcho at Ontario Hydro was one real sore point in the House), Green Energy Act (Solar and Windmills), and the list goes on.  The biggest controversy where she actually retorted, more than once, that those who opposed her government's plans were "homophobic", was in the implementation of Ontario's Sex Ed curriculum.



Bird_Gunner45 said:
I'll jump off my high horse when you jump off yours, since you just took a perch to write this.

Who said anything about calling anyone a racist?  The comment was about a previous comment saying that anyone who disagreed with the liberals was a homophobic or racist.

Yes; and I ignored your comment quoting that.  You may have noted that I ended that statement in question with a "  [:D "   
George Wallace said:
A few months back she was being questioned by the Opposition on several matters; the Gas Plant Scandal, the sale of Ontario Hydro, the Sunshine List ($400K annual income of the head honcho at Ontario Hydro was one real sore point in the House), Green Energy Act (Solar and Windmills), and the list goes on.  The biggest controversy where she actually retorted, more than once, that those who opposed her government's plans were "homophobic", was in the implementation of Ontario's Sex Ed curriculum.




Of course the entire purpose of this is to both refuse to answer the question and to signal to the receptive that people who do "question" the received wisdom of the Liberals are "insert insult here". The federal Liberals did exactly the same when they were questioned about the makeup of the new cabinet. Rather than answer reasonable questions like "what in the Defense minister's resume prepares him to run the biggest and most complex department of the government?" or "why has such an obvious dud like Chrystia Freeland been appointed as minister for Internatinal Trade?", we're dismissed with "Because 2015". Evidently merit is no longer a consideration in the second decade of the century....
The sort of first 100 days we should hope for in 2019:


Argentina Bolts Toward Free Market Reforms

Revolution: One week into office, Argentina's new president has slashed taxes, ripped out capital controls and restored the peso to its natural level. It takes guts, but this blaze of reforms has worked wherever it's been tried.

The markets certainly think it will, with some stocks rising as much as 5% and the overall market not panicking in the wake of President Mauricio Macri's announcement that capital controls are now a thing of the past. The move triggered a wrenching 27% devaluation of Argentine currency, causing it to fall from 9.8 pesos to the U.S. dollar to 13.9.

It will likely force prices to rise by half in the short term and could trigger protests from the country's powerful Peronist unions. But it's the speed with which the move took place that puts time on Macri's side and a sign that the distasteful maneuver will work.

After all, Macri has been in office since only Dec. 10, and his biggest likely political opponents, such as the Peronist socialist labor unions, are still licking their wounds since his landslide victory. Economists such as Johns Hopkins University's Steve Hanke have pointed out in the past that free-market reforms tend to have the best results when they are executed quickly, with conviction. That's precisely the path Macri is taking in his lightning-bolt moves. It's an interesting thing from a man whose family business has included race cars.

What's more, unlike devaluations past, Macri prepared the country for this one. The need for the devaluation is the ugly result of the previous socialist government's effort to control the economy and create a falsely inflated currency based on phony statistics so bad that even the International Monetary Fund complained.

Three days ago, Macri set the country up for recovery by cutting its punitive personal and export taxes so that there would be incentive to work and save.

Two days ago, he lifted capital controls so that export trade, Argentina's great competitive advantage, could take off once again. Argentina's farmers and ranchers have said that they could rake in $400 million a day in export revenues based on high inventories of grains and other agricultural products if those punitive taxes were scrapped. Barron's reported that they pulled in only $72 million in seven days last week, so the capital inflows should be instant.

A few days before that, Macri moved to protect savers somewhat by firing the central bank chief and having the new one hike interest rates from 7% to 38% to alleviate the shock of devaluation. He also sold $3 billion in Chinese yuan and other not-so-useful foreign currencies touted by the anti-American crowd and bought U.S. dollars to help buttress the country's foreign exchange cushion and protect savers some more.

In addition, he threw out two leftist Supreme Court judges and replaced them with rule-of-law advocates — an important move given that U.S. Federal Judge Thomas Griesa in a bondholders' lawsuit laid down the law to Argentina, telling it that it must pay its bills and cannot default (as it notoriously does) without consequences. Rule of law will go far to help the country restore its past prosperity — and more importantly, it will lay the groundwork for the next step: restoring Argentina's presence in world capital markets, which it's been out of since its $100 billion sovereign default in 2001.

These preparatory reforms — some admittedly painful — will go a long way toward hastening economic recovery and — with Macri's expected next step, fiscal reform — will keep the downturn short. In a country with 25% inflation, 29% poverty and 0.4% growth for 2015, the IMF is forecasting a single tough year in 2016 to be followed by a spectacular 7% growth in 2017.

Already there are signs that it's working, and not just in the markets but in hard-core, tangible foreign investment. In just days, Spanish oil giant YPF announced a $500 million expansion, while international banks are prepared to lend $25 billion to finance more reforms.

With a record like that, it's a slam-dunk that the failure and impoverishment of Peronist socialism will be history and the Argentina that a century ago was a global symbol of wealth will re-emerge. It's happened every time it's been tried.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/121715-785901-argentina-bolts-toward-free-market-reforms.htm#ixzz3uibs80qe
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Even CBC is starting to catch on. If the CBC is pointing out the Liberals backing out on their promises, hell has either frozen over, or its happening a lot more than anyone can ignore, even Altair.


Analysis - 'Real change' comes early — to Liberal promises
Hopeful campaign goals on a collision course with reality

Promises? Those were goals, not promises! Totally different!

From ships and planes to deficits and refugees, many of Justin Trudeau's promises are being comprehensively Photoshopped.

And the folks at Adobe, creators of the photo-editing software, clearly received their licence fee, because the program is running fine.

For deficit numbers, select the colour red and crank it up. For refugees, erase the deadline.

And, for CF-18s, just blur the outlines until nobody has a clue what the policy is.
PuckChaser said:
Even CBC is starting to catch on. If the CBC is pointing out the Liberals backing out on their promises, hell has either frozen over, or its happening a lot more than anyone can ignore, even Altair.

Let's see.

The budget isn't out yet, so keep your powder dry on that one.

As for the refugees, most people thought 25000 before Christmas was too much too soon, and the liberals adjusted the plan accordingly. Much better than driving forward stubbornly in the wrong direction.

As for the fight against isil, the cf 18s will be coming home, it's looking like the auroras and refueling planes will stay, and nobody knows how many more trainers will be sent as of yet. So I don't see the issue of a broken promise there.

I do see sour grapes everywhere. Not quite the same as broken promises.
How many "priority number 1" did we hear? How many of those are now punted down the road? If I believed the Liberals platform, I'd have $15k a year in my pocket for child (insert use here) benefit, pot legalized everywhere, CF-18s out of Iraq and climate change tackled.

All we've gotten so far is lip service. So much for real change.
PuckChaser said:
If the CBC is pointing out the Liberals backing out on their promises....
Maybe he's having an off day, and merely fallen into the default CBC setting of what passes as "journalism" -- 'all the problems in the world are because of the evil Harper'  -- forgetting for a moment that it's a different PM.

PuckChaser said:
..... its happening a lot more than anyone can ignore, even Altair.
You're not a gambling sort, are you?  :pop:    [never mind]
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