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Pet Peeves

- Bad primers
- Stopages
- Empty magazines (wheres my Hollywood mag with infinite ammo)
- non smokers (yes I'm polluting the air, now get back into your SUV while your wife's driving the truck and little Timmy has the mustang)
- Being asked if I'm a reservist after telling someone I'm in the Army :skull:
- Reservists :dontpanic:
- Foreplay (it can be skipped with the right amounts of lube)
- Getting my ass handed to me by a 13 year old snot nose punk in a video game and have him refuse my challenge to pistols at dawn
- Getting my ass handed to me by a 13 year old snot nose punk in a video game and have him accept my challenge to pistols at dawn but later backs down when he realizes that I don't mean in the game
- Bras with more than one hook ( I want a rucksack Velcro quick release)

*Disclaimer for the humourless: Its a joke*

Except the reservist part, I really hate those guys ;D
Jacob said:
  If it bugs you that much. Send them this way  :D

Okay time to clarify,  yes I'm downtown Toronto - no not on Richmond street.  I don't like hoochies.  (which I define as a women with so little self respect as to flash a total stranger in public for a 12 dollar drink)  If you want them,  I'd be happy to send them your way - get your wallet out though.

more pet peeves

1)  Homeless people who walk and stand in your way,  trying to intimadate money out of you.

2) Gettting hit on at the gym.

3) Roomates who ask me to pay rent in the middle of the month to solve their cash flow issues
3) Roomates who ask me to pay rent in the middle of the month to solve their cash flow issues

+1, i've had that happen a few times, both with rent and other things like paying for Internet/cable.  My last housemate had the gaul to ask me if I could pay her for the next three months of internet (Feb, March April) the day after I paid the Januaryone (which was paid 10 days early).  The reason why she wanted the money up front was becuase she had wasted the last $1200 of her OSAP on a trip to Montreal.  Of coruse she didn't tell me that part, I heard that from a friend who said she went a little overboard in the Casino there.


Zell_Dietrich said:
Okay time to clarify,   yes I'm downtown Toronto - no not on Richmond street.  I don't like hoochies.  (which I define as a women with so little self respect as to flash a total stranger in public for a 12 dollar drink)  If you want them,  I'd be happy to send them your way - get your wallet out though.

If you're paying $12 for a drink, I would think you've got the option for another pet peeve...
Homeless People who Shit while leaning against my car to do it,

A homeless guy eating a 12 dollar quiznos sandwhich and asking for money for food.

being told I'm being held "morally responsible" to realize the wars I'm involved in are just for American imperialism.

Bar Stars. any gender.

bar bouncers lettign in underage girls with Fake IDs knowingly, and then questioning my mil IDs validity.
Going to add to my previous list now:

-people putting THEIR stuff on MY desk and cluttering it all up(specifically my husband).
-people not putting my clie on the charger after they have drained the battery(specifically my kids).
-people not cleaning up their dog's poop on my lawn after it was done "doing it's business" (I will put some sort of electrified fence up if the lady with the sheltie doesn't start cleaning up after her dog. Either that or will put all of her dogs crap into a bag and let it ferment in the heat, then take it to her house and leave it on the door step or by an open window >:D )

  • lazy people
  • people who use public washrooms and throw used paper towel on the floor (Nelles block female heads are disgusting)
  • people who use public showers and leave their garbage behind - ie empty conditioner from their recent bad dye job
  • rude people
  • thieves
  • druggies
  • bad drivers
  • slobs
  • fat people that crowd you on the SkyTrain
  • vandals
  • people who abuse the welfare/ui/wcb or any other social-welfare programs
  • MIR commandos

whoaaa I feel much better now!
Fast food places where staff think it's okay to make my sandwich whilst wearing the same gloves they used at the til.

What's with the bunnies? That's my peeve!
My Pet Peeve...


Reservist chicks!
The Navy

*Note 2 are real peeves.. 2 are jokes you figure out which.
navymich said:
Get a bunny, you know you want a bunny too. ;D
Although Reservist Chix may rock, bunnies SUCK!  They don't even taste good, or go well with Ketchup!!!!!!!
von Garvin said:
They don't even taste good, or go well with Ketchup!!!!!!!

Add Slivoviča to the bunny - anything is tasty with fire water.
HitorMiss said:
My Pet Peeve...


Reservist chicks!
The Navy

*Note 2 are real peeves.. 2 are jokes you figure out which.

Why's everybody always picking on me.... :'(
navymich said:
Why's everybody always picking on me.... :'(

Jeez....your rabbits are multiplying already??? wow!  Mine hasn't...I wonder if it's floppy ears?