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PMJT: The First 100 Days

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Sheep Dog AT said:
I guess weed is being sold in ON now. How else can you explain this?
Let's not forget whose idea this was ...
... You can write the cheque out to the Ontario Opportunities Fund, which was initially set up by former premier Mike Harris back in 1996 when he took over for Bob Rae ...
recceguy said:
He's her protege.
Or do you mean minion?  >:D
Well, it is the halfway mark in the "First 100 Days:" 50 days since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's new government was sworn in on 4 Nov 15.

My, personal, opinion, thus far is disappointment on both policy and machinery of government grounds.

It's no secret, I hope, that I found the Liberals' campaign promises facile at best and I am somewhat sad to read that they actually are going to try to go ahead with too many of them. The plan to run a large deficit is, to be charitable, economic nonsense ... I'm pretty sure that Finance Minister Bill Morneau and his team know this but the PMO rules with a hand that is at least as strong as anything we saw in Prime Minister Harper's days. The decision to pull the CF-18s out of Iraq is either a mealy-mouthed half measure or just mindlessly pandering to his base ... once again more and more like Stephen Harper. The broken promises on refugees don't bother me: they (the promises) were patently silly when made, off the mark by, it appears, a full order of magnitude ~ 2,500 rather than 25,000 ~ but I expected no better.

What the government has done well, actually very well, is to change the tone. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has the same sort of "rock star" charisma as his father did and his team ~ and I think it must be the campaign team because, I have heard that the government's "communications" programme is still getting off the ground (that's part of my "machinery of government" woe) ~ are doing a GREAT job at selling the prime minister and his team to Canadians and the world. And it's not just a fawning Canadian media with liberal/Liberal biases ~ a good slice of the Canadian media is skeptical of "Team Trudeau" and the international media has also been "touched" ... by (I suspect) expert advance teams of PR agents. In any event, Canadians approve of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau because, despite policies they don't really understand, they like him.

So I am impressed with "Team Trudeau's" ability to change the tone in Ottawa and maintain that change for several weeks but I am unimpressed with the actual governing.

And, to all who participate in the Politics thread here on Army.ca and to the moderators who try to keep it civil:

E.R. Campbell said:
Well, it is the halfway mark in the "First 100 Days:" 50 days since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's new government was sworn in on 4 Nov 15.

So the informed discussion :tempertantrum::deadhorse:    :soapbox:  will soon end?
Journeyman said:
So the informed discussion :tempertantrum::deadhorse:    :soapbox:  will soon end?

Such an optimist.  [:D

Sunday's "A Conversation with the Prime Ministser" should prove interesting. 

Throw another log on the fire.
Perhaps the guiding principle should be "no platform survives winning an election."
George Wallace said:
Such an optimist.  [:D

Sunday's "A Conversation with the Prime Ministser" should prove interesting. 

Throw another log on the fire.

Cook me up some bacon and some beans ...  :stirpot: :subbies:
So much for new era of an open relationship with the media. Trudeau's got to pay back the Toronto Star for being the only major newspaper to endorse him during the Federal Election.


Trudeau to write exclusive Christmas column for Toronto Star
Prime Minister’s message will appear on our new tablet app Star Touch on Christmas Day, and also be published on Boxing Day in our print edition and on thestar.com.

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau writes an exclusive Christmas Day column for the Star on the Star Touch tablet app. It runs in the paper on Boxing Day.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau writes an exclusive Christmas Day column for the Star on the Star Touch tablet app. It runs in the paper on Boxing Day.
Published on Thu Dec 24 2015

In an exclusive column for the Toronto Star, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is writing a special “Message for Canadians” for the Christmas holidays that outlines his thoughts about family, generosity and sacrifices at this time of the year and his plans for 2016.

The column will appear on Christmas Day on Toronto Star Touch, our popular new tablet app available on Apple iPads and Android tablet devices. The app was downloaded more than 100,000 times by readers in its first six weeks and that number continues to grow daily.

The Prime Minister’s message will also be published on Boxing Day in our print edition and on thestar.com, our main news website. The Star does not publish a print edition on Christmas Day.

I also got my annual Christmas thanks message from the PM on DWAN yesterday. "Thanks for being away from your families to fulfill my campaign promise." No mention of troops only KMs away from Daesh, or the pilots/aircrew helping to keep them in check so further atrocities aren't committed. For those who thought we'd be better treated by this guy, he's got the same attitude as the rest of Canada, mile-wide but inch deep, except he really only cares that we do what he wants to make him look good. Chretien 2.0.
E.R. Campbell said:
Well, it is the halfway mark in the "First 100 Days:" 50 days since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's new government was sworn in on 4 Nov 15.

So I am impressed with "Team Trudeau's" ability to change the tone in Ottawa and maintain that change for several weeks but I am unimpressed with the actual governing.

And, to all who participate in the Politics thread here on Army.ca and to the moderators who try to keep it civil:

To put it bluntly, Trudeau Jr was elected because he was not Stephen Harper.  Full stop.  If there were any policy issues of substance on which the Liberals were elected, I seemed to miss them.  However, the good news is that 100 days into the new government, just about all the changes he wanted to implement have been made.  He just has to make sure he or his government don’t mess things up too badly in the next 4 years 9 months.

That might be a problem.  He seemed, and this may become a theme, to engage mouth before brain when it came to promising to bring in a rather large (if arbitrary) number of Syrian migrants without having the practical implications fully thought through.  Yes, the latter aspect is pretty damn important for politicians, to make sure they can fulfil the promises they make.  Good intentions are rather like the proverbial…ahem…everyone’s got one.

Similarly with the RCAF strike campaign against ISIS.  He promised to bring them home to be a contrarian to the then PM Harper’s commitment.  Again, it’s all great coming up with a unique policy position but the various courses of action should have been fully thought through - particularly 'why' you take the stand that you do.  As it stands, there is still a commitment to RTB the CF-18s, but without any articulate explanation of…why.

My advice, smile. Stick to photo ops, that is why you were elected.  And for goodness sake, do not open your mouth, you appear much cleverer without speaking.
Canuck_Jock said:
My advice, smile. Stick to photo ops, that is why you were elected.  And for goodness sake, do not open your mouth, you appear much cleverer without speaking.

Or as others have said "'Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Canuck_Jock said:
My advice, smile. Stick to photo ops, that is why you were elected. 
Comment reminded me of this
Jarnhamar said:
Comment reminded me of this

I'm pretty sure that was the theme song for the Liberal campaign.
PuckChaser said:
......... For those who thought we'd be better treated by this guy, he's got the same attitude as the rest of Canada, mile-wide but inch deep, except he really only cares that we do what he wants to make him look good. Chretien 2.0.

Actually, I am inclined to think PET 2.0.
George Wallace said:
Actually, I am inclined to think PET 2.0.

I wasn't around for PET, so can't accurately make that comparison.  8)
PuckChaser said:
I also got my annual Christmas thanks message from the PM on DWAN yesterday.

You actually read that? I didn't know that anybody did. I just deleted it as I do with any mindless spam.
Loachman said:
You actually read that? I didn't know that anybody did. I just deleted it as I do with any mindless spam.

I gave it a chance. The minister's one was good. Trudeau's was a freaking joke.
So Nanos has decided it will continue to bore us all with meaningless polls.

Trudeau's approval ratings are at 67 percent.

It's highest in the maritimes at 79 percent, no surprise, it was lowest in Alberta, no surprise, at 57 percent, big surprise. 57 percent of albertans of all people think Trudeau is doing a good job.

Ya, the honeymoon is still on nomatter what some cranky journalists on the hill(and some people on here) say.
I think Nik Nanos is trying to stay relevant. There's been marginal changes, so how can you actually gauge an approval rating? Numbers after the budget will start to mean something.
PuckChaser said:
I think Nik Nanos is trying to stay relevant. There's been marginal changes, so how can you actually gauge an approval rating? Numbers after the budget will start to mean something.
Yes, budget time is going to be fun.

Let's see what promises trudeau can keep and how much they will cost. Fingers crossed on the new CCB and veterans benefits.
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