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Pet Peeves

1. People that leave the rum bottle cap off.
2. Half empty beer bottles.
3. People that always miss the toilet bowl
4. People that don't flush.
5. People who haven't seen their penis in 20 years.
6. Butt-crack.
7. People that finish your sentence for you.
8. People who smoke.
9. People who fart as if it is a normal thing to do. ( not good when done during inspection, I laugh alot)
10. People that laugh alot.
- someone who gets the last drop of coffee and doesn't bother making a fresh pot
- someone who thinks the butt can is a trash can (even know there is a trash can beside it)
- lazy people who gets all frustrated if you ask them to do something
- lazy people who use the f... word when you ask them to do something
- Annoying Dutch  :) when they always talk in dutch, and then talk to you in dutch... I've been working with them for 5 months... didn't learn dutch so far  :P they are OK!

I think that's it for today!
1. Young know-it-alls
2. Old know-it-alls
3. Women know-it-alls
4. Men know-it-alls
5. Meatheads (not MP's we all know the difference)
6. The Hitler Youth aka Cadets ;D ;)
7. Officers
8. Senior NCO's
9. Did I miss anyone? ??? ;D
My pet peeve is people who think there smart enough to own wireless technology but don't know  there back side from a whole in the ground  ;D  reed my profile you will understand why its a pet peeve LOL
karl28 said:
My pet peeve is people who think there smart enough to own wireless technology but don't know  there back side from a whole in the ground   ;D  reed my profile you will understand why its a pet peeve LOL


My pet peeve is people who think they're smart enough to own wireless technology but don't know  their back side from a hole in the ground.  ;D  If you read my profile you will understand why it's a pet peeve LOL

karl28 said:
My pet peeve is people who think there smart enough to own wireless technology but don't know  there back side from a whole in the ground  ;D  reed my profile you will understand why its a pet peeve LOL
Tech support? I feel your pain, deeply.
Rice0031 said:
Tech support?

My cup holder built in my CPU is all sticky from pop. How do I get a new one?  ;D (not kidding, good buddy of mine got that call about his CD ROM)
Pea said:
My cup holder built in my CPU is all sticky from pop. How do I get a new one?  ;D (not kidding, good buddy of mine got that call about his CD ROM)
What... in like 1991 or something? :P
- People who don't use common sense because it didn't get issued to them or it wasn't on sale at Walmart.

- People who answer cell phones during dinner and then expect everyone to be quiet while they are talking.

- Micro-managers who want it done exactly how they would have done it, if they had the initiative to actually do it.

- Managers/Officers who interfere with training instead of letting the employees/soldiers learn how to do it for themselves.

- Bullies and intellectual snobs of any kind.

- People who label me a dinosaur when I write in capitals because they consider it to be 'shouting'.    

- Protesters who think Canada invaded Haiti.

- Drivers who don't signal when they suddenly slow down and turn as part of a twisted attempt to retain a tactical advantage.  

- Losers who drive their cars down main streets with loud music thumping in a pathetic attempt to pick up girls.

- People with no sense of humour or concepts of irony.

- Price-gouging oil companies.

- Officers/NCOs/Managers who think that screaming and swearing at their subordinates is a good leadership example.

- The two-beer-rule in effect on all deployments.

- MP's who waste time trying to catch people who drank more than 2 beers instead of rooting out enemy informants in the camps.

- People who tailgate you when you are doing the speed limit.

- Cops who tailgate you when you are doing the speed limit or who don't wear their seat-belts.

- Politicians and lawyers who spend most of their time figuring out ways to get around laws instead of obeying them.

- People who think I qualify for the old-age discount just because I have grey hair.
- people who get what they want by whining
- people who say "Oh you study archaeology... I love dinosaurs"
- Tim Horton's reducing the size of their doughnuts
- Credit Cards
- people who can't drive
- those annoying "suped' up Civics... It will be a cold day in hell before I concede that civics' are 'cool'
People who think that there is only ever one way to do something correctly(their way), in all situations.

People who think that because I have fun modifying my car that I am stupid and run little children over. (Even tho I have more fun doing the modification it self then driving it afterwards)

Girls who dismiss me as soon as I say I only work part time, not full time.

People who claim that Canada is intolerant and oppressed, without so much as reading about (never mind going to) somewhere else.

People who hold a irrational hatred of Europe (and in particular France)
George Wallace  thanks man sorry about the type O but like the profile states Tech support not English major LOL  ;D
[] Smokers that think the world is their asstray.

[] Soldiers that dodge deployments by always DAGing Red.

[] Civilians in uniform, taking their pay every two weeks and do nothing but ***** and moan and act like civilians in uniforms.

[] People that think Canada's "traditional" role is peacekeeping.

[] People that talk during movies that I paid 8 bucks to see and another 10 bucks for a popcorn and pop.

[] Teens that talk loud and use the "F" word frequently.

[] Poor customer service.

[] Companies that book appointments to come to your house between 0800 hrs and 1200 hrs. Can't they estimate a little closer then that?

[] Telephone surveys.

[] People that think we invaded Afghanistan, and are only there to support the imperialistic United States Empire, then they couldn't show you where Afghanistan is on a world map.

[] All Liberals.

[] All NDPers.

[] Shiela Copps.

[] Scott Taylor and the  Esprit de Corps Magizine.

[] People with long lists of pet peeves.  :salute:
I think people are my biggest pet peeve. There are way too many idiots in the world, and the number is growing daily.  :threat:
camochick said:
I think people are my biggest pet peeve. There are way too many idiots in the world, and the number is growing daily.  :threat:

New Liberal members....leadership? convention this year...they are reproducing  ;D
Bob Rae

Olivia chow

Gilles duceppe

mayor miller

no neck juice pigs who never get off all he equipment at the gym, and then walk around flexing and throwing looks at everyone (look at me , l0ok at how huge and impressive I am.....how do I spell gym)