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Pet Peeves

Bob Rae Him a pet peeve how so I got two weeks of March break cause of him Yes I am old LOL Just kidding  ;D
Plastic packaging that requires 2 blocks of C4 and a thorough knowledge of thermoplastics to get your mp3 player out of it in the BestBuy parking lot.
Kat Stevens said:
Plastic packaging that requires 2 blocks of C4 and a thorough knowledge of thermoplastics to get your mp3 player out of it in the BestBuy parking lot.
On that note:
CD Packaging (that damned-near-impossible-to-open-without-a-machete plastic)
Octavianus said:
no neck juice pigs who never get off all he equipment at the gym, and then walk around flexing and throwing looks at everyone (look at me , l0ok at how huge and impressive I am.....how do I spell gym)

:rofl: I knew people like that!
Stupid people.

The lack of ammunition available to deal with said stupid people.

The human rights that prohibit me from being allowed to call stupid people stupid in public and the NDA for prohibiting me from doing the same to superiors.

Stupid people that get upset about being called stupid - one would think that said people would want to know they were stupid so that they could resolve the issue.

Spleen smaller.

All very good pet peeves. I also seem to dislike many of the same things. I'll add these few to the list.

1. People who truely believe their shit does not stink.....and are unable to comprehend otherwise. Those same holier than thou group as mentioned previously.

2. People who figure their time is more valuable than yours.

3.Cigarette butt throwers.( shamefully, I still smoke, however have a pocket full of field stripped butts at the end of the day.)

4. Liars,(especially those who swear on the bible, not that I am particularly religious.) theives, judges, (not in the legal sense).

5. Whiners, who do nothing for themselves to solve their paticular situation, (as previously mentioned, I am sure.).
Yes, I know by regulations it is allowed, but a big peeve of mine is when females wear their hair in a braid, or even worse in 2 braids, while in DEUs.  In workdress, fine, but let's look more professional please when we're dressed up!
Yes, I know by regulations it is allowed, but a big peeve of mine is when females wear their hair in a braid, or even worse in 2 braids, while in DEUs.  In workdress, fine, but let's look more professional please when we're dressed up!

Someone sounds like a dinosaur....  ;)
1 )  Manager Speak - IE  "maybe" means "on a cold day in hell" and "I'll look into why you're missing 12 hours on your paycheque right away" translates into "I'll get your money after I get a bonus for reducing the payroll and ****ing you out of dental benefits because you don't work the required number of hours per month"

2 ) Files that disappear.  Gee it took three months from when you said you sent the file to the time another department received it.  Who to believe,  who to believe.

3 ) Coin operated dryers that don't dry a regular sized laundry load with only one payment. 

4 )  People who speak only one language,  and can't do it well.

5 )  Getting called a TOON by my reg force friends. 

6 )  French speakers that tell you that what you said was wrong, but wont tell you how to say it properly.  (Seriously, every other language group will help learners develop.)  This includes people who think my accent is to much like in France,  not Canadian enough, but wont suggest how I should improve.

7 )  People who order some weird *** drink and are shocked when you come back and say "I have no idea what that is" (not in my reference book with 2000+ drinks)  and then reply "Oh, it is peach schnapps,  orange juice and cranberry juice"  (Sex-on-the-beach for those who didn't know)  Or people who tap a loonie on the counter after they've been cut off :blotto: (yea buddy that will help) or women who flash me to get a free drink.  >:(

8 )  Spell checks that don't have the word loonie. 

I have more,  I work with people all day...  (but a start)
Zell_Dietrich said:
5 )  Getting called a TOON by my reg force friends. 

As a member of the wiped out saurian breed, can you define 'TOON' for me?  not familiar with that term...

Zell_Dietrich said:
7 )  ... or women who flash me to get a free drink. 

Does this imply that they succeed, or that they think they will succeed?  Either way, I dont see how this is a bad thing...  ;D
RMS clerks(a few anyways) who see you standing there but say squat or say they are busy...but when Captain Joe Schmo stands beside you...it's "yes sir, how can I help you?"  God, that pisses me off...of course I don't hold back...managed to have the SWO and the CO on a couple of occasions pop their head out of the office after some sarcastic comments to one particular clerk we had...might have been easier to say nothing but this happened to near everyone in the Sqn....but we had the last laugh when they posted her sorry butt to an army unit >:D
I hate cats in the house.  I get really pissed off when my paycheck is screwed up. I definitly do not like warm beer.I do not like the intellectual type bullies on the keyboards,just cause you can type it don't make you a bad ass. >:D
moochers who make a career out of mooching. Oh, they know they're mooching, but they have so little dignity that they continue doing so anyway. It's like a disease. Because you have more money than them, they believe  you should pay for them. Maybe it's not a disease, but more of a state of mind, an ideology if you will. (moochism, moochocracy?)
Gunner said:
Someone sounds like a dinosaur....   ;)
I am dinosaur, hear me roar. ;D

And this was evidenced this morning by another pet peeve, members in uniform that figure they can carry their kit bags, back packs etc, slung over one shoulder, and usually their right (as opposed to left) one too.  And then getting the reply back after being picked up "yeh yeh, okay" or "oh lighten up".  Happy Monday everyone. :rage:
Centurian1985 said:
As a member of the wiped out saurian breed, can you define 'TOON' for me?  not familiar with that term...


Reserve Soldiers are known as "Weekend Warriors." Sunday falls on a weekend. Sunday morning is known for it's morning cartoons. Mash that all together and round it down, you get the term "Toon."

Now, how "Mow Mow" came about, I do not know.

"Mo Mo" probably came from "Mo" which in turn came from the "Mo'litia".

All those terms drive me nuts...

That and people who manage to piss on every surface of a porta-pottie or out-house except into the bowl itself... I swear, if I ever find just one of these people and catch them in the act... I'm not going to say a thing, but I will go to their home and piss all over their washroom.
In Australia they call Reserves "Choco's". Meaning Chocolate Soldiers, from the idea that they'll melt in the sun. I've also heard "Sweat's" or "Swats" over here as well when talking about reserves. Any idea what thats about?
Hale said:
In Australia they call Reserves "Choco's". Meaning Chocolate Soldiers, from the idea that they'll melt in the sun. I've also heard "Sweat's" or "Swats" over here as well when talking about reserves. Any idea what thats about?

Naval reservists here are called SHADS~Summer Holiday After Dinner Sailors.  (although the original reasoning was that SHAD was short for SHADOW, as in a reservist shadowing their reg force counterpart).  SWAT might be similar~Summers, Weekends, And Thursdays??